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Messages - elois

Pages: [1] 2
Server Status / Re: Server down
« on: April 30, 2008, 10:59:57 pm »
as of 0500 GMT the server is fully operational.

Server Status / Re: Server down since April 29, 2008
« on: April 29, 2008, 04:14:17 pm »
ok, the status page has now changed.  It is now showing that it is offline.  I don't know what this means, but we can let our imaginations run wild :)
The status page now shows it's up and running, but w/ 0 players.  Looks like it's being worked on.  A side note, i see the my title has been edited by a mod.

Server Status / Re: Server down since 17:30 GMT 4/29
« on: April 29, 2008, 12:50:33 pm »
ahh, my bad.  I was thinking of first person shooter.  Well I know the server went down about an hour before this last time, so they were working on it somewhat recently before the hurrah.

Server Status / Re: Server down since 17:30 GMT 4/29
« on: April 29, 2008, 12:42:30 pm »
why is fps in your prayer?  MMORPG is the eternal enemy of the FPS.

Server Status / Server down since April 29, 2008 (resolved)
« on: April 29, 2008, 12:28:31 pm »
  I know all of the "before you post about the server being down stuff", so no need to remind me.  Since an hour ago, I lost my connection to the server, and have not been able to reconnect.  Each attempt draws a "failed" response.  However the server page shows the server to be running, the time is updating correctly, although it seems to be locked at displaying 81 players online, and has not changed.  Since no info about this was provided from the devs, I assume this is not intended or part of regular maintenance.  I'm also aware of the recent upgrade.  Since the server isn't just showing an "offline" response, I thought it appropriate to start a new thread, since this is a little different than the usual offline problems.  Lets discuss :) .

The server is now fully operational.  My thanks to the devs.

Server Status / Re: Server down for maintenance - April 27, 2008
« on: April 28, 2008, 10:13:24 am »
ok, so around 6 hours and counting.  unless it takes longer, which is fine too :)

Server Status / Re: Server down for maintenance - April 27, 2008
« on: April 27, 2008, 08:17:07 pm »
* Taniquetil suggests topic to be locked.

Actually, that might not be a good idea as people will probably start new threads about this if this thread is closed...

Also, i think Xordan is the 'main man' in this update seeing as he is the hardware guy. And he is right here starting the topic and posting in it.

Elois, that comment wasn't aimed at you, personally, just everyone.

So, to not be hypocritical, i will leave this topic :D
I don't know what extent he plays in this update, since he's based in the UK, and the server is in Singapore.  That isn't to say he's not working on it, in contact w/ those that are working on it, or that discussion w/ him isn't making the update take longer.  I'm merely saying, that I assume that since he's based in the UK, discussion w/ him, or any dev not working on the update, shouldn't be an issue, i assume this from a logical inference.  Besides, the vast majority of discussion has been amongst community members.

yikes, just looked at the first post again, we are now up to a day of downtime from 4 hours ago.  I'm not complaining.  And i'm grateful to the devs.  Probably the update took longer than expected, and now they have to try to schedule more time out of their lives to complete the update.  Take your time guys, put it up when you can, but your lives have to take precedence.

Server Status / Re: Server down for maintenance - April 27, 2008
« on: April 27, 2008, 07:54:45 pm »
I would humbly submit that it would be better not to ask questions of the devs and others working on this. Having them give us reasons and updates and such only makes the process longer. Besides, the purpose of this thread was to inform, not explain.
to inform and discuss, otherwise it would have been locked.  Besides, the devs that are actually doinf the update probably aren't watching the forum.  I seriously doubt all 50 devs are doing the update, since only a few actually live in that particular country.  Again, nobody is forcing the devs to do anything.  BUt i myself am perfectly happy w/ the responses.  I'm just participating in the community discussion.

Server Status / Re: Server down for maintenance - April 27, 2008
« on: April 27, 2008, 07:00:50 pm »
It's a bit more complicated than 'an hour here, an hour there' :) We have many gb's of data to transfer, convert, import etc. Most of it is done, we just need to sort out the last few things and get the DNS updated. Plus as usual there's a limited number of people with access to work on it, and when they sleep everything stops.
  Oh, I wasn't trying to imply that it should be done yet.  I was saying that there must be many steps in the update.  I listed the obvious ones, but was curious about the not so obvious ones.

Server Status / Re: Server down for maintenance - April 27, 2008
« on: April 27, 2008, 05:12:04 pm »
Yes it is an upgrade and it's going well. ETA is in the next 12 hours or so - it's a rather big upgrade so we need to set up everything again.
Glad to hear things are going well.  but 6-8 is now around 22 hours from start to finish.  Happy to wait, and thanks.  Hmm, i wonder whats involved.  an os reinstall is about an hour, plus setup, another hour, then setting up the server software, and other necessary tidbits.  are you guy's coding while upgrading?  Sorting out incompatibility issues?  I also notices the laanx site is down, are you guy's upgrading that site too?  What ever the case, always appreciate the updates you guy's post.

Server Status / Re: Server down for maintenance - April 27, 2008
« on: April 27, 2008, 02:29:07 pm »
hardware :)
hardware may not even be an issue, but then again, it might.  we are at nearly 8 hours now, (for those that can't subtract  8) ).  Take your time guys, maintenance is appreciated, and we look forward to enjoying your hardwork.

Server Status / Re: server suggestion
« on: April 16, 2008, 10:48:37 pm »
Now there seems to be a bit of confusion about the NPC server.  From my observation, the NPC server hasn't gone down in 3 weeks or more.  What it appears to me to be is that when an NPC is attacked, it will randomly lock up and become impervious to attack.  This looks like it happens on a per monster basis.  Eventually every monster gets locked up through this process.  I think this would be different then the npc server going down.  If the NPC server crashed, we wouldn't be able to talk to the npc's.  Now this is all speculation and a comment from a dev would be nice.  With that said, it does play right into my suggestion of periodically reinitializing the both Servers (refering to server software).  This again assumes that shuting down the programs and restarting them would actually solve the problem.  It might more like a data field becoming corrupt.  But I'm sure the devs have a pretty god insight into the issue.  Knowing the path, and walking the path are 2 very different things.

Server Status / Re: NPC server suggestion
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:16:35 pm »
FYI: If you hover your mouse over the dots, you'll see their description :]
ahh, well I guess it doesn't need updating.  Btw, where is your avatar from?

Server Status / Re: NPC server suggestion
« on: April 10, 2008, 08:47:35 pm »
Technically speaking, a server is a program (also called a service or deamon) that runs on a  machine.  Often times the machine is called the server too, but in reality the word refers to the software (Apache for instance, is a web server).  In this case we have 1 machine in Singapore running both the psserver program and the npcclient.  Therefore they are in the same country.
OK, that clears up one thing I had a misconception on.  The server map really needs to be updated  That was really messing me up.  I saw 2 dots (there are actually 3), and assumed 1 was NPC server, and 1 was player server.  I now see that some of my statements are very confusing.  So now I'm saying a second server would be great since the one server we have now goes down all the time.  Where as if we had 2, if one were to go down, the second would keep running.  Now as far as the NPC server, it seems to lock up monsters sometimes during battles,  Maybe a flush of it's data cache (or what ever it might be called), or a periodic auto restart.  Again, I now see how my posts were confusing, we were talking with 2 very different ideas.

Server Status / Re: NPC server suggestion
« on: April 10, 2008, 08:12:34 pm »
The superclient is what you've been calling the "NPC server" (which isn't actually a server to begin with).  Another name for it is npcclient, but I've always called it superclient.  It's called that because it's like 300 or so psclients connecting to one machine, handling the NPC AI.
So the server is the machine, and the super client is the software?  If that is what you are saying, then that is what I assumed a long time ago.  But then you posted that you thought that i was saying having the super client on a different machine other than the server, which confuses the heck out of me.  to me I understand 1 server software on 1 server.  if you have 2 servers, then each server machine has 1 installation of server software, and then they communicate to each other updating player info.  I'm not sure why you thought i was saying that the server software should be anywhere other than on the server.  I still may be not fully understanding what you are saying, if it appears that I'm not, could you please clarify?

Also, the NPC serer seems to need to be periodically reset.  I have on many occassions been fighting a character and all of a sudden it becomes impervious.   I think the program is getting confused about who is engaged in battle with the NPC, and thus makes it impervious.  I'm not sure what the devs do to fix this (since they have many times), but I assumed a restart.  Maybe they just flush a data cache or something?  If that';s what they do, then maybe a periodic flush at low usage times might be good too?  Again I'm making an assumption ti use as a device to show my line of thinking.


Just re-read some things here.  Just to make sure we are on the same page, the NPC server, and the Plane shift server (that we connect to) are in different countries.  I was saying that we should have 2 NPC servers (2 machines each w/ NPC software installed), and 2 Plane Shift Servers (2 machines that each have server software installed).  I never understood why we had 2 different servers handling the NPC's and the players, but that is beyond the scope of this discussion anyways.

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