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Messages - raessol

Pages: [1]
I think it would be better to have if so many shortcuts, but distributed according to the context in which they are applied, and similar actions would be but in different contexts; I usually do that with an additional key and the same key in another context the action to take would be similar or the same result; but that I can do myself, but I wonder if there is a possibility that at least if what I described come ready to use. ;D :-X ;D

Great, it's something you really want to do, but I still do not think he has the ability to occupy the 600 possible actions, but I have to develop the skills to occupy all, but at least I'll have more chances without removing some that are me even useful. :thumbup: ;D :woot: :thumbup:

Interestingly, the subject, and even more the reaction of people, the question is not so much change the rules of the game, it's like playing each as developing its role as trying to have fun creating situations with their characters, do not think anything whether good or bad, is the story that we are developing, which is medieval setting, does not mean you have to compare with anything but as is the creation of your medieval for you setting, the tools we are creating a character and that this is developing and evolving according to the circumstances that others are considering it.

I really like the game, but I think in the dialogues of most quest has not been upgraded to the lack of need to buy theorist knowledge to npc, so they give information that is not necessary and could confuse players about the possibility of a new quest to perform or go to another npc.

Well sometimes happens in some quest, that just when you click on the answer, something goes wrong in your pc and then give an answer apparently not according to what you want your character to obtain, or want to make points with certain faction but your pc problems or failure your client appears to select other things manually or answer wrongly, in some cases, when the correct answer does not appear; that would not make sense according to what you want your character; I click "bye" and I attempted several times until I get the answer I want, but when you can not, well the question is a game and you have to enjoy it, but you can enjoy it does not make sense

I prefer to create a new character(alt) as you know that you are the missions will be easier to get to that point, then you remove it and now this.

Wish list / Re: Bubbles showing typing activity and AFK
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:33:56 pm »

Yes, that is my alt

Wish list / Re: Bubbles showing typing activity and AFK
« on: October 20, 2014, 04:54:40 pm »

Yes, that is my alt

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