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Messages - Laris

Pages: [1] 2
Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: December 13, 2006, 09:18:31 pm »
Hrmph. And so the wiki DBs are lost. Along with Enkien, is Stonebreaker - both a good deal of info - let's get a rebuilding... And let's back it up this time :D

EDIT: Grammar back up and reworded for simplicity - also, about to order and post up vocabulary...and then the example.

EDIT2: I put pronounciation, accent rules, and half of the writing system up. The writing system is new, so check the wiki for details. I will post again when I have wrapped up the writing system

EDIT3: Writing System finished; only thing left is the History. Will write that up later.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: December 04, 2006, 08:43:21 am »
That vowel sound would be the purr; in several cases it would be easily pronounced humanly by rolling the tongue [alveolar or palatal trill] with an underlying vowel sound such as the short English u.

And on the letter per letter construction, I doubt it; I have a few things working out in the back of my mind right now for this

And hmm.... I see a few ideas I like down there. One, of course, is the verbs as noun; although I would like a bit more discernment between the verb and the noun... so something like this may work:

Eagel gajhi - Eagel works
Gajhol da Eagel - a work of Eagel

sol - being
sol da Yliakum - being of/from Yliakum

 And of course, the other thing I like is the possessive suffix, although the word you placed it on is odd to me...But it adds a bit of interest to it - and makes a fair deal of sense if you think about it

Gajhol da Eagel - a work of Eagel
Gajholoji Eagel - Eagel's work

sol da Yliakum - a being of Yliakum
soloji Yliakum - Yliakum's being

Wrroji Ulbretoji Larisma - a fur of an Ulbernaut of Larisma; Larisma's Ulbernaut fur

This possessive technique seems to smooth out a good deal of speech when a vowel ending noun is involved...

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: December 02, 2006, 10:57:32 am »
I think that was just something that accidentally coincided  :-[

And it is fairly difficult to get a context between the two words...

Why not this?

taphe - can, may [uses infitive of the following verb in English]
daje - want

This also provides a nice etymological origin for 'Dajiil', something along the lines of 'wanted'

EDIT: Went ahead and edited the conversation using the above.

EDIT2: [Not wanting to make a new post]

Okay, I have concluded that in this alphabet, there are 8 vowels and 18 consonants. One of those vowels in unpronouncable by any human.

Anyway, if I were to go ahead and make an alphabet, I would like it a bit more intricate than just being 'letter for letter'.

I will think on this and see what I can come up with, just know that an alphabet is coming.

EDIT4: I used lots of idioms there, without defining any of them - one of them "It is a very foggy day". The Germanic way of saying that is very, well, odd in Enkien... Thus, "It makes much fog today" is used. [Eagel I think that's close to Spanish, too?]

One more thing about this that may wierd out the average English speaker is the fact that there are absolutely NO articles. They are all derived from context when translating.

And I updated the wiki vocab, and fixed something: "Not' - verb prefix, is emphasized "I"

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: November 30, 2006, 09:46:24 pm »
I figure one of these is needed

*Setting: Brado's Tavern. A fenki Lirana enters, a menki Masati already sits at the table*

Masati: Hello, Lirana! How are you?
Lirana: Hello, Masati! I am well. And you?
Masati: I am doing great. It is a very foggy day!
Larina: Indeed. The fields are barely workable.
Masati: Yes, so are the mines.
Larina: Do you want some Cider?
Masati: Ah. Certainly.
Larina: Okay, here is some.
Masati: And here are a few Tria.
Larina: Keep them. Have it for free.
Masati: Thank you.
Larina: You are welcome, as a friend.
Masati: Ah well, how has the crop come in?
Larina: Very well. I think we will have a nice abundance of crop this year.
Masati: Ah, that's good.
Larina: How have the mines been?
Masati: Well; the iron has been coming up steadily.
Larina: Ah. Good. What is on your back?
Masati: An Ulbernaut's fur!
Larina: It is very pretty, from such a foul beast.
Masati: Indeed. And warm for when the cold comes.
Larina: Can I feel it?
Masati: Go ahead.
Larina: It is so soft.
Masati: Indeed. Very. It also makes a nice blanket for the bed.
Larina: I see...
Masati: Ah well... I suppose I had better head to my Utlic; it is getting fairly late and I have to go to the mines in the morning!
Larina: See you tomorrow then?
Masati: Most definitely.
Larina: Good night!
Masati: Good night.
Masati: Grrensholo, Liranaph! Jhur si?
Lirana: Grrensholo, Masatiph! So bon! Ent'olo?
Masati: Eno vypet. Tosi dajha ufet da jhu demah!
Larina: Dajiil. Jiti'as noti gajhitse'pe lotsi.
Masati: Kish, dafidi en'ti cangatas.
Larina: Sidra daja?
Masati: Ia. Dajhelsa.
Larina: Dalo, ita si sidra.
Masati: Ento ita sii Tria's.
Larina: Vaste'ngetes. Neka'ngo da namis.
Masati: Eso jhysa'olo.
Larina: Eso sebhtolo, tabei'olo.
Masati: Tos, jhur rrrivarri dajhis?
Larina: Du bonisi. Umo jha nekose bon dajhis lypa da jhu larim.
Masati: Ia, Thu bon si.
Larina: Jhur sarritse cangatas?
Masati: Bonisi; ganja ivásanatha etsati. ['ivasanatha' is the imperfect tense]
Larina: Ia, bon. Joh ni satha'olo si?
Masati: Wrra da Ulbreti si!
Larina: Du larra si da se da kisajho.
Masati: Dajiil. Ento si daphi da gusa rrriva datha.
Larina: Tapho bufte'ngo?
Masati: Kish!
Larina: Du bumana si'ngo.
Masati: Dajiil, Du. Esent bon phatha da zhono si.
Larina: Ia...
Masati: Ia tos... Fado enine uthlieti. Lotsi aphi si ento fado enine congatas da yrra.
Larina: Lokecarose da demasita?
Masati: Entse Kish!
Larina: Bon gathita!
Masati: Bon gathita.
Accompanying Vocabulary:

ene - go
vypet - great

make - tose
fog - ufet
How - Jhur

much - dajha
today - "da jhu demah" [Literally 'for this day']

[agriculture] field - jiti
to work - gajhe
nearly - lotsi

yes - Kish
no - Noli

same - dafidi
mine [noun] - cangat

to want - daje
cider - sidra

ah - ia
certainly - Dajhelsa!

okay - Dalo.
here - ita.

hold, keep - vaste
have - neke
free - namis

thank [noun] - jhysa

well [interjection] - tos

crop - dajhis

well [adverb] - bonisi

think - ume

that [as a restrictive clause introductor] - jha

abundance - lypa

year - larim

that [as a demonstrative pronoun or adjective] - thu

Iron - ganja

come up, upturn - ivásane

steadily, regularly - etsati

in, on - 'ni'
what - joh
back - satha

fur - wrra

pretty - larra
beast - kisa
'foul beast' - kisajho

warm - daphi
cold - datha

when - gusa

feel, touch - bufte
can, may [uses infinitive of the following verb in english] - taphe

soft - bumana

blanket - phatha
bed - zhono
also, in addition to - esent

need - fade

to, towards - ina
go to - enine
late [in the daytime] - aphi
morning - yrra

tomorrow - demasita

see - loke

Gathita - night

Please correct me if I have any vocabulary in here that already exists and is a different word...

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Trouble in Hydlaa
« on: November 26, 2006, 05:00:25 pm »
Struggled? I cooperated as much as I could, you just killed me.

[L - A - G]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Trouble in Hydlaa
« on: November 26, 2006, 04:55:02 pm »
Hero? Ha! I simply walked into the cavern - they kidnapped me, and as they moved, I was killed! Simple. And you ask Ogu himself; I will not speak for him any longer.

Look - these past few days have been hectic for [my character]. I have my heart broke and break someone else's in the same day. I awake from my cot at the Tavern Kada-El with who else but Elvi outside my door. I walk downstairs to hear of Elyana's kidnapping, and run to Harnquist's to see Ogu. I start searching for her - I scour east Hydlaa, then look in the sewers, knowing the outlaws - I run into the cavern to be ambushed and kidnapped - I am soon killed. My luck is nothing, as of now.

The night before, Coneitic, in DR - I would hush if I were you.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Trouble in Hydlaa
« on: November 26, 2006, 04:51:42 pm »
Ha! Dare you insult Ogu such as this - his wife is more important to him than the guild - anyone knows that. Your fault for not arriving with more haste, ahem...

And I already dislike the outlaws - they made the decision of my death, did they not?

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Trouble in Hydlaa
« on: November 26, 2006, 04:44:11 pm »
Ah - confusing, under Elyana's shouts and such

EDIT: No, I just officially hate every single Outlaw now - and perhaps Coneitic for being in this junk

And now that I think of it, I will make sure everyone knows - even though they have been moved... Their first location was too obvious....if you have a decent knowledge of psychology

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Trouble in Hydlaa
« on: November 26, 2006, 04:42:32 pm »
[OOC]I was killed by the outlaws searching for the lost lady Elyana - Drah gave the order as I was "Too much baggage", Gharin stabbed me; my soul has been parted to Yliakum again, but I shan't return. Coneitic, this is out of hand[/OOC]

General Discussion / Re: Yliakum Trivia Game
« on: November 20, 2006, 06:48:39 pm »
Stone Labyrinths

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Non-English players
« on: November 20, 2006, 08:14:37 am »
English is most definitely the hardest language out there if you don't start learning how to speak from the time you are born. This is because of all the irregular verbs and little rules of order and singular/plural and all this crazy stuff we have developed over many a century... All the Romance languages are fairly filled with patterns, Tonal languages are a bit complex, and English is wierd.  So I must say that for those who are not native speakers of English, but can speak it as well as Eagel, for instance, you are deeply appreciated.

El Ingléz es el idoma mas difícil que se aprende si no se empieza aprenderlo desde el nacimiento. <- That's my best shot :)

Fan Art / Re: Adraax: Klyro's City Project
« on: November 16, 2006, 09:31:30 pm »
I made a mesh of this swamp house and thought I would share!

Image 1
Image 2

[PNG formats, roughly 1400x800]

EDIT: Note that the main thing was the hut, and I didn't have time to make all the grasses and pretty things that would appear in a swamp. Maybe later? :)

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: November 15, 2006, 09:52:37 pm »
That inspires me to add this to the vocabulary:

paaja - crazy [adjective]

Gwa paaja sa?

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: November 15, 2006, 09:33:31 pm »
Larisma loves it...

Added some of the later vocabulary, so did Shooree, I see...

Nice work, and I hope we can all contribute to this language's growth :)

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: November 15, 2006, 07:43:39 pm »
I personally wish to keep this as a vowel simply because changing a consonantal sound could mean very big problems down the road when we develop a big lexicon' thus, I propose simply this: make it 2 vowels followed by a Niche to accent it and emphasize it; if needed, let this run into the emphasis niche between the root and ending...example:

Sa vaa't'jho! Pronounce as necessary ;)

With some more vocabulary:
enta - with
mansa - mind, brain

Sa vaa't'jho enta mansa da ulbret'jho!
Rough translation: You Ulber-brained idiot!

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