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Messages - Haraun

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Hunters & Looting
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:19:07 pm »
One pure hunter is left out there.
Trying to hunt in the old, honorably way for his living and guild.

And, where necessary, with the help of Magic  ;) I have no insight how it would be with armor and weapons, but I suppose, then it's possible as with magic to get decent tria once you can beat the right mobs.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: September 10, 2013, 10:03:58 am »
Thanks!  ;D

Complaint Department / Re: Combat training for Newbies
« on: September 10, 2013, 03:08:34 am »
This complaint is very true and even worse (and in contrast to what Rigwyn posted while I was writing), in some cases it continues to be impossible to play a trustworthy hunter role. While I even stopped completely to try to progress or make tria in an IC way, I believe it's essential that newbies can progress in a motivating way.

I think I can claim to have that experience in playing a hunter char.
Btw, I just missed my 7th PS-birthday!  :o

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Ierefal
« on: August 21, 2013, 03:55:39 pm »
And I just corrected the bad english in those flyers I distributed. Thanks to Sanrai for pointing it out and many thanks to Sarva for very easy and welcome locking service!  :)

(I'll have a look if I'm able to meet you on GMT-evenings, Roled, to hand over some flyers somewhat ICly)

Running to bed an hour to late

Fan Art / Re: Hydlaa made with minecraft blocks [in progress]
« on: October 15, 2012, 12:48:54 pm »
* Haraun sees the Lair!  :sorcerer:

General Discussion / Re: Any REALLY old oldbies? Bobo misses you :(
« on: September 23, 2012, 02:42:46 pm »
That brings up old memories.. Heya Valorius  :) I'm still trying to keep the Lair a neutral ground - and some RP with the Order of Daggers will stay an example of that.
Someone bring Hassadria and/or Miaua back!

General Discussion / Re: The Great Screenshot Collection
« on: April 13, 2012, 03:50:25 pm »
Kryolus is just partially successful trying to hide.

General Discussion / Re: Your very first RP
« on: April 06, 2012, 01:38:46 am »
Apparently, I don't have the first logs of my first char anymore, so here is how Haraun started.
Haraun says: hello
Jirosh Mikana says: Salutations, mo Tabei.  Do you require assistance?
Haraun says: about assistance
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: Looks you are in search of fame and honor. Unfortunately I have no tasks to help you in that.
Haraun says: how are you?
Haraun says: can I help you?
Jirosh Mikana says: Maybe later, right now I don't need anything.
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: Maybe later, right now I don't need anything.
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: I have no tasks for you today.
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: I have no tasks for you today.
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: Maybe later, right now I don't need anything.
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: I have no tasks for you today.
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: No tasks for you today.
Haraun says: give me a quest
Jirosh Mikana says: I have no tasks for you today.
Haraun says: hello
Haraun says: give me a quest
Brintec Dev-Onni says: No tasks for you today.
Lizgut tells you: Interested in a guild?
You tell Lizgut: [not yet, thank you]

Hmm, that didn't work out well. So fast forward to my first talk with Chars.
Larisma says: My friend can sell you diamonds for 2 Octa a go, if you need them...
Larisma says: And here
Haraun says: Hello, does he have 10 of them
Larisma says: Perhaps so...
Haraun says: Thank you :)
Haraun says: Can you tell me the name of your friend?
Larisma says: He has 6 right now, and I can get you to meet him on the surface
Haraun says: Since I wasn't able to dig only one of them I should first find one before the meeting
Larisma says: Try the other side of the rock
Haraun says: Thanks... I was hiding from a small clacker there... :-|
Larisma laughs
Haraun says: Wow, I got one :)
Larisma says: Okay, come
Larisma says: Jump over it
Haraun says: We can meet him here?
Larisma says: He will be here any second
Haraun says: Thank you very much
Larisma says: It's no problem to give my friend business, eh?
Larisma says: Well, you have 600 Tria, I presume?
Haraun says: hehe, since money is not problem at the moment its a good business for me :)
Haraun says: yes, I have
Larisma smiles
Haraun smiles too
Larisma says: Okies
Larisma says: He will be here in just a second
Haraun has a lot of time
Larisma says: Grrensholo!
Rell says: Grrensholo, Larisma!
Haraun looks at Rell "So you are the one can sell me some diamonds"
Rell nods, "Yes, I sell them for 100 trias each. I have seven left."
Haraun says: Ah, nice to meet you :) I have need of 6 of them
Rell says: Excellent!
Larisma smiles and puts her pick away
Rell says: thank you, Tabei.
Haraun smiles and looks at the diamonds "Thank you"
Rell says: That helps with my losses at the table last night.
Larisma says: Off to Levrus, I presume?
Larisma laughs
Haraun says: Yes :)
Larisma says: I lost half me money
Rell says: I quit after losing 1250 trias.
Haraun says: oh :)
Larisma says: Ha! I quit after Huor's winning streak gained strength!
Rell says: I'm glad I missed it :)
Haraun prefers spending money for things he needs :)
Haraun says: yet...
Rell says: There's always the chance of a big payoff.
Rell says: Hello, Lebre :)
Haraun says: So Levrus is waiting for the Diamonds. Thank you again; I hope Ill meet you again
Rell says: Your welcome.
Lebre says: Hello my friends
Larisma says: Ah, well I have other business to do - farewell
Haraun says: Good bye :)
Rell says: Bon shrdah, haraun.

What should I say? I created Haraun to learn what this RP is. And there was much to learn.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Masquerade Ball Guestbook
« on: December 28, 2011, 03:34:26 pm »
An Enki in a riverling costume signes the book with "Haraun, Sentinel of the Felines Lair"

General Discussion / Re: The Great Screenshot Collection
« on: November 27, 2011, 03:19:53 am »
0.5.8 - New levels for crafters!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Calling for former RPing players and current RPers
« on: November 04, 2011, 01:31:39 pm »
However, it would be nice to see some familiar faces and maybe even get a chance to RP with them once again.
Some are still around. Welcome back, Illysia.

Guilds Forum / Re: Enkidukai Guilds
« on: April 25, 2011, 08:07:07 am »
We already talked on irc. But for the sake of completeness here also a very quick info for this thread.

The Felines Lair is a guild with a long history. Nevertheless we indeed aren't even trying to be the mightyest or strongest. What we do is offer a home for all Enkidukai who need or want a home.
So don't expect to be part of a powerful organization if you join us, and neither expect handy spoier lists. But you can expect us to help you as much as we can - and if you want to roleplay, maybe in our house, you can expect us to come and join you.
As you might figure, we're roleplay focused and certainly not just warriors. You can, for example, choose different paths (I, for example, am a scholar), but you have all freedom to do things in your character's way. As long as you don't treat others bad as we're a guild that helps others and with a good reputation.


I wonder how the guilds page works now. I actually can't interprete the members-number - Felines Lair has wether 15 active members (less) nor 15 overall members (more).
Right now looks it for me like the page is simple broken. Bad luck for Felines Lair that this means that we don't get the logo shown anymore.


Guilds Forum / Re: Guilds linked to main ps web site.
« on: June 03, 2010, 05:54:20 am »
I'd like to have as guild website. Can you set it manually on the guilds.php or do I have to use that website in the ingame guild information?


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