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Messages - Shangshi

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In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Brimstone and Fire
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:22:17 am »
The Camp

A man, hands stuffed in his pockets leisurely headed out through the Hydlaa East gate treading an infrequently used path off to a likely well known camp. The Dermorian had collected a pouch of food from Jomed before leaving and had just about finished it as he arrived. Picking some slithers of meat out of his teeth as he wandered into the unusually quite camp he looked over at a Nolthrir and Enkidukai who were arguing about something, both sat at the collection of small tables.
By the time he had reached the tables and taken a seat the Nolthrir was already on her way off. This was apparently due to the Enkidukai saying "Ah you are not whining and complaining Snitch? You have much to learn." As he sat down the Enkidukai decided to keep her cards close to her chest as her face stayed blank as if she didn’t know him. But she did.

Snitch laughed. "She thinks she has much to teach me. You're what, twenty? Maybe? Please. I've been knocking about this gig for far longer. I'm afraid between your apathy and that one's," She jerked a thumb at the Dermorian, "I'm quite spent. Farewell, darlings." She turns, and makes to wander off.

The Dermorian had no time for whatever was going on so he announced his business immediately. Leaning against the table he said towards Snitch "Have you been to see the fool who got himself locked up?" This took her somewhat by surprise. Pausing, she turned to look back at him, mildly interested, at least, in the words he just spoke.

He continued "I'll take your pause as a yes, no doubt he has been asking everyone he knows to help, you included." Snitch sighed, making a flippant wave in the air with her hand. "I haven't been to see him. If I could muzzle and leash him effectively I might be arsed to try and free him, though I honestly haven't yet decided. I don't have much use for the mentally handicapped." The Enkidukai snickered as she looked down, deciding to finally listen before participating.

The Dermorian replied “Harsh words, but not entirely off the mark. But if you did think about it, you would own him. Your little gang would have its very own 'give it to' guy for stuff you don’t care for doing yourself.” Snitch seemed almost uninterested as he made another waving motion. "Like I said, I could use a rabid animal, if I knew for a certainty I could keep it contained. Rigwyn is now blind and harmless and utterly at the mercy of others. He might be worth saving. I just have to decide if I'm willing to go to the trouble."

He sat up and ran a hand though his hair, picking out what seems to be a bit of tree which much have fallen in on his walk over. "He has mentioned some skill with magic. Eyes aren’t entirely necessary for that. He works out some way to get about without others helping him, and maybe gets taught some common sense. Well.... who knows"

Snitch shrugs lightly. "The possibilities are quite expansive yes, I agree. I simply don't want him running around drawing massive amounts of attention to us with zero profit. This is a business, not a den of the criminally insane. Some amount of order can be necessary, even amongst chaos."

He dusted his hands off, the pieces falling to the ground "Tell him, or get someone to tell him. You could consider it a probation. You don't like having him about, you steal his cane and dump his ass at the city gate or in the howling well." Snitched chuckled. "Oh, it's not a matter of that. It's a matter of whether facing the city guard to get him out is worth the cost of the risk itself. I'm still weighing those options. I am always looking to come up in the profit margin." With that said she wandered back and sat crossing her legs on the grass. Clearly more interested with what he had to say than the Enkidukai. "We shall see what I can come up with."

He looked off towards Guile's tent "Maybe ask your land lord for help. Some real masks would surly help hide such a pretty little face." He began drumming his fingers on the table, looking between the two women. The Enkidukai looked over at him, trying to figure out his motives as she just continues to remain silent. "My comment was not about /your/ mask. And more about the masks only someone like Guile could help you get. I understand they are quite adept at hiding everything about you. As I'm sure you probably know."

The Enkidukai’s curiosity was peeked. As Snitch looked towards him the Nolthrir said "I know. I've used one of Guile's masks before. I've considered employing them for my part of the scam, if not for all of my members, to ensure they have some backup against the guard spotting them." The Dermorian began to rub the palm of his left hand. "I'm sure that would be a good idea, and one quite easily obtained. One full pocket, one favour. Normally how things go."

Snitch rolled her shoulders, listening to the faint grating sounds this makes. "Careful, Dollface. It sounds rather dangerously like you want him freed, which is equally dangerously close to caring." He glanced at the Enkidukai briefly, smiling as he does. Looking back at Eleese he said "Caring is something you should avoid. But I have no doubt each of us has their own reason for being here."

Snitch then laid herself back in the grass, cradling her head in her gloved hands and peering up at the Dome. She murmurs something to herself in nolthrea, likely to be utterly lost on the other two, and then hums a slightly eerie, disjunct tune.

For the next short while the conversation turned to small talk, covering how each of them how each of them had met Rigwyn.

Snitch answered with "Mmm. I met him here, in fact. He seemed quite level headed at the time, but I must admit the more I hear about him the more I think he has...some sort of problem. I have actually been considering trying to enlist an azure magic practitioner to see if he could not be helped."

The Enkidukai "....I’ve, worked with him. We were close once."

And finally Dollface "You know how you normally meet thugs. Outs Laws get an order and off they go."

There was far more to tell than this, but the other two present seemed either to just accept it or uninterested in asking anything further at the time.

Another short conversation followed. Non present were really too interested in the content. All just trying to work out what the other wanted with Rigwyn. Whatever the reason the Enkidukai was at the camp for it quickly became apparent getting Rigwyn out wasn’t part of it when she said "I didn't come here to become a part of something, sorry."

Snitch hardly seemed bothered as she replied "I'm not concerned. I already have a plan to free him. All I'm working on is the motivation." And with that said, she nodded to the two, one at a time. "I should prepare to meet with him," she said, "Lovely conversing with you two." She then left.

It wasn’t long after this when the Enkidukai also left back into city. Leaving just the Dermorian and the rogues. He was sat there for a few hours until the crystal faded and night came. As he waited, sitting patiently until Guile returned he thought on exactly what Snitch would do to get Rigwyn out, a few ideas came to him but he couldn't be sure any were right. A few few figure had come and gone from the camp but none were who he wanted. He knew she would arrive sooner or later and he needed something from her...

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Rules updates and new crafting!
« on: September 29, 2012, 11:44:35 pm »
There are my rarest weapons that ive collected during about 5 years of playing and range from a loot chance of 1in16,666,666 to 1in1,111,111.

0.000006% Sharp Opal-encrusted Broadsword of Seduction
0.000009% Masterwork Alexandrite-encrusted Longsword of the hammer
0.00001% Masterwork Gold Broadsword of Peace
0.00002% Polished Crystal-steel Shortsword of the Warrior
0.00002% Fine Diamond-encrusted Broadsword of Seduction
0.00002% Studed Steel Battle Axe of Seduction
0.00002% Razormail Diamond-encrusted Battle Axe of Peace
0.00002% Frost Rat's Broadsword of the Warrior
0.00003% Polished Blue-steel Shortsword of Peace
0.00003% Spidersilk Pterosaur's Battle Axe of the Whirlwind
0.00003% Studed Pterosaur's Battle Axe of Peace
0.00003% Fire Amethyst-encrusted Battle Axe of Seduction
0.00003% Reniforced Bronze Broadsword of the Hammer
0.00003% Masterwork Alexandrite-encrusted Battle Axe of stone
0.00003% Ragged Opel-encrusted Battle Axe of the Hammer
0.00004% Sharp Alexandrite-encrusted Broadsword of the Warrior
0.00004% Scruffy Clacker's Battle Axe of Laanx's Mind
0.00005% Spidersilk Gold Battle Axe of the Warrior
0.00005% Scorched Sapphier-encrusted Broadsword of the Hammer
0.00005% Scruffy ruby-encrusted Longsword of Laanx's mind
0.00006% Light ruby-encrusted Shortsword of Enlightenment
0.00006% Polished Iron Broadsword of the Leader
0.00006% Tattered Crystal-steel Shortsword of Stone
0.00006% Razormail Steel Broadsword of Blinding Strike
0.00007% Masterwork Bones Battle Axe of Stone
0.00007% Masterwork Bones Broadsword of Stone
0.00007% Ornate Smaragd-encrusted Battle Axe of the Hammer
0.00008% Mailed Bronze Shortsword of the Leader
0.00009% Sharp Copper Longsword of the Warrior
0.00009% Balanced Opal-encrusted Shortsword of the Defender
0.00009% Embossed bones Shortsword of ways
0.00009% Polished gold Battle Axe of peace
0.00009% Polished Serpent's Battle Axe of Peace

General Discussion / Re: Any REALLY old oldbies? Bobo misses you :(
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:02:20 am »
I started back in '07 but like Illysia spent 6-12 months before I really got into RP. Around the whole Xeonart story line (ended up his apprentice in The Fallen Kingdom) at some point after Duraza was killed off by a GM playing a god in the death realm, shame i missed all that, sounded like the sorta thing id have loved to have seen...

Then there is the fact I consider myself old but then you guys start talking about joining years before i even found the game and puts me to shame =/

But welcome back, have fun, hope to see you in game  :thumbup:

Fan Art / Re: Art...sort of
« on: February 10, 2012, 11:11:25 pm »
Hey Mariana,

I think you did a great job is drawing Shangshi, thanks for doing it so well :flowers:. And FYI - Shangshi hardly ever wears bracers.

And who in their right mind had been calling me Shangsquatch, that's crazy talk if i even did hear any.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Black and Blue
« on: February 03, 2012, 03:13:55 am »
As the dark energies breached the gap between the staff and Shansghi's head. The Dark Way's influence was immediate. Ripping at current pleasant feelings within the dream and discarding them in to oblivion. Shangshi didn't want the change to be immediate so slowly began projecting the changes into Zalloh, wanting to savor every second, feel every fright and shiver she did. He first began changing the atmosphere in the kitchen, making it dark, changing the smells, changing the look on Rigwyn's face. He made Rigwyn place a dirty plate on a wash board he had just finished cleaning and say maliciously "Is everything alright, mummy!"

As Zalloh nodded, she took the plate and began to wash it as a small fly began to buzz around her head. Feeling a tickle on her cheek, she tried to shoo it off, but only managed to get some food on her skin. She could feel it oozing down the side of her face. Taking a fresh cloth, she began to wipe it off, but as she did, it began to spread - making the mess far worse. She stroked her face again and again, then wrung out the cloth. From its white appearance it dripped and splattered foul  smelling water all over her nice clean floor and onto Rigwyn's boot. She looked at him and gasped slightly - confused by the emotionless eyes looking back at her.

Shangshi projected his own feelings of anger into the image, not only making it dark but with strange noises and ghastly smells. He felt sure Zalloh would slowly but surely fill the gaps caused by his changes with some of the deepest most fearful parts of her mind. He awaited to see what would show and surface before he took control or any new parts.

Suddenly fearful of what Rigwyn might do, Zalloh quickly cowered to her hands and knees to spotlessly clean his boots. As she did the mess spread further, and now began to stink like an old bag of rotten garbage. She wanted to look up but was too afraid of what he might do to her. Closing her eyes, she continued to wipe with trembling hands until she was stopped by a loud hiss! As she opened her eyes, a long black serpent slithered between her arms. She stood bolt upright as her feet skidded in the mess on the floor and she leaped from atop the counter where she crouched as she watched it slither into a hole in the wall. Curious, she leaped down and landed on all four hands and feet squelching loudly covering herself in a foul smell.

As she hit the floor with a slap, her flesh was suddenly like that of an ugly toad's - rubbery gray with lumps and bumps. She tried to speak, but could only croak. Not caring about her strange appearance, she hopped to the hole in the wall and peered inside.

Shangshi tried to imagine the place Zalloh would be visiting as she would vanish down that hole as he made Rigwyn call out 'Mummy' behind her. He pushed stronger energies from both the fear and shadow glyphs with the intent of making her feel deathly terror from the simplest of noises. Unsure of what could be hiding within the simplest shadows.

As she approached the hole, it seemed to get larger and larger - and herself smaller and smaller. She cowered into the opening and looking to the side as she peered into the darkness. She could see only blackness, but inside there was a whisper. She felt her body shake right down to its core. Her grey, fleshy hands trembled, her lips and tongue dried up. She wanted to run, but her feet were stuck to the floor as if glued. Tears rushed from her little eyes as she shook in horror - no longer able to hold in a loud, broken cry. She croaked at the top of her lungs again and again as she crouched down low and cowered, but the whispering voices from behind the wall was laughed at her, chattering her name along with a palette of obscenities. They began to shout at her, then it suddenly stopped.

If you were to look at Shangshi you would see him reaching out to a empty space in front of him. Within the dream the hole began to get wider and deeper, larger and larger until there was nothing but the hole. Still in the silent darkness he held her with his mind pinched between two finger, spinning her round making her dizzy without any point of reference. He made a voice echo in the darkness different to the whisper, the words meaningless and indecipherable but their intent clear. Filled with hate and venom dripping in the darkness. Shangshi pulled away the darkness with one swift jerk of his hand, making her fall. Air ringing and filling her ears he let her land where her mind did not want to be.

She could feel her feet rise above her head as the opening though which she had fallen, spun above her head - growing smaller by the second. She reached for it like a child grasping for a star only to see it fade to black. With a harsh, explosion of white pain that flashed though her body like lightning, she screamed with a bloody gurgle that foamed from her mouth and spilled down her cheeks and onto the floor. She closed her eyes as she tried to catch her breath, then opened them once more. As if waking from a dream she realized that she was walking though a garden beneath the dimly lit dome. Tiny creatures of the night stroked their legs and chirped as stray, thorny vines slapped and cut her legs.

She called out, but nobody answered, then stopped at the sight of an infant. He was slick and brown with little horns on his head. His eyes were strangely familiar, but she couldn't figure out why. She reached out to lift it up; to hold it close to her heart, but it bit her - sinking its teeth deep into her flesh. She screamed, but it kept biting - digging its little claws into her and tearing her apart. She cried "Rigwyn, Stop it!", but he refused to let go. Horrified, she grabbed it by the neck and began to hit it with her fists. In a frantic state of mind, she grabbed its little frame and threw it against a tree  where it hit with a crack landing silently in the grass. Looking up at the tree she noticed a figure upon the tree - a figure of a woman with outstretched hands glaring at her with the most damning, unforgiving eyes she had ever seen.

Xiosia! She gasped, then fell to her knees.

Shangshi, having ideas of what he might see during this was still somewhat surprised by what was revealing itself. Wanting to break her belief to make her feel abandoned by her god he began having small branches of the tree snap and fall, turning to dust and blowing away in the breeze before they landed on the ground. Feeling the time was presenting itself he began to draw on the final glyph he had prepared, weakness, to slowly but inexorably sap every last ounce of emotional, physical and religious strength which was buried within Zalloh.

As the holy tree crumbled before her eyes, she lifted one of the branches and held it in her hand. It was dead wood - nothing more nothing less. It was no different from any other stick or twig. Looking into the eyes of the tree she spoke. "So this is why you never answer me. You stand their judging us no more than an extension of my imagination? I believed that you were real and it made me feel empowered and protected, I suppose that's what I needed." She says as she tossed the stick to the side, then slowly walked over the branches - snapping them beneath her boots.

The tree finally collapsed. Seeing the trunk fall over, she stood on top of it and looked out over the horizon. She whispered, "And all those things that scared me, the voices in the dark, the shadows that stretched over my head. They never did hurt me, did they? Because they were never real." Stepping off the tree, she turned her back on it, then wandered into some woods, and then to a clearing where she found a large rolling green hill. At the bottom was a field full of consumers and a large stone burial well. She sat up on the grass and gazed into the well, then laid down on her side as he eyes grew heavy and closed. She breathed once, and gave up.

Shangshi ripped the calm from her, incinerating it. That last thing that she would feel would be anything but calm. Drawing upon the fear he felt from here he pushed Rigwyn back into the image, this time it was the version he knew. The cold blooded killer, the people trafficker, the liar and thief. He made Rigwyn wander up to her from nowhere and scream at her, towering over her. The threat of violence as crackling like electricity.

Her eyes flew open, her body was shaken violently as she saw a furious Diaboli staring into her eyes. She screamed at the top of her lungs, terrified of his presence - the high pitched gargling howls nearly taking on a life of their own. His eyes burned with fury as he screamed into her face. His strong fingers dug into her flesh like shovels in putrid filthy ground.

Izalox, her husband, cackled in the background, then blew out a long stream of billowing cigar smoke. He approached from behind as Rigwyn continued to shake Zalloh's feeble frame. Taking another long drag that left the tip glowing bright and orange, he chimed, "You stupid, worthless woman! Look what you did you did to our son! You ruined him!" She began to cough and vomit a stream of rancid water and maggots as he laughed. Closing her eyes, she saw images of him from the past - beating her mercilessly with his fists and walking stick - kicking her while she was broken and laying upon the ground, poisoning her with tainted medicine when she was ill.

She saw him dragging Rigwyn through a into nonexsistant room and then slamming the door shut. She could hear every crack and thud as he screamed and begged him to stop. Laying on the ground - too broken to get up and help, she found herself praying to no avail, then cursed herself over and over as the noises intensified.

Breaking the door open, Izalox staggered through - his fists busted and tinged red, his bloodied staff broken in half.
 Shangshi could feel the want for drip away with every word flung at Zalloh. Izalox stood above her hurling insults at her, grabbing fists full of her hair and yanking her head up so he could fling his obscenities all over her. With her God a fake and empty shell of believe, she crumpled down in a pool of maggots and faeces with Izalox looming over, her screams of terror mixed with tears flooding down her cheek.

Pausing for what must have been a moment of sweet relief for Zalloh, Izalox looked to his hand into which Shangshi had placed a sparkling blue Starphire. He held the delicate flower out and dropped it, spinning in the air it drifted slowly until it landed upon Zalloh. A crack and scream echoed off the stone face as it felt like an anvil had landed on her, literally crushing her. As her bones splintered pools of puss and bile spilled from her open wounds. Zalloh was wishing for an end, any end discussed with what she has done to her son. The visions of the dream themselves began being lost in blur of pain and hate as from the outside she lay peacefully, silently on the grass in the warm Azure Sun.

He sensed it... reaching with the magic he felt as if he could pound her into a messy pulp. And that is what he was imagining doing. His heart, once thumping began to slow as he knew his prize was within grasp. As the end quickly approached for Zalloh the inconspicuous ring which had graced Shangshi's hand for many years glowed and began to shimmer and vibrate as she was taken by Dakkru. His ring the conduit, shattered and exploded off his finger as she emptied of life shredding the flesh of his fingers. The crystal shimmered with a red tinge as they drooped though the air and fell lightly upon the grass.

Then there was silence.....

The grotesque figure which was the remains of Zalloh laying peacefully in her own waste, images now only in alive in Shangshi's mind, melted away. As the images Shangshi was seeing cracked and crumbled they was replaced with fragments of where he was sat, a tree caught in the breeze, a patch of grass bright green in the Azure sun. As Shangshi looked about where he found himself sat it took him a moment to realise where he was. As he did the magic stopped flowing and lost its grasp on him and the wand and just floated away in the breeze.

A searing pain exploded up his arm as he realised what had happened to him. Clenching his jaw and grinding his teeth he grabbed his finger with his other had before rising and stumbling, drunk and drained from his exhilarating experience to his mount where he found something to wrap his hand in. Hand still grasped he walked over and stood in the Azure sun looking over towards his victim. He smiled as he collected his items; their seared footprint left on the grass.

The distance between where he had been sat and the position of Zalloh's empty body was not far, but he still took his time feeling that he would not be disturbed. Leaving the Rivnak a few paces from her he took a few things from the saddle and walked over kneeling next to the body. Knowing what she had been going though not 10 minutes earlier, the eerie stillness of the body was somewhat unnerving for Shangshi, surprisingly. Her hair was neat, clothes tidy, her face was relaxed and seemed somewhat content. He sat crossed legged and observed her for a few minutes.

Letting out a deep breath he finished his act by placing two items on the corpse, a short letter and the Starphire he had received earlier. Pushing himself slowly to his feat he managed to eventually remount his Rivnak and about turned heading back to Hydlaa. He sighed after a few minutes of gently cantering along realising the rest of his day was likely to be relatively boring. He smiled shaking his head as he muttered "I think I'll go and see Jomed for something more to eat."

Thanks to Rigwyn for playing this out with me, a lot of fun to have it done finally.

General Discussion / Re: Black Flame: Anyone Interested in writing?
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:05:53 am »
Hey Rigwyn, nice to see you back.

I'm well up for getting involved in anything you might do in game or on the forums. Just let me know.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: A Kidnapping Gone Wrong
« on: June 21, 2011, 02:09:32 am »
Only really one thing needs saying,  :thumbup: Marsuveus

Fan Art / Re: Concept and draft for a comic strip
« on: May 20, 2011, 11:57:38 pm »
Two things you should see are this

and this

Any work you do will have to match up to the pure awesomeness that is the pswebcomic. Something all PSers should read at least once.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:46:39 pm »
Dear Jekkar,

If you would be willing to wash and skin yourself I, on behalf of the Dark Empire, would be willing to pay 11 circles upon delivery of your fur.



Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Adani Order
« on: March 14, 2011, 04:05:44 am »
It would be a sad sad day if the craziest half of a pair of crazies, filled with crazy joined the DE and 'accidentally' made some Enki rugs (which are desperately needed) for the entrance hall to our Guild's House. I have a hard time believing that Khado even exists, so a rug would be nice proof that he did.

Guilds Forum / Re: [ORGANIZATION]The Dark Empire: Promotional Thread
« on: March 14, 2011, 03:55:02 am »
...Shangshi .....the best RPer{s} in game.

Thanks Tessra.

Jacula was acctually just a poor, misunderstood Ynnwn with a passion for knitting and tea parties.

Oh yes, I can remember the good old times of sitting at the gazebo exchanging needle point designs....

And congrats to the other winners  \\o//

PlaneShift Mods / Re: BoniSkins
« on: April 19, 2010, 04:01:59 pm »
You need to download the file from the first post, and then place the file in you PS installation directory under.


there should be a file in there. Once there, load pslaunch and chose the new skin and then play the game.

For ive not used, but you should go to ......../Planeshift/art/ and change replace the files in there with the ones from

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Bloodline
« on: April 09, 2010, 07:42:25 pm »
A Howling Flame

Recent events had drained Shangshi, it felt like fate had grabbed him by his ankles and smashed him face first into the ground while yelling at him 'LOOK YOU IDIOT!!!!!!' The mirroring of current events with some of those which had gone before had not avoided Shangshi, he had seen it. He knew what was happening, and he knew why it happening much like first run though. But that wasn't enough, no matter the lies that had been spewed at him from people trying to suffocate the truth from him, he could always see it. The little glimmers in the corner of one's eye, the hesitation in a breath, a look that said a thousand words. This had begun to infuriate him, he knew all there was to know, but WHY could he not stop this s*** from happening to him twice, he just could not fathom.

After one of many conversations and with events of recent hollowing him out he had mounted his Rivnak and briskly made his way to the howling well. It was still light when he reached his destination. The tilted back stone face, mouth a gasp, screaming to the crystal waiting for the next corpse to be lost in its depths. He paid little attention to the coarse stone as he made his way over the lip and deep inside.

The darkness of the tunnels within quickly swallowing him whole.

As he progressed deeper into the well, he stopped dead as a rather innocent looking rock grabbed his attention. Staring it down he clenched his fists tightly, if it weren't for his gloves his nails would have dug through his flesh and into the bones in the palms of his hands. The silence and darkness of the well penetrated deeply, making him feel at ease. A thought from a now deceased tutor suddenly popped into his head "All truths lay in Darkness" this thought enraged him. Opening his mouth wide he screamed with frustration ...


His right hand then rose and his fingers slowly unfurled with his palm in front of his face. In the darkness he stared at where he knew his hand would be, at first slowly it began to heat, first warm then hot.... finally a ferocious heat emanated from it, the heat caused the surrounding darkness itself to shimmer. Shangshi slowly turned his hand and extended his arm towards the innocent rock that had earlier caught his attention. Heat burst forth from his hand and the rock instantly began to bubble and evaporated into the shadows. Keeping the energies summoned he lowered his hand to his side and channelled the heat into the ground beside him which boiled and bubbled alongside him as he began walking deeper into the burial well.

The molten rock trail left behind Shangshi shed a dim light upon the tunnel walls as he followed a well trodden path into the depth of the well. After many undulations and bends in the tunnels he paused, the dim light which weakly fought back the darkness began to dance upon the still fresh skin of a recent corpse. The body was Nolthrir and was laying back against the tunnel wall, her arms had been carefully crossed across her chest. Extruding from her chest above her heart was a dagger with the remains of an unknown green liquid upon it. Shangshi stopped still and approached the corpse, knowing that given the age, whatever had happen had resulted in a premature end to a life. As Shangshi paced over he quenched the heat coming from his hand. The remaining flickering light illuminated the Nolthrir’s skin revealing it to be pale, the blood having long since drained away from her skin, similar to that of a recently murdered body. As Shangshi looked at her face he saw that it was Mellas, tilting his head he saw a peaceful expression upon her face as she lay motionless in front of him, true death seemingly had taken a hold of her.

Shangshi looked down at Mellas, having obviously only recently been left in her current position. He knelt slowly and leant in looking closely at her, examining the apparent peaceful expression on her face. Her expression gave nothing away concerning the struggle that occurred resulting in her being left where she was. His eyes danced about her face and then her battered, bruised and broken body, the marks seeming being caused from a beating possibly from rocks being thrown at her.

Shangshi’s eyes finally stopped with the dagger in Mellas’ chest. Slowly he reached out and grasped the dagger, pulling on it. Mellas’ chest moved forward with the dagger as if it was stuck to her body, she slumped back down as it gently slipped from her chest. His eyes then caught the dull light of the tunnel glistening on the stained blade the discolouration stimulated him to immediately incinerate the dagger in a searing heat, burning off whatever may have been on it. A deep wound was left above her heart, the skin round it heavily infused with the substance from the dagger and obviously more green than any other part of her body.

Shangshi twisted the dagger between his thumb and first finger as he sat silently looking at it. Mellas twitched almost immeasurably, the poison within her veins keeping her from reacting to the sudden agony. The minute movement was unnoticed by Shangshi in the almost complete darkness, if Mellas wasn’t dead, she is very far gone.

Shangshi sat with a ponderous look on his face no feelings of sadness or remorse came to him not needing to waste thought on it, he did consider what, if anything he should say to Jacula when a little smirk appeared on his face... 'If he doesn’t already know' he thought. He started talking, essentially to himself "It's a shame you never really allowed yourself to see Jacula for what he was.” Shangshi’s eyes were still on the dagger as he swirled it “You know what Mellas, I always felt there was more to you than you ever really showed. A Shame I never got to find out what." He swirled the dagger in his hand once more and thinking nothing of it slipped the blade hard into Mellas' thigh.

Mellas twitched again as the blade dug deep into her thigh, the faintest of breaths escaped from her lungs. Within the wisp of air an undertone of pain could be heard, slight and petite, but still there. Within her seemingly silent veins barely one drop of blood flowed from the newly created wound, and it seems the little blood that did appear had a slight green tinge to it.

Shangshi sat watching Mellas, two fingers were drumming on the dagger now in her leg. Reaching his hand out he cupped Mellas' chin and gently raised her head. As he watched her a silent momentary hiss came from her as her lungs tried to grasp at some air. In the deathly silence of the darkening tunnel Shangshi stared at Mellas, the hiss rang like a chiming bell in his ears. His eyes jumped down at the dagger, the slightest hints of bleeding visible. His eyes looked back to Mellas' face, the truth of the situation hitting him, coincidence? luck? fate? whatever it was that brought him to this position, he could barely believe there was any chance Mellas was anything but dead. As a small test he clenched a fist and swung his hand heavily down onto Mellas' chest to see what she does.

Mellas was somewhat jostled forward by Shangshi's blow, her arms slipped down her chest and fell limply at her sides. Her lips slipped apart and a slight moaning sound escaped, as life was weakly fighting within her, her eyes fluttered once as she fell back against the rock. The actions were of a body not yet ready to give up. Maybe there was some life in her after all, even though her heart doesn't seem to be beating... or was it?

Shangshi pushed the five fingers tips of his right hand round the knife wound in Mellas' chest. Concentrating, the darkness round his hand began to shimmer again as he conjured an intense flame within the cage formed by his fingers. As the fire storm built in strength, Shangshi bent his fingers, moving his palm closer to the wound in Mellas' chest. The flames licked across her clothes, the moment he moved his hand closer they were engulfed in flame and turned to ash. The flames then danced across Mellas' exposed skin being pushing into it as Shangshi's palm continued to move. The poison rich flesh round the dagger wound blistered and boiled as it too was carbonised and disappeared as ash. Even being this close to true death the pain of having her chest burnt away caused Mellas to open her eyes completely, filled with agony. Her lips parted in a breathless scream as her eyes stared at Shangshi. Whether Mellas was conscious behind her eyes was anyone guess. As the fire continued burning Mellas away, it began to spread through her veins. The left side of her torso seemed to be alive with fire and lit from within. Her head snapped to the right as it began to slowly spread up her neck. As Shangshi continued, True Death seemed to be being slowly beaten back, one step at a time. Her eyes, already open began to awaken. They seemed to want to tell Shangshi something, that maybe she didn't want to die........ maybe that the person who killed her wasn't who she expected it to be........ maybe..... maybe there's a hint of thankfulness in them too. In the limited light of the tunnel this was lost, captured as so many things are by the darkness.

Shangshi proceeded to pull the dagger out of Mellas' leg and before it was completely out dragged it along her leg cutting her trousers and the top layer of her skin. Tossing the dagger away and grabbed her exposed leg tightly. What healing he was capable of doing he channelled into her lower body, with the intention of healing enough of Mellas, just enough, to ensure she would survive a trip to Dakkru. Knowing full well that her body wasn't capable of surviving the trip, Dakkru would take her soul and she would be lost to the True Death.

Mellas suddenly began to shiver uncontrollably. Shangshi's efforts had caused the poison's effects to be lessened. Mellas took a clear breath in and one hand reached out, lightly trying to touch Shangshi's before her arm crumpled under the effort and it fell limp.

Shangshi knew that he was no healer and had no hope of ensuring any sort of recovery from the state Mellas was in, so he would leave it to Dakkru to decide. He withdrew both his hands from Mellas and leaning, collected the dagger once more. He took a moment and looked at Mellas, to the freshly incinerated flesh on her chest, the incapacitatingly deep knife wounds on her leg and then finally to her face. This may have seemed odd to any observer, some sort of experiment for Shangshi, perhaps he has much to gain in doing it, perhaps this is just for fun, whatever the exact reason was unclear. He quickly grabbed Mellas' hair and pulled her head back abruptly, with one movement of the dagger deeply cut her throat to hasten her passage. Mellas made a small sound before the blade reached her throat, a comment that she was just unable to make. As the blade finished cutting through her neck the little blood that was moving within her left with a slight gurgling noise before she finally became entirely limp and fell back against the stone with a thud.

Finally, entirely, dead. The ring on the hand that reached for him seemed to be missing, as if someone violently tore it away, as well as her summoner's ring. Slowly, ever so slowly, her body began to flicker, and finally fade away. Rescued from the darkness of eternal death, embraced by the mercy of Dakkru.

Shangshi stayed knelt on the ground next to Mellas until she had been taken by Dakkru's. After watching her die he slowly raised to his feet and dagger in hand took some time to dust himself off. A steely look is now glazed over Shangshi's, a strength and determination fill his movements. And with one final glance at the now empty bloodied spot he conjures the incredible heat he had before and with another trail of molten rock continued deeper into the howling well.

[ Thanks to Mellas for getting herself almost killed, this was alot of fun to do, and thanks to her for checking my write up and making the pic. ]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Bloodline
« on: March 30, 2010, 02:03:35 pm »

\\o// Hip hip .. Hooray ! \\o//

You know Rigwyn, this plot has missed your delicate 'smash your face in, eat it and laugh' touch as of late.


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