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Messages - Pentrian

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Puppeteer of Flames
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:45:09 am »
(21:17:17) The Male Kylros walks into the tavern, and drops a few circles on the bar, before taking a mug from Allelia
(21:17:40) The Female Kylros looks apologetically at The Ylian "No I didn't get a good view."
(21:17:57) The Female Kylros sees The Male Kylros and looks as if she's about to run
(21:18:03) The Ylian sips the water as a look comes over his face, "Honor, which to me means the ability to keep ones word, is all I have to live by."
(21:18:04) The Male Kylros turns around and drops the mug in shock
(21:18:14) The Female Kylros moves so The Dwarf is between them
(21:18:19) The Dwarf eyes the klyros as he walks in "Well, this has certnly tooking an interesting turn
(21:18:47) The Male Kylros growls "YOU!"
(21:19:34) The Dwarf says: "..." looks between the two klyros then were hes standin "perhaps not a good spot to stand.."
(21:19:58) The Ylian hears the growl and looks at the newly arrived Klyros carefully.
(21:20:37) The Male Kylros edges towards The Female Kylros glaring angrily at her
(21:21:09) The Female Kylros appears ready to rush for the exit
(21:21:14) The Dwarf slowly starts inching twords the chairs whistling
(21:21:25) The Female Kylros says: "Don't let him hurt me!"
(21:21:58) The Male Kylros snarls "I heard... An interesting story The Female Kylros "
(21:22:06) The Female Kylros moves so The Dwarf is still between them
(21:22:20) The Dwarf says: Oh, why did you have to say that, now I cant let my chivalry die
(21:22:39) The Male Kylros says: About a Fenki, in the Kylros Capital
(21:22:53) The Ynwwn laughs upon hearing the word "chivalry"
(21:23:05) The Male Kylros says: Who ran into someone... Matching your... description quite well.
(21:23:35) The Male Kylros says: a ' kind shy, friendly Klyros'
(21:24:04) The Dwarf glares at the witch then stares back at The Male Kylros, his hand inching twords his belt
(21:24:23) The Male Kylros says: Who Inexplicably (sp) was... overcome with terrors long conquered
(21:25:04) The Ylian watches, content that the male Klyros is just talking for now, but sets his goblet back down in anticipation of things to come.
(21:25:33) The Male Kylros stares 'through' The Dwarf, but moves places his hands on the hilts of his daggers
(21:26:17) The Male Kylros says: Perhaps... you would care to explain, how... Bad things, seem to happen to those around you?
(21:26:30) The Male Kylros adds with a sarcastic snarl "Dear innocent one"
(21:26:42) The Dwarf says: Hmm, I hear talk of a book, undestroyble and able to control people, can you tell me more of this?
(21:26:50) The Ylian glances at the female Klyros, "What is he implying, Miss?"
(21:27:46) The Female Kylros looks fearfully at The Male Kylros "I remember a fenki there.....named.....I can't remember. I was going to show her around but she ran off screming about something."
(21:30:05) The Female Kylros nods "It must be........all this started when I saw that thing....."
(21:32:04) The Male Kylros seems to notice The Ylian for the first time, and relaxes his other hand, still keeping it near the hilt.
(21:33:04) The Dwarf says: "Oh bother, I'm always being ignored when I'm talking about something big!" throws up his hands in frustration
(21:34:40) The Male Kylros looks to Inhahi "Book?" He sighs wearily "Again with a book"
(21:37:05) The Ynwwn says: I somehow don't think we'll find out any more about it right now than what's already been mentioned...
(21:37:11) The Ynwwn turns and walks off calmly.
(21:38:17) The Dwarf ignore The Ynwwn's comment "I have a feeling you know more about it then your letting on, why else would you want to keep her from telling the guards about it?
(21:39:40) The Male Kylros moves to maneouver around Ihali and lunge at The Female Kylros,empty handed, his anger re-ignited.
(21:40:03) The Ylian shakes his head, unable to see the importance of the book The Dwarf is questioning about when he stands between two threatening people.
(21:40:13) The Male Kylros shouts "WENCH!"
(21:40:29) The Female Kylros shrieks and bolts for the door
(21:41:28) The Ylian watches as the lady rushes past him.
(21:41:39) The Male Kylros makes swift chase
(21:41:40) The Female Kylros leaps over the tables using her wings to gain air
(21:42:05) The Male Kylros shouts: stop!
(21:43:09) The Male Kylros says: What in the dome?!
(21:43:42) The Male Kylros looks into the sewers hesitantly, wondering if anything she told him was true, then decides to jump in, in hope that it in atleast part was.
(21:44:07) The Female Kylros has stopped moving and stands watching The Male Kylros with a cold smile
(21:44:30) The Male Kylros's shoulders sink as he considers that he just walked into a trap
(21:44:42) The Female Kylros speakds in The Male Kylros's mind and the sound echos loudly "Foolish little one..."
(21:45:12) The Female Kylros says: "Do you wish to play?"
(21:45:45) The Female Kylros calmly walks towards him a few steps, seeming to grow larger as she gets closer
(21:46:08) The Male Kylros cringes at the sound, and puts his hands over his ears in an attempt to drown it out
(21:46:53) The Female Kylros strikes out suddenly with her mind in an attempt to stun The Male Kylros and make him immobile.
(21:48:10) The Male Kylros falls against the wall, apparently unable to move, but is muttering something under his breath
(21:48:28) The Male Kylros says: UGGH
(21:49:26) The Male Kylros crawls against the wall, as the ever looming form approaches
(21:50:33) The Female Kylros laughs even louder inside his head as she catches a few words he utters "My dear little clacker I have used that spell on countless victims."
(21:51:16) The Female Kylros says: "You think I am here for that silly little book. You stupid fool."
(21:51:57) The Male Kylros keeps trying to make himself smaller against the wall "WHAT...THEN? WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
(21:52:31) The Female Kylros says: "To cause weaken this world so someone else can take over....."
(21:52:55) The Female Kylros says: "And now you will be one of my tools to do just that."
(21:54:11) The Male Kylros manages to smile at some unseen joke to this
(21:54:31) The Male Kylros says: will...I?
(21:54:53) The Female Kylros ignores the grin "So you want this book? Well I will make it an obsession so strong for you that you will kill for it."
(21:56:38) The Male Kylros reaches feebly for one of his daggers, and attempt to unsheath it,
(21:56:48) The Female Kylros focuses on The Male Kylross mind and lays in a strong compulsion for the book, so strong that he will do anything for it. And he won't be able to think of anything else.
(21:57:28) The Female Kylros doesn't appear to notice what he is doing, more focused on her work in his mind.
(21:58:05) The Male Kylros's body wracks with shivers
(21:58:47) The Female Kylros grins when she is finished and sure the compulsion is permanent and strong enough. Then she goes about erasing his memories of this event.
(21:58:58) The Male Kylros says: I...WILL ..... NOT....
(21:59:26) The Female Kylros laughs again, echoing loud enough to cause his head to hurt "Won't you?"
(22:00:26) The Male Kylros pulls his dagger free, but instead of trying to lunge against the monsterous form in front of him, turns it on himself, and savagely attempts to cuts his throat
(22:00:44) The Male Kylros shouts: TALAD....FORGIVE ME!
(22:02:45) The Female Kylros is surprised enough though when he doesn't go for her with the dagger that he has a few seconds to work with
(22:01:13) The Female Kylros growls in annoyance and strikes hard at him again with her mind as he tries to slit his throat
(22:02:51) The Male Kylros bashes against the wall, but manages to finish the deed, his fading thought, hoping that he will somehow remember what has happened

When The Male Kylros wakes up, he remembers only three things. One, the desire, desire so stong, that he would do anything, absolutely anything, to get one of the cursed books floating around. Two, The name, and horrifying image of a Kylros, but no other details. Three, Hatred. Pure unadultrated hatred for that Klyros.

Single Author Stories / Falling Endeavours
« on: April 25, 2011, 07:22:44 am »
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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Favorite Music
« on: March 30, 2011, 01:09:28 am »
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Single Author Stories / Re: An Emperor's Autobiography
« on: March 29, 2011, 05:40:41 am »
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Single Author Stories / A lonely night in Kada El's Tavern.
« on: March 28, 2011, 08:33:56 pm »
[Post Removed]

Pages: [1]