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Messages - Grakrim

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 32
Guilds Forum /
« on: December 19, 2005, 07:23:38 pm »
I should warn you, surviving members of the original Rangers are now prone to random violent outbursts.  Funny, that.

General Discussion /
« on: October 16, 2004, 06:17:51 pm »
cmatthewthomas at mindspring dot com

Guilds Forum / Three cheers!
« on: October 04, 2004, 04:19:13 pm »
Has it been a year already? That time certainly just flew right by...

Congratulations to Kada, and all my friends in the Ordo Illuminatis! May you have another wonderful year, and many more after that.

Guilds Forum /
« on: July 20, 2004, 03:07:02 pm »
Ah, best of luck to Monketh and all Rangers, current or impending.

As for the site, I rather like the design. Simple and clean, easy on the eyes.

It doesn\'t get much better than the Rangers, folks.  They may not be as flashy as the others, but there\'s more meat here than most of the other guilds combined.

General Discussion /
« on: July 14, 2004, 09:16:27 pm »
Originally posted by Mogura
I have nothing against people like Grakrim or Draklar who have a much more stern, \'upright\' behavour, as I can be like this myself sometimes also. But at least with Draklar, he knows when to let his hair down. He knows how to have fun. :) I think everyone needs to be able to do this sometimes, otherwise they\'re just plain boring.

Wow, I\'m serious?  Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  I\'ve always considered myself a bit too silly and funloving, but hey, I suppose you know me best, right? ... Mustn\'t forget the emoticon :P


But what about a more serious case... what about Axsyrus? I\'m afraid I have never, not on any single occasion, seen Axsyrus with a sense of humour. He can be nice. He can be civil. Helpful. Polite. But by Aliathi I have never seen that guy have fun.
But at least with Axsyrus, well... is there anyone who can honestly say, in light of these truths, they want this fubar to continue to have any kind of power? :P

Axsyrus is the best OP I could ask for, personally. He keeps order in the channel, while not being so restrictive as to prevent any OT chat from occuring; in the ideal ratio for such a fan channel, as well.  As far as Axsyrus having no sense of humor, that\'s the most blatently false thing I\'ve ever heard.  Furthermore, you\'re in no posistion to make such a claim, considering you have never spent more than a few hours in #planeshift on QuakeNet as far as I can recall (or as far as I can find greping my logs, none).

Personally, can anyone with eyes unclouded truthfully say they want Seperot to have any kind of power?  Sure, he\'s a good friend of mine. But not the sort of friend that I would entrust much more than a ham sandwich to...

General Discussion /
« on: April 26, 2004, 02:53:07 pm »
I don\'t think this is a matter of something that can be done by the devs or moderation, this is entirely something for the community to fix on its own.  This degradation is common amongst games with any signifigant exposure that is easily accessible.  Indeed, the same degradation is common in Everquest nowadays, or so I\'ve heard; and that\'s a pay-to-play game.
One solution on other games has been to establish RP servers as an alternative to a common server, but this is obviously not an option as previously stated; it would strain the community far too much at this point.

This just goes with the territory of MMORPGs, I suppose; but we certainly don\'t have to stand for it.  Actions speak louder than words, after all; you think honor and mutual respect will aid the community? Then demonstrate it!  Show one respect and I say you\'ll find it returned in kind.
However, such respect and kindness is obviously contrary to particular RP relashionships.  A community thrives on conflict, so eliminating it entirely would be suicide.  What seems to be the case is that the conflict is expressed incorrectly, not IC, as it should be, but OOC, via forum posts, idle threats, malicious hacking, and OOC spying.  Expressing conflict properly would greatly improve the situation.

I still say those serious about this community should keep their bonds strong into CB; if we can keep the core community strong, I believe there\'s still hope.  Perhaps the best defense will just be ignoring those that do us harm...

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: April 26, 2004, 02:10:32 pm »
I think gunplay, when executed correctly, has a certain flair for it.  I\'ve yet to see a video game with exceptional gunplay (I\'m talking Equilibrium-quality gunplay).  On that matter, I\'ve yet to see a game with breathtaking swordplay, as well, so there\'s still plenty of room for growth.

Perhaps if someone had the brilliant idea to cross Parappa and Bushido Blade (Or Way of the Samurai)...

As for movies I\'d say I prefer guns, and I have no strong feelings in terms of weapons in video games.

Guilds Forum /
« on: April 25, 2004, 08:12:25 pm »
Last I heard, and this information is quite out of date, mind you: the Enkidukai guild, Feline\'s Lair, may see a return come Crystal Blue.
If this is indeed true, and Feline\'s Lair returns more-or-less intact, I believe it would be well worth the wait.

Many a Enki guild has come and gone; the whole premise seems rather cliched, now.  However, your idea of an Enkidukai racial RP board is rather interesting...

Guilds Forum /
« on: April 13, 2004, 06:03:56 pm »
Its all elitist dribble if you ask me, yet another shadowy \"secret\" organization already too public for its own good... No better than the now-defunct Great Gods or Cabal, just with cooler sigs.  There are easier and better ways to effect change or \"assist the community\"; as there are also better ways for a secret guild to make itself known, via the spreading of rumors and misinformation in discrete forums, such as in-game or IRC.

But good luck nonetheless, prove that you\'re not as big of a failure that we think thus far.

(On a side note, this all but prevents me from reusing my \"Grakrim the   Greyminded\" moniker that was my sig for a good month awhile back (Not to mention core to my oft-delayed background story); but oh well, I suppose I can\'t complain)

Originally posted by Draklar
I don\'t think they\'re evil spy guild...
uhhh... members secret? I bet Kwartz\' former leg (aka Tranor) that Grakrim is in it...

Hmm... I do wonder why you\'d think that? ;)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 10, 2004, 08:53:28 pm »
I\'ve seen some folks come on the IRC trying to figure out this package in the past; I\'m not sure where it came from, or if its some sort of cruel joke, but I don\'t believe it works.
Assuming you are speaking of the same package, you\'re correct in that it doesn\'t have the art, so its nigh-useless.

General Discussion /
« on: April 10, 2004, 07:49:09 pm »
Ah, this sounds like the perfect reason for me to return to the hunt...
*writes a blank cheque in Psybur\'s name*

Just be sure to post screens of your work back here should anything happen to them...

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: April 09, 2004, 05:18:46 pm »
Personally, I just run Planeshift in Eterm, and tail -f chat_Grakrim.log in another (both of which I usually sticky at the bottom of the screen under E).  More recently, I wrote a little script that beeps when my name is called; works wonders for idleing.

But I suppose this works too...

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: April 09, 2004, 11:44:03 am »
Originally posted by DepthBlade
Bah I missed survivor last week and Jerry got booted who got booted this week, I just got off work :(

This was the best episode yet, in my opinion.  Lex was throughly screwed from all angles following the merge, both from Boston Rob/Amber and from his own alliance-mate, Kathy.  At least he got on the jury, I suppose.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: April 08, 2004, 10:48:28 pm »
(Hm...Why\'d you have to go and scrounge this old thing up?)
Originally posted by Tash
how do you know that Survivor/Robinson Cruse is \"heavily scripted\"?

Well, for one, they have a writing staff...

Humans are very predictable things, and when in put in particular cirumstances it can often be deduced what course of action the participants will take.  For example, last week on Survivor All-Stars, the two tribes were \"randomly reshuffled\"; although actually, the tribes remained the same save of one person who happened to be in a serious relashionship with a tribemate.  Obviously, the shuffle was stacked against this poor girl in order to strain their relashionship, and to make some interesting drama for the episode.  Interesting, it was; as her boyfriend made an offhand remark to her tribe\'s leader (\"protect her, and I\'ll protect you\", or something to that effect).  Anticipating an alliance come merge, the leader followed the boyfriend\'s advice and mobilized the vote against one of his own as opposed to the girlfriend.  All of this on the count of that one event... Any event or challenge in a reality show is intended to do the same; to poke and prod the contestants into some pre-defined roles or objectives.  Much of this \"scripting\" is also done in editing, as the producers only reveal as much as they wish the viewing audience to see.

But this brings me to another point, this time related to \"The Apprentice\".  I found it interesting that on two seperate occasions during the course of tonight\'s episode, the show was edited; and poorly, I might add.  Firstly, as Donald Trump was explaining the objectives, it was obviously voiced over at a later point, as opposed to using his original briefing he gave in-person.  Secondly, when one contestant was giving a monologue to the camera, his comment was entirely butchered; it sounded something to the effect of \" (I) (would) (not hire) (Omarosa) \" (the parentheses indicate four differant sound sample spliced together in editing).

Perhaps \"heavily scripted\" is a bit of an exageration, I\'m not sure what I was thinking when I wrote that...

Originally posted by Xalthar
The true beauty of shows like survivor, which I think you fail to specify, is the hatred or dislike that more often than not arises between the contestants..

Yes, you\'re right there; must have completely slipped my mind in that post. [edit] Ah, now that I reread my old post, I meant the beauty of those two shows in particular that I mentioned. But backstabbing is good, too ;) [/edit]

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: April 07, 2004, 02:58:00 pm »
Originally posted by Elegrand
I would like to be buried, but without a coffin. I would like to decompose, turn into soil, and become one witht he earth.

Bah, that\'s just about what I was going to say!

Like, Elegrand, I too would want to be buried without coffin; however, to expand on that, I would like no monument other than a tree planted at the site of my burial.
As for the location, I\'m not sure... Perhaps some lonely, secluded place where trees are a rarity...

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