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Messages - Flathead

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Re: Cross storage on the same account
« on: June 29, 2013, 05:18:21 pm »
 :thumbup: This would be a great idea, at least until we get player owned homes. \\o//

Wish list / Random loot while Digging/Harvesting/Fishing
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:10:50 am »
First Id like to say that the Dig/Harvest/Fish system as it is now is quite boring. I dont think I am the only one but if so then disregard this suggestion.

1. Implement a "Loot All" button in the loot screen. It would just simplify things a bit.

2. Instead of digging/harvesting/fishing for a short burst and putting what your looking for directly into your pack, dig/harvest/fish till your stamina runs out or the player stops it. Bring up the loot window with an assortment of loot. ie. 4 coal quality 50/50, 2 coal quality 55/55...

3. Give random items based on your skill level (skill level = how many and quality, better quality = better rewords/causes worse damage) that can only be fond by digging/harvesting/fishing. ie if your digging you could put a random piece of a map in the loot, that requires 6 pieces of map to find a hidden treasure within the same area you find the six pieces of the map and if you go and harvest it up get bonus to your harvest points plus some random thing. ie a small locked box (good for raising lock pick when available) when opened you could get a recipe for a drink that gives some thing not available else ware in game or some rotten berries that make you sick when you open the box. If you are digging you could get a hunk of pyrite if you take it to the furnace you could get a surprise gem unavailable any ware else in game or you could burst a hidden pocket of liquid sulfur that explodes in your face causing some damage to you. If you are fishing you could snag a hollowed out piece of drift wood that contains a rare peace of jewelry unavailable else ware in game or you could dislodge an angry serpent that bites you and slithers away causing some damage to you.

4. Some more ideas for random items:

Harvest bones that when given to an NPC he would give a random mini quest or reword or fine you for digging up a burial grounds.

Harvest a stalk of wheat that could be ground up to make flower of a better quality than normal or it could contain a parasite the harms you.

Dig up some petrified remains that could be a trophy for an NPC or cracked open for a delicacy that boosts a stat/skill for an extended time or it could contain a stinky gas that paralyzes you for a short time.

Dig up a gem that if broken open could contain a drop of elixir that can boost a normal potions effects or it could just brake into a hundred pieces giving your exposed skin slivers of fragmented gem causing you damage.

Fish and catch a fish carcass that holds in its mouth a finger with a ring still on it or it could be cursed and bites you before disintegrating causing you some damage.

Fish up a rare goldfish that if given to an NPC she thanks you by giving you either some stat/skill boosting potion or just a sweet smile and walks away.

5. The main thing with this is that you dont have to hop around so much while digging/harvesting/fishing and while you sit to recover your stamina you can play with the random things you get from digging/harvesting/fishing the random stuff should hopefully be something to make your digging/harvesting/fishing time more fun. Hopefully the good things you get from the random items would benefit your skill, like harvesting the buried treasure from the six pieces of the map could doubles the normal successful harvest practice points for finding one plant. Plus whatever happens to be in your treasure chest.

fun fun fun.

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