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Messages - Turahk

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General Discussion /
« on: May 29, 2004, 11:41:03 am »
its been so looooong since ive done anything related to PS >.< ....aanyway.....i say screw yalls posts cause im heres what i gotta say...for all yall ppl that know any of the old ppl that were here like a year ago (btw its been around exactly a year since i met yall cool ppl) we\'d get frickin bored so we\'d have parties in the tavern....of course thats cause ther was nothin else to do but it still all for houses...i like gettin cool stuff to show off to ppl and parties are fun cause its like 6+ ppl chillin in a room just havin fun....

peace out yall

Wish list /
« on: March 19, 2004, 07:19:16 am »
YAY! people like the idea again!

and for anyone who thinks constant casts of the same spell will be aloud it wont....there would be a \"cool down\" time like in Warcraft III so you dont get ur day ruined

and i guess there could be a \"blindfold\" button that filters out fun make (you could find it under the in-game options menu if there is one)

Wish list /
« on: January 15, 2004, 07:06:01 am »
ya that is a lot of spells.....sadly im to busy to think or post any :(


Wish list /
« on: January 12, 2004, 04:20:27 pm »
O.O   wwhoooaaaaa

thats a hella lota spells ^^

lovin the idea! kinda like a creature file but of Fun Spells

ill add some later :)


Wish list /
« on: January 11, 2004, 10:29:35 am »
EXACTLY! the whole point is for fun and entertainment...maybe even get money :D its an easy way to have PS Events

As for pillow fights and forts.......i love that idea! ya im 13 and all but chuckin a pillow at ur friends face is still fun :D

thanx for the input,

Wish list /
« on: January 11, 2004, 12:14:19 am »
i think teh topic died :(  no one has posted for like 3 days......well it was a try.....never give up hope! MAYBE some curious dev will scan the forums and notice the beer mug and decide to check it out...


Wish list /
« on: January 08, 2004, 04:09:09 pm »
Originally posted by roguewolftamer
man, this game could be one of the best if we had something like fun magic :D, but this game seems to have alot of thinkers that can come up with ideas from idea starters and make it into something good (along with me)

I think its cause a lot of us have played MMORPGs before and know what makes one fun to play and we are dealing with a developing mmorpg so it might be possible to give the devs ideas :D
i just wish it was possible to maybe email them this link or get them to notice us...

Wish list /
« on: January 07, 2004, 11:43:43 pm »
Originally posted by Jaxan
Maybe you can only do only 1 thief action every minute or something, until you get better. I can imagine the \"uber n00b p4n7z3rs 0f d00m\" running around pantzing everyone they see. *shudders* heh... maybe that would be funny once in a while though... :P :D

Jaxan officially says that he likes the whole idea of useless fun junk. (pretend thats a prestigous thing) ;)

LOL!!! i love that idea!! \"uber noob pantzers of doom\" LOL!! its rymes to!

ya like roguewolf said....higher lvl= better or lasts longer or has a better chance of succeding.


P.S.   i really cant believe this topic took off so fast :) on other forums mone never did :( but hey this one is and we\'ve seem to done a lot of teh ideas so if the devs do notice this then they might like it even more cause WE have already come up with the rules and stuff :D

Wish list /
« on: January 07, 2004, 04:38:27 pm »
Originally posted by tallimar
one question, because fun magic is vestigial, would it have a low mana cost?
ya i assume it would :)  unless the spell is so amazing and huge ( say \"Multi-Spark\" wher more fireworks then normal appear) that it could only consume a lot....but im sure mana will regenerate slowly or somethin so i doubt it will be like u have to eat sumthin to keep the show going :D


Wish list /
« on: January 06, 2004, 08:39:36 pm »
Originally posted by roguewolftamer
i want to be able to wear a robe that goes over every piece of armor and has a hood and hides your face and race from everyone (just for fun), maybe it could be a misc. quest or a \"fun\" quest

and i have a request too, for every piece of clothing made can there at least be a black piece? im into black and all :)

well i think black might be a base color :) cause it usually is so i wouldnt worry ^^

dark blue would be nice for me :D

Wish list /
« on: January 06, 2004, 05:08:56 pm »
Originally posted by Elegrand
Too improve on this idea: THe fire shouldn\'t hurt, just make it a real illusion, so your vision is all flamey-like, and they have a fire damage status but they\'re not getting hurt. It should also go onto to others.

ya thats what i meant....none of these tricks would do damage of any sort :D


Wish list /
« on: January 05, 2004, 08:37:33 pm »
LOL!! ya like the characters start running from the magician with the fartin prank pulled on him.

I like teh love idea Rogue, that would be hilarious to see it miss and a Kran go chasin an Enikundai.

another trick could be to \"set\" someone on fire, their character runs around a little while teh others step back.

hmmm lets see, assassins are hard to think of :( well besieds teh knife trick...

Animal tamers or whatever they are could have their pets do tricks....and magicians are almost limitless with tricks....fighters/knights could to things like \"feats of strength\"


Wish list /
« on: January 05, 2004, 06:30:58 pm »
wow this topic really took off ^^

lol \"welcome to the Traveling Corcus Guild\"...ya see if u watch that Intro when u go to teh site, it says sum stuff and then it says \"fall in love..\" so sum things could be like romantic spells like heart shaped fireworks and stuff...

lol now what if the thief missed, Tallimar?

wow the ideas never end!

Wish list /
« on: January 05, 2004, 05:34:27 pm »
ya basically things that dont really do anything just entertainment and stuff


lol i like teh bull riding idea and ale and beer thing to ^^
ya not only magician couls learn.....i mean them as universal skills......but then ther would be Class-special skills so that if im an Assassin that can do say a Mimic skill (like change appearance to a random shape ex: a large dog) but ur a magician and cant do it because its a Class-special skill

Wish list / "Fun" Magic
« on: January 05, 2004, 05:08:31 pm »
ok for you perverts it doesnt mean what ur thinkin.....ur sick

anyway ok i started PS like in the summer and some of yall know me as Tur.....ok so ive been thinkin of improvments and stuff....(yes i do talk to much)
Ok since thers goin to be magic, instead of just offensive and Defensive why not have Fun magic...heres and example:

Night falls and thers a small group or party outside, a magician has learned the magic skill \"fireworks\" and uses it....he raises his hands above his head and a little way above them (maybe 5-7 feet) flashes like mini-fireworks start appearing....


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