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Messages - Tyalin

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Single Author Stories / The Failure
« on: February 21, 2002, 07:27:13 pm »
OOC: This is kinda long, I hope you enjoy it!

Last night I was.........persuaded (with a lot of money!) to write down all that had
happened to me and my friend when we went in search of one of the most EVIL
mages that has been seen in my country for a LONG time, so here it goes!

  My friend Alandar is best described as loud, well-liked, could beat anyone in
the arena (except me of course), and dumb as a brick.  I am his best friend and
when people are asked to describe me they say I am short, better looking then
Thymin (our local bum), and that I have way to much free time on my hands.  It is
obvious that they meant I was sturdy, handsome, and had enough intelligence to
share with Alandar, but they lacked the words to do so.  
    Our little adventure started when Alandar has recently taken the job of
sheriff, who then promptly placed me as his loyal and better looking deputy.  I was
walking around town and using my deputy powers to get a few extra beers at the
local tavern when Alandar came rushing in looking for me.  ?We have our first job
Tyalin!? he said as a huge wad of paper was shoved in my face.  I grabbed the
papers and started to read through them.  About halfway down the first paper I got
bored and handed the papers back to Alandar.  
?So what does it say?? I asked.  ?It says; the dark mage, Listh, was wanted for
spoiling the meat at ?The Blue Inn? considered armed and dangerous, and has a
picture of his face.?  
?OK let me see the picture? I told him
He handed me a picture that looked like the face of a young man
I handed it right back to him after glancing it over and deciding it wasn?t too
dangerous to risk my skin for it.
?So, when do we start?? I asked
?Right now? Alandar said
?Right NOW?!?!?! we don?t even know where he is!? I glanced in frustration at my
unfinished meal
?He was last seen in the city of Kilkem?
Oh, that?s good I thought, the city was only a two day hike away.
?Well, lets go.? I said, but realized right after that was said that Alandar has already
walked out of the tavern.  I ran to catch up with him after I ate the rest of my food
as fast as I could.  He was already at the stables getting horses and had a pack of
food to keep us well-fed for the next few days.  
  When we arrived at the town I went to the nearest tavern to search for Listh
while getting a beer and some food.  Alandar thought this was very convenient, but
I proved him wrong when I found Listh.  Listh was slumped over at the bar, I
figured he had passed out from drinking to much.  I figured I could snag him and
we could get out of there and back to our little town so I could get back to sleeping
in my own bed.  I crept up behind him, getting ready to grab him, when he started
to fall off of his stool.  He fell with a crash but no one else in the room even
bothered to look at him or even help him up.  I walked over to him and kicked him
just to see if he was awake.  Listh looked up at me, his eyes strangely clear for just
being dead drunk.

?Hello there!? he said to me and smiled
?Um....hi? I said, wondering why he was being so friendly after I had just kicked
him.  He stood up and put his hand out to shake mine.
?Nice to meet you mine name is...?
?Yes I know who you are and you are coming with me.? I said and picked him up
off of the ground and was about to walk away with him when Alandar burst into
the room.
?I can?t find him anywhere? Alandar said
?That is because I have him right here? I said as I set down Listh in front of me.
?Isn?t he kind of.......short?? asked Alandar
?Yea, well, they didn?t give us a height and his face matches the drawing? I said
and shoved the picture into Alandar?s face.
?Let me see that!? said Listh as he grabbed it away from Alandar
?Wow, bad drawing of me? he said as he stared at the picture

   Listh shrugged and walked over to a table and sat down on a chair.  We
followed him and took seats right next to him.  
?So, what did I do?? asked Listh as he continued to stare at the picture
I handed him the paper that told in detail what the little mage did.  
?I don?t remember doing THIS? he said as he handed the paper back to me.
?Yeah right, your just saying that to try and get out of it? I said
Listh shrugged and wadded the drawing of him up into a ball.  He threw it at a wall,
which it bounced off of and landed in the beer mug of a huge man.  The man
calmly fished the drawing out of his beer and walked over to Listh.
?This yours?? the man asked Listh
?Why, yes it is, would you mine throwing it away for me?? Listh asked
The man smiled ?Gladly? he said.  He grabbed Listh around the waist and properly
disposed of the drawing, and Listh.  
 Alandar stared at me in amazement.  
?THIS is the dangerous little man everyone is talking about???? he said
I shrugged and went to dig Listh out of the garbage.  He had been slammed in there
pretty hard and was out cold.  We carried him outside and tiedh him to the back of
Alandar?s horse.  Then we got on them and started heading back to our town.  The
next day Listh awoke and started talking nonstop about his brother and how he was
going to be just like him.  At the end of the day we put Listh in a bag, he continued
to talk so I picked up a big stick and hit him with it, the talking stopped.  
?Was that necessary?? asked Alandar
I smiled ?No, but it was a lot more fun?
 The next day we arrived at our home.  The citizens stood by cheering loudly
for out first case was solved.  We were told to bring him to the mayor?s office, so
we continued through streets until we reached the big building in the center of the
town.  We were admitted in right away so we were walked to the center of the
building.  Alandar dumped the bag, with Listh in it, off of his shoulder onto the
floor.  When it hit the groudn there was a loud ?Oof? sound from inside.  The
mayor walked out in his big flowing robes which hid his face.
?Open the bag? he said
Alandar did so and out popped Listh?s head.  
The mayor stared at Listh a while and said ?This is not him?
?Sure it is? I said ?Matched the drawing perfectly?
?No it is not Listh, this is someone else?
?How can you tell?? I asked
?One? said the mayor ?He is not this small, and also, he is not an elf?
?OH, that?s what those pointed ears mean!? I said ?So who is this??
?Hullo? said the person we once thought of as Listh, who had just gotten untangled
from the bag ?My name is Kiern?

 That ends the first part of our adventure to find the dark mage Listh.....the
writer who approached me said something about adding this to a ?Hew-moor?
section of his book, but I didn?t really pay that much attention, being to busy
thinking of how many meals my new riches would buy me.

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