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Messages - acidfunk

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In regular mode it says \"No 3d driver\" while loading, then the game comes up and it says \"No hardware acceleration\". I have a 3dfx Voodoo 3 vid card, and up to date drivers, I don\'t see why it won\'t work.

Safe mode USED to work, but now it just comes up to the \"Initializing World\" part, and goes non-responsive. I\'m already addicted to the game and I haven\'t even really been able to play it yet. *sigh* I hope all the bugs get fixed soon.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Paying to pk?
« on: June 18, 2003, 02:44:45 am »
Thats a horrible idea. And what about the person who died because of that person paying $10? Yes, thats extremely fair (NOT). A game without pking isn\'t much of a game at all. PvM isn\'t a challenge at all, but PvP IS.

I mean, sure, first time you\'re exploring the world, it might be nice to just do it alone. Go figure out what there is, find out what monsters there are, and just run around carefree. But when you get more experienced at the game... Monsters aren\'t going to cut it.

Sure, you can beat a couple monsters. You can slay a few dragons. Woop-de-doo. The REAL challenge is being able to outwhit another person somewhere out there in the world. Now THAT\'S an amazing feeling.

Again. PvP where *BOTH* players accept to go hostile would be the best. That would make everybody happy.

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: June 18, 2003, 02:31:26 am »
I think PKing makes every game even better than it already was. PvM is alright, but PvP, WOW!!! I think a system where each person had to agree to going hostile would be better though, that would be the ultimate PvP system. That would make it fair for people who DONT like Pking, and fair for us who absolutely LOVE it!!!! :)

When I try to open up in normal mode, it says \"No hardware accelaration\" And then a Program error comes up saying \"psclient.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows.\" I wouldn\'t mind playing in safe mode, except for the fact that it\'s REAAAAAAALLY REALLY slow. I dont have a great computer, but I\'m still able to play games like Diablo and stuff, so I\'m sure I have the requirements. Whats going wrong? :(

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