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Messages - catarina

Pages: [1] 2
In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Hydlaa Message Board
« on: May 04, 2011, 04:05:11 pm »
Greetings, Citizens of Yliakum!

Do you find yourself without a purpose?

Do you find yourself lost in the throng of civilization and wanting a support group?

A group of helping hands and welcoming arms to share your troubles and your triumphs, your joys and sorrows?

Look no further!

You are invited to gather at Kada-El Tavern with the members of The Elite Reign guild, in Hydlaa, the 13th of day of May, at 6PM Mountain time (12 GMT)

Food and drink will be provided to all who attend, and members of The Elite Reign will be there to welcome you, answer your questions, and help ease your way as you learn and develop yourself and your skills here in Yliakum.

We, the members of The Elite Reign, extend our hand in friendship to you all, and hope to see you there!

Safe Travels, friends!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Valentine's Day Quote a Poem!
« on: February 15, 2009, 04:55:23 pm »
Not really a Valentines Day poem, but it has to do with love :) This is a poem that I wrote back in 2003. Be gentle with any comments :)

i am the gypsy caravan,
it's time to set you free.
slip into the silence
of the places where you dream.
escape into the forest,
and we'll go until the night
winks itself to nothing,
and the sun begins to rise.
embrace the far off places
that dance quietly within,
as thoughts unfurl like ribbon
and take flight upon the wind.
we can run until reality
is buried by the mist,
the caravan will take us back
to places reminisced.


The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The hardest decision I ever have to make
« on: February 11, 2009, 08:31:31 am »
I have a beautiful 15-year-old male Blue Merle Shetland Sheepdog who has hip dysphlasia. I have him on pain medication and the very best food made for dogs. He is in pain and he gets disoriented to the point where he just stands there not knowing what he is supposed to do. I have on occasion had to help him stand when he is having a bad day. Though he still eats and is able to do many things when he has good days.

We can make a decision as to when to end a dog’s life. It is the hardest decision I ever had to make. I am not sure when to do this. Certainly I do not want to do it before the right time. When is the right time? My dog is a very special member of my family and I do not what to make him suffer, but I do not want to do this until it is right. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do?

I will say this now this is a serious situation to my family and me. We are grieving so please stay on topic. Thank you for your help.


My sincerest feelings go to you and your family in regards to the member of your family that is struggling right now. I have had to make this decision in the past, so I somewhat know what you and your family are dealing with.

My german shephard was 14, arthritic, nearly blind, nearly deaf, incontinent and could barely walk around. I still get very sad remembering the almost look of shame she would get when she would soil herself. I made the extremely difficult decision of having her put to sleep, and after a time, I began to realize that finally the constant pain of her daily life had been eased, by letting go of her. I think that what you have to focus on is your dogs current quality of life.

I think that you need to be brutally honest with yourself when considering the good days versus the bad days that your beloved dog goes through. It is normal in a situation like this to want to cling to what was, and to hope for the possibility of what could be, but your dog is living in this 'right now' moment. And right now, does he spend more time in pain and confusion that he does in comfort and awareness?

May you and your family find comfort and strength in each other,

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: I'm bored of the internet.
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:29:50 pm »

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: I'm bored of the internet.
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:17:09 pm »
Anyone know any sites that will make my brain explode?

guaranteed brain explosion.

General Discussion / Re: Rp Covenant Poll
« on: February 10, 2009, 10:38:28 pm »
Years ago we learned to role play from role players. There was no need to have rules. We played and had great fun. It is different today and I think it lost its fun. It is no wonder to me anymore why they are all gone sadly. We were all a big family then.

You make it sound as if roleplay has gone the way of the dodo bird, which, in my opinion, is just not the case. Sure, roleplay may not be the 'same sort' of roleplay that you learned, or that others learned. That does not make it any less 'roleplay', or any less fun. And I think that fun is subjective. Sorry to hear that you no longer find any fun in roleplay. Personally, I have a fair amount of fun in the roleplay scenarios that my character happens to get involved in. Especially GM events that my character accidentally stumbles upon.
You mention that roleplayers were 'all a big family back then'...back when? And who is to say that there are still not 'big families' of RP'ers still present? My character has been involved in many different, ongoing RP's since I first started playing PS, which, to be honest, surprises me, because I really did not think that I would have encountered so many others that are so eager to RP and that have so many great ideas for storylines. I have noticed, however, that if your character tends to stick to one location more often than they would find themselves moving around and encountering other characters/groups of characters, then yes, you are going to miss out on a lot of the RP that is available in PS. Just my two tria.


*relocating this post from it's starting point in complaint department to this thread*

This really isn't a complaint, more an observation that I find a bit strange. I was walking around hydlaa today talking to various NPC's, asking random questions to see what responses they gave me. I stopped in the plaza to speak to the fenki there named Tarela. We began to chit-chat back and forth, and she told me that she was looking for information about hydlaa, and that she lives in ojaveda. So then I began asking her about the npc's that can be found in ojaveda. I started out by asking 'who is brado?', thinking that she, living in ojaveda, would be very familar with the folks there. What did she say to me? 'I don't think I understand you...'...a bit strange, not knowing who Brado is. She also doesn't know who trasok is.
Also, when I asked her 'who is harnquist', she launched into a long-winded reply about how he found an axe a long time ago or something....but she never really said -who- harnquist was.
I had to walk away  before I got really confused.


Complaint Department / discussions with npc's
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:27:45 pm »
This really isn't a complaint, more an observation that I find a bit strange. I was walking around hydlaa today talking to various NPC's, asking random questions to see what responses they gave me. I stopped in the plaza to speak to the fenki there named Tarela. We began to chit-chat back and forth, and she told me that she was looking for information about hydlaa, and that she lives in ojaveda. So then I began asking her about the npc's that can be found in ojaveda. I started out by asking 'who is brado?', thinking that she, living in ojaveda, would be very familar with the folks there. What did she say to me? 'I don't think I understand you...'...a bit strange, not knowing who Brado is. She also doesn't know who trasok is.
Also, when I asked her 'who is harnquist', she launched into a long-winded reply about how he found an axe a long time ago or something....but she never really said -who- harnquist was.
I had to walk away  before I got really confused.


In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Magic Shop Duelling championship
« on: February 07, 2009, 09:45:03 am »
to see scores, duels, etc. check here:

I have to say that I am confused about the chart found at that URL... It doesn't really say who dueled who, and who won in each duel... I mean, I see points awarded in various places, and the names of the ones that dueled, but.... could someone help me out here?


General Discussion / Re: need help from PS book writers
« on: February 03, 2009, 11:22:19 am »
Thanks to everyone for all of the help. I have finally managed to figure it out!


General Discussion / Re: need help from PS book writers
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:54:16 pm »
Kay, check the actual file and make sure it got saved properly.

Try resaving it and reloading it.

Any chance you could tell us the name of the book?

It is the strangest thing.... I just went to Jayose and tried again with a blank book to load the book I had saved to a file on my computer, and the text showed up in the blank book from the original. I guess it was just a glitch that it didn't show up the first time?
Another question about this, is possible to have more than one of the same book in your inventory of the same name? Or do you have to name each of them something slightly different?


General Discussion / Re: need help from PS book writers
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:29:52 pm »
are you sure you typed in the correct name of the file when you went to load it? and are you sure the book got saved to the file to start?

Yes to both questions. I had checked before-hand on my computer in the area that books get saved to and it is there. I even typed, in PS, the proper upper/lower case letters of the file name, and, as I said, a message came up on the screen saying that it loaded successfully... text showed up in the blank book that I tried to load the file into. *big shrug*


General Discussion / Re: need help from PS book writers
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:23:50 pm »
once you load it you have to save it as well.

But when I loaded the file from my computer into the blank book I had purchased... nothing showed up in the 'book' itself.... the page was just blank.. is that normal? Would it only show up after loading and -then- saving the information to the previously blank book?


General Discussion / need help from PS book writers
« on: February 01, 2009, 08:09:15 pm »
Hi everyone,

I need help from those in PS that are familiar with writing books, specifically multiples of the same book. I am working on a project that requires several copies of the same thing to be 'created'. I have the 'Master Copy' in my inventory right now, it is as I want it to be in subsequent copies, and has been saved to my hard drive. I tried buying a blank book from Jayose and 'loading' the saved book information into the blank book... it said that it had loaded successfully, but the blank book remained blank. Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.


There are ingame brightness controls now, I believe by default they are f11 and f12. You can set different keys for them in options --> keys.

Yes, I am aware of the F11 and F12 keys. Before the fairly recent PS engine update, I used them with great success. Now, however, I sometimes must press them alternately numerous times in order to get the brightness change to 'stick', since when I hit the F12, it brightens for a couple of seconds, then switches back to total darkness again. Believe me when I say that I have tried pretty much
-every- solution to this darkness issue. :)

As an aside to Caarrie -I will run the psupdater for the new maps again and see if that changes anything, and thank you for letting me know that the -fullbright command no longer works. :)


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