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Messages - Skizzik

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 33
Guilds Forum /
« on: June 19, 2005, 03:00:33 pm »
Originally posted by Demarthl
the fact it was a continous sopiral of off topicness and personal attacks is a good reason for closure, and thus, as CoL has now left, by word of your guild members, it has no reason to be open, and neither does this, seeing as its nothing to do with guilds in PS and again attacking Moogie
Moogie is the queen of personal attacks, she can\'t send me a single PM without insulting me in some way. Get over it. We need a thread or any public announcements to come.

Guilds Forum / Circle Of Legends: Reloaded
« on: June 19, 2005, 02:57:04 pm »
Well since every guild has an open thread, we should have one too, after our original thread got locked without any reason given.
Sigh... Moogie again... If it wasn\'t against the law I\'d... nevermind, she\'d get a restraining order out against me.

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 19, 2005, 12:40:05 pm »
That, milady, is a private conversation between me and Naitachal, and you have no right posting that here.
Mind taking it off, right now?

*edit* Thank you, why was Naitachal sending you that in the 1st place...

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 19, 2005, 12:21:35 pm »
Well I used to respect and like Mogura as well. After the last few PMs I\'ve had with her and after seeing her \"these guilds suck!\"-thread, my opinion has drastically changed though.

I, for one, will not help a community that does not wish to be helped. A community moderated by people that make at least one personal insult or attack in each PM they send me. That is why I say goodbye, not only as a member of COL, but also as a former member of the Planeshift community.

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 19, 2005, 11:18:11 am »
Originally posted by Induane
Such talk saddens me.  PS is in a time where we need people in the community who care. All this shows is that you aren\'t up to the challenge.  Takeing the easy way out isn\'t what I call honorable.  I know I\'m talking a bit more strongly than I usually do and understand I may be flamed for these comments, but this stuff bothers me to no end.  When things take a turn you don\'t like, don\'t say you hate the system and cop out.  Work to change it.   I\'ve seen many good things happening in PS of late, and see much promise and potential.  The people who are new now won\'t be forever, although there will always be new people. Such is the cost of fame, and PS is growing quickly.  If the strong leave in the wake of such events then it shows they were never truely strong - just posers.  I\'ll never leave planeshift no matter what. I may take breaks, be inactive at times but never leave.  I believe in the PS community and I see it can be a wonderful thing but not with people with such negative pessemistic views.
That is what you choose to do.
Personaly I think that PlaneShift is beyond rescue, but hopefully COL leaving will send out a signal. If anyone cares, that is.
It\'s honorable that you choose to stay, but I for one, will not stay in a place where I don\'t feel at home.
I wish you good luck in restoring PlaneShift to its former glory, but you will run into some very thick heads on your way. You can\'t fight a \"We are always right\"-attitude.

So I say goodbye to those that care, not the ones that all turned into hypocrits and general *ssholes.

Goodbye Annah, even though we\'ve had our run-ins (especially with Linx, that little warmonger :P), I\'m glad to see not everything has changed for the worse around here.

Fan Art /
« on: June 18, 2005, 09:01:08 am »
The eyes are way too high, the nose is too long. The eyes should be halfway between the top and bottom of the head. Don\'t know the position of the rest of the stuff (google ;)).
Also, where the eyes are, it looks like.. err.. scar tissue? You should clean that up a bit more. Also, define the ears and nose more, they look like weird lumps now instead of a nose and ears.

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 17, 2005, 08:32:55 pm »
Originally posted by Demarthl
*takes note of name, goes and changes*

Deemed unsuitable, hell, even for spoonscape :\\

oh and, I\'ll thave some waffles ^^
That\'s all you so-called \"Game Masters\" seem to be doing, changing names.
How would you like it if everyone suddenly started calling you \"Dorkus McGee\", just because some kid said that\'s a better name for you?  X(

\"Kid\" is an analogy for: someone who just started playing planeshift and by spamming the damn helpchannel became a \"Game Master\" in a week.

General Discussion /
« on: June 02, 2005, 05:47:30 pm »
I\'d imagine an Enki to shed fur like real-life cats do (no don\'t make them actually shed in-game!), not having their hair grow long enough to braid or whatever. You could however have different markings in the fur (spots, stripes, etc) to personalize your character, as opposed to humans\' head hair.
The poor Klyros don\'t even have hair, feel sorry for them!

General Discussion /
« on: June 02, 2005, 05:38:25 pm »
Originally posted by shorty13
\"If you take a look in the spell effects directory (data\\effects\\spells)\" --DaveG

How do you look in the \'directory.\'  Where is it?
A \"directory\" is a folder on a computer. Like C:\\Program Files\\  is one (just an example). He means a directory in your planeshift game folder.

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 01, 2005, 04:43:03 pm »
Originally posted by Kiern
Originally posted by Skizzik
Just a little bump to let everyone know that we\'re still alive.
PS is kinda boring and letting most of us down at the moment. We hope that after the wipe there will be renewed incentive to pick up play again.

Thank you.

I will be able to sleep so much better now.

You\'re welcome. That\'s the sole reason I posted, after all.
Furthermore, I have no idea what you mean about alignment being misspelled, but I\'m sure you\'ll live.

Oh and I think Ayshe means: STFU :rolleyes:

Guilds Forum /
« on: May 31, 2005, 05:41:37 pm »
Just a little bump to let everyone know that we\'re still alive.
PS is kinda boring and letting most of us down at the moment. We hope that after the wipe there will be renewed incentive to pick up play again.

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 29, 2005, 07:23:12 pm »
We are currently in a friendly skirmish with \"The Core\" to test the ins and outs of the guild war system.
It has already pointed out some bugs and -besides some griefers like Abe- it has been fun.

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 19, 2005, 08:19:34 pm »
With the release of CB we have also gotten quite a few new members. I would like to officialy welcome all of them to the guild.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 12, 2005, 04:49:50 pm »
If you close and open the inventory screen again, the longsword should be back.

General Discussion /
« on: January 11, 2005, 06:01:48 pm »
Originally posted by WizardsRule
I speak for everyone when i say boo to this idea.

No you don\'t.

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