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Messages - yliu182

Pages: [1]
:) Now I see, it is like a event happening to the game world.  I was thinking the meshes have all been changed.

Thank you very much for your help.

I really want to know does this happen to everyone, or just happens to me ? The avatar I controlled changes from a human to an insect.

Thank you guys for answers

Thank you for your help, Sarva. But I don't quite understand what you mean.

How can I check the event calendar of the game ?

General Discussion / How can I restore the old character appeareace ?
« on: October 31, 2012, 04:55:53 pm »
Hi, Guys. One month ago when I play the game, everything was right. But today , I find in the game, every character changes from a human to an insect or animal. I think this is due to the update activity on the server .  Is there a way to change the character appearance back to human beings? Cause I don't like controlling an insect, which looks ugly to me.

I have studied the source code of PlaneShift for a couple of weeks and wonder is it possible to develop a way to automatically grab the information of all the 3D objects in a map region. 

I know that in a game region, all the 3D objects information are stored in a map file (a xml or binary file), this map file will be loaded into the game engine, and tells the game engine that there is a tree at location A and there is a stone wall at location B. Based on this map file, the game engine will create a 3D world including all the objects. But in the source code, I cannot find where exactly this objects information has been stored when a map file is loaded. I hope to be able to grab these object information, such that when I play the game, every time when I enter into a new region, I can get a list of all the objects in this region and their locations.

If my understanding is correct, this should be doable, since the game engine should use this information to create and render the 3D world, the difficulty is how to grab this information and make it available to me.

I have been think about this problem for long time, hope there is someone in this forum who has idea about it, any suggestion and comment are highly appreciated. Thank you all !

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