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Messages - NotSo

Pages: [1]
Newbie Help (Start Here) / Trainers don't train
« on: November 15, 2015, 05:16:19 am »
Hi all,

I have been trying to learn a skill for some time and had some trouble understanding how to find trainers and receive their training. I got past that.
Now I have another problem - the trainers don't offer training.

I saw this page:
and decided to try my luck with leatherworking, so i visited Jeyarp Grotemey, who's supposed to teach levels 0-50. I asked him "what can you teach me" and he confirmed that he's a leatherworking trainer.
Then I selected him and wrote the train command.
The response was : "Jeyarp isn't a trainer"

I have seen similar problems with other trainers but I haven't checked which skill levels they teach, so I could've been out of their scope, I guess...

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