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Messages - Loote

Pages: [1]
Linux Specific Issues / Re: Avoid the Crashes using WINE
« on: January 10, 2009, 09:12:02 pm »
Okay - I figured out the problem and got it all fixed!

I didn't have cabextract installed, and for some reason the script wasn't working for it. But I downloaded the winetricks shell script and ran that to download the cab's that I needed to successfully run PS in WINE!

Thanks for the guides! I would have gone crazy having to live with all that crashing!

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Avoid the Crashes using WINE
« on: January 10, 2009, 07:45:22 pm »
Hi there! First, I would like to thank you very much for you work on the script! It makes things much much easier!

Although, I couldn't get it to work properly. I get an error when running the psclient.exe. I've attached a screenshot of the error. It seems like the script finished without a problem though.

Any ideas on what I can do? :)

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