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Messages - rtrentc

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Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / smp usage in linux
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:39:19 pm »
I have a dual core athlon. I notice that planeshift isn't taking advantage of both cores. Is there a setting that I need to change, or is it just the way that the linux binary has been compiled?

General Discussion / Re: Warning: Clean Your Guildhouse.
« on: January 24, 2010, 10:39:03 pm »
does the bank do anything else besides tria. I have yet to manage to store any items on it.

there are several places in PS where your character is looking from one defined area(the one he is in) to another defined area. I am fairly sure that the Kada-El Tavern in Hydlaa and the Laanx Temple are their own seperate maps from Hydlaa plaza. If I am standing outside of the Tavern, Or I am in a tunnel at the edge of a map boundry I can see across into the next map. But if I am standing in front of the open door to the Laanx Temple or to Levrus's magic shop I can't. It fails to draw in that section of the screen. I can get the same failure to draw problem in the BD fortress, because there are things on the map that are beyond the range of the settings I have for the camera in the camera->Details section. But the one in the BD fortress as I am looking out is expected and is a result of keeping total calculations do to maintain frame rate.

I used to be able to see into these buildings from the outside in version 0.4.03.

General Discussion / Re: Guildhouses as RP rewards.
« on: January 16, 2010, 12:29:45 am »
I just finished reading through the post.  While I agree that the awarding of guild houses to those that promote roleplaying, would promote roleplay on the server, I found the text to be worrisome. Maybe I am wrong, but there seemed to be an implication that those that have a guild house at this point will be losing said guild house, for no other reason than you want to change who gets guild houses and make the change retroactive. I find this worrisome because it would imply that the current leadership of this game world doesn't see the value of honoring a contract. Those guilds that managed to achieve the acquisition of a guild house, had the expectation of having entered into a contractual relationship. That the characters and the guild have managed to acquire private property.  And that they have the expectation that the authorities will live up to their legal obligations. Now the players of course do not have a contractual relationship. It is the characters in the gameworld that do. The setting of the game by its nature and design has assumed the position, that the cities of the world have a working government. And that with this comes the expectation of the rule of law.

This expectation of the rule of law has further been strengthened by the creation and posting of the law's concerning combat within city limits. And the use of a jail for those that break this law. Without the rule of law all you will have is anarchy.  And the laws that are in force need to be consistent and applied equally to all. To do otherwise is to invite disaster.

The stated goal of this project is to create an immersive world where people can create characters and assume roles. In order for a world to be immersive it has to be consistent.  So to maintain consistency in the world must have a coherent set of rules, not only in terms of what characters are allowed to do or not do, but it must also have a consistent set of rules governing the characters relationship to the world itself. And this includes any interactions with those playing said governmental operatives. So if you want to promote roleplaying, you have to keep a stable framework upon which to build. Because in order for one to assume a role, one has to have a firm understanding of the enviornment that the role will be played in. Once the world is a stable framework then, you can add incentives. But your incentives must not violate the world framework or you will sabotage your own efforts.

I suggest that you study the works of Hans Herman Hoppe, Ludwig Von Mises, Bastiat, Adam Smith, John Locke, FA Hayek, Murry Rothbard. They can give you the foundation you need to create a stable society.

In closing, Keep your rules simple. Apply them equally to all. And support the role of liberty and inalienable rights. Private property is the foundation for everything else. And the characters need a world where, you have the rule of law. The only legitimate purpose of a state is the protection of liberty.

Wish list / Re: Crafting with Slots
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:46:49 am »
This is actually a very good idea.  For one thing it will increase the variety of the crafted weapons that can be made. For a second it will provide a way for the developers to give some of the raw materials in the game a use beyond being sold or given to npc's

Wish list / Re: Weapon and equipment crafting Idea
« on: December 25, 2008, 11:10:51 pm »
I was looking at a similar idea. Check out this post. In it i discuss blueprints and a way to look at the crafting of weapons and other items.

Wish list / Re: Deleted Quests and keeping GM's from having to reset
« on: November 29, 2008, 09:21:11 am »
That would be good if the quest wasn't considered active by the npc's.

Wish list / Re: Deleted Quests and keeping GM's from having to reset
« on: November 28, 2008, 03:44:18 pm »
then based on that the best thing to do is to remove the delete button. If a player really, really wants to give up on a quest let them petition a Gm to, delete the quest. This would keep new players from using that button and causing unneeded frustration.

Wish list / Re: Saving Crafting books
« on: November 28, 2008, 01:55:46 pm »
I like the way this works as well It does help out on the reading of the books. This should be added to the next revision of PS.

Wish list / Re: Deleted Quests and keeping GM's from having to reset
« on: November 28, 2008, 01:37:47 pm »
Okay I can see where that could be abused. Of course one way to deal with that is that a reset is as it should be a reset. All items, tria etc that is made during a quest are removed as well. This would remove the potential for abuse. After all what I am talking about is a way for a player/character to back out of a quest. We know that if you are in the middle of a quest, you don't want to take another quest cause they can interfere with each other. And sometimes you just can't figure it out, but might be able to later. This would let you back out of a quest so that you can head in a new direction and if you decide later you can go back and try the quest again. In the case of a multi quest ( or chain of quests, you reset the quests in reverse order so you don't delete a quest that is a pre-requiste to a quest your on until that quest is reset or deleted.

And of course the final option is to remove the delete button so that you can't just delete a quest, but have to ask that it be deleted or reset. My point is that if your going to allow quests to be deleted they then you should be able to later do them and all positive results should be removed upon deletion.

Wish list / Deleted Quests and keeping GM's from having to reset
« on: November 28, 2008, 12:47:09 pm »
Okay here is my take on the situation.

Your a new player to PS and you start out on a quest and get into trouble. You haven't been told about the problems of running multiple quests or why you shouldn't delete a quest. And in a fit of frustration you hit that delete button.  Now you find yourself not able to get that master crafted hammer or even worse you can't get into the winch through the quests you were on.

Here is my solution. #1, Make it so that a quest that is deleted is automatically reset. After all you didn't finish it. thus you didn't get the reward. This means you can start over and try again correcting the mistakes or even verifying that there is a problem with the quest. This won't cause you to be able to redo quests that you finish. Only those that you didn't complete. Or if you don't want to have a delete, make a reset button.

This would remove a lot of frustration that new players find in the questing system and now your GM's wouldn't have to deal with reset requests. Note I am only saying reset the current quest your on. Not reset a multi quest sequence all the way to the start.

Wish list / Re: Roleplay, Leveling, and Questing
« on: August 10, 2008, 03:54:53 pm »
Mythyndel what we have now is a cross between a skill based system and a level based system. Again its using experience points to provide advancement. And there is no relation between where you gained the exp and where its spent. My favorite example of avoiding the exp trap is the game RuneQuest by Chaosium, and then later released by Avalon Hill and Chaosium. It use % values on all skills, and you only got to roll for advancement on those skills that were successfully used. So no matter how many times a character used his sword to kill the local baddies, he would never get a roll to advance in sorcery. Here I go out and kill 100 trepors, maybe mine a little bit for cash and boom I can now buy training in crystal way. Do you see why that is just wrong. I have no problems with practicing the skill after I buy the training. That is what they did right. Just get rid of exp points. Train, self train, practice. That is all that's needed.

Caarrie Yes I realize the recoding the advancement system would be involved but it wouldn't need to be a case of starting from scratch. A lot of what is there is good. Its just the exp that needs to be removed.

1) Training -- use cash to pay for the training points (x number of trias = 1 training point), and allow use of the skill to provide for self training. Say 10 practice points {using the code for creating practice points that already exits} = 1 training point. Thus a character can advance slowly on their own or more quickly if they pay trainers to train them. (the number of practice points to create the training point [what you currently use exp (pp's) for in training] can be adjusted to create the proper balance.)

2) Practice -- No need to change this code at all.

3) Stats -- Define activities that would provide practice points just the way you have activies for the skills, so that stats can be trained up without the need for exp points just like the skills.

This would resuse most of the existing code and decouple the use of one skill to raise a totally unrelated one.

Wish list / Re: Roleplay, Leveling, and Questing
« on: August 09, 2008, 10:59:28 pm »
The biggest problem that i see in the whole system is experience points. And this is a problem that plagues a lot of games. Currently in order for a character to level up a skill or a stat they need to have gained exp points and trias. So lets take your basic adventurer.  He goes out and starts to kill rats, and then gobbles etc. He does this by hand to hand or if he is lucky with a club or a sword. Now he gains exp points, and collecting body parts he sells for tria. Next thing he does is buy a weapon and seek out a weapons trainer. Now he didn't use a weapon to gain this experience but he spends it on weapons training. Now lets switch to the crafter. Most if not all the crafting operations do not provide enough exp points, and even if they did its all one lump sum so he can train in axe making after he got points from smelting iron, and making steel. But in the end he still ends up having to go out and kill monsters to gain points so he can continue to train at a decent rate his crafting.

This is just wrong. I don't have a problem with the trias being spent on training. But it should just be training, followed by practice, and self training. How your character obtains the trias is up to him. But lets quit using exp points cause they let you use one activity to raise another that has little or no relation to each other. Example magic and cooking. You can gain points by killing monsters with magic and use the points to train for cooking. Sword Fighting and empathy. You can skewer a bunch of monsters and the spend the points on being more empathetic. This is just absurd.

I have played a lot of games and the best ones have been the ones that avoid the exp trap. Traveller -- You had skills and you raised them with training. Didn't matter how many things you built or destroyed. It didn't speed up your skill advancement unless it was to gain needed cash for training. RuneQuest -- Every game session you played in you had the chance to raise one of the skills that was used succesfully in that game session. Thus only what was used could go up. Other games were innovative but they still had the problems of the exp trap. Champions, White Wolfs World of Darkness. R.Talsorian's Fuzion. All innovate games but they still had exp points gained from all activites be used to raise any given trait.

I even find the idea of skills being allowed to deteriorate over time from lack of use to be acceptable. But I think it has to be based on time in the game not total real world time elapsed.

System -- Gentoo
Kernel 2.6.22
Video Card Nvidia Geforce 5200 FX

When using nvidia-drivers (kernel module and glx) version 169.09 I get vertical stripes in some textures and in the displays of magical effects.
nvidia-drivers (kernel module and glx) version 100.14.19 works just fine.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Gentoo ebuilds
« on: October 21, 2007, 03:16:26 pm »
loux have you tried building PS 0.3.020 with Cel/Crystalspace 1.2?

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