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Messages - Goji

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PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: December 10, 2003, 11:07:53 pm »
thats not fair to those with crappy computers.  Say their computer regularly crashes... yes it would be gay, but that is something they can\'t help.  It is not fair to penalize someone when they\'re allready penalized by haveing a laggy computer =)

Wish list /
« on: November 26, 2003, 03:34:36 pm »
Or at least have an option to have guild/friends chat in a separate window.   Or maybe even a coloring scheme in the normal window just to separate whos who... or an option to ignore public spam and only see stuff from your guild/friends.... and only PM would get through....

Wish list /
« on: November 07, 2003, 03:06:48 am »
~trys to scroll past huge Pic.~

Anyhow, the idea of a race specific weapon is definatly plausable, as that means that you would have to choose a profession in a weapon that your race actually gets bonuses from.  Doesnt that mean that your creating almost discrimination among the races already? =)
I\'m sure it would definatly make a cool dynamic to the game. But it should be even more specific... make it so that not every race can use them.... but they dont actually give bonuses.  That way you would be not limited to a particular weapon/race type and therefore limit the diversity you can take.... it should be equal whethere you choose dagger or sword....

Wish list /
« on: November 07, 2003, 02:58:58 am »
Personally I dont have a problem with peeps selling on e-bay.  I think that they\'re totally NUTZ!!! but that is besides the point.  The fact is, the devs will most likely be on the lookout for bugs that allow the weapons to be duped or hacked.  Any person trying to do this and is caught should be banned.... but really... if people want to buy stupid stuff like that on e-bay, let them.  As they are the people who are going to donate to you.... just to get a little extra something... that reallly doesnt matter.  Also, if you disallow trading completely, that totally kills an economy in-game, and that must be avoided at all costs, as that is a main drive in this game.... as you are actually choosing PROFESSIONS.  
Anyhow... I\'ve ranted enough at this point....  :rolleyes:

Wish list /
« on: November 07, 2003, 02:48:41 am »
the thing is, there wont be names that break the rules, there will be just really REALLY stupid names floating around out there...

But an engravers guild where you have to earn membership after years of Blacksmithing... definatly an idea.  But, a blacksmiths name should automatically be attached to every piece he crafts.... or has an option to not do so.  But untill he gets his engravery membership, that is all he is allowed to do :)

Wish list /
« on: November 05, 2003, 03:07:23 am »
Exactly what I think too.  Why would anyone want a really cool weapon called SquirrelMasterofPeanuts?

Mind you, thinks like IownU will prolly be around, but they wont appear much except with n00bs.... and this also allows you to see who is n00b ;) kinda an identification if you ask me :)  And im sure the novelty would wear off quickly as they actually become serious about the game.

Wish list /
« on: November 01, 2003, 12:02:38 pm »
Thats the thing though... If you want to be a well reputed blacksmith and make uber cash, then you have to name weapons with respect.  I know it would be funny for some names... but in all honesty I think for the most part it would be ok.

 ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(

Wish list /
« on: October 30, 2003, 01:05:31 am »
I agree that there should be a naming-tag implemented.  But I love the idea of having to actually work for that name.  But you can also implement the two.  The blacksmith may name a sword \'Helmsbreath\', but I could slay a couple hundred squirrels with it, so it would become \"Helmsbreth the Squirrelinator sword\".  This would prevent a lot of retarded names, as who wants to spend all that time to earn a tag with a sword called \"IWillOwnU\"  (as I\'m sure there will be several thousand like this)!  Mind you, not many people would actually buy swords with retarded names! (at least I hope).  The blacksmiths will not make much money if they call the swords stupid names, and it should only be blacksmiths that name a sword upon creation.  It would be called that henceforth, and the user could go out and earn a tag for it at a later date which would blah blah blah....
anyhow, im done for now :p

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: October 30, 2003, 12:51:16 am »
Personally. I think that this should be limited to those who are animal trainers.  I mean, what good is being an animal trainer then?  Also, animal trainers by rights should have their familiars more powerful.  They can summon familiars for others.... for a price and a little blood ;)  Or else they just may become vetrinarians...

Wish list /
« on: October 30, 2003, 12:32:09 am »
I dunno about you, but penalties are plausible.  Has anyone ever played Asheron\'s Call?  Their penalty system for being killed, and how they worked the whole death system worked quite well.  If you need to make it more elaborate, go ahead.  But, for most people, it makes the game too tedius for the first while.  Specially for n00bs who are still getting the hang of things.  This in turn limits people who want to play, as we end up not having any fresh blood.  They just simply get fed up.
IMHO, I\'m fine with whatever system they decide to implement: I don\'t plan on being killed often anyhow ;)  But in terms of game popularity, there has to be and easier way to get back into the game after being killed.

Wish list /
« on: October 30, 2003, 12:26:57 am »

But wouldn\'t that be bypassing the big guy down below? :D  I mean, he still wants his due too!

Wish list /
« on: October 29, 2003, 10:05:38 pm »
True... a not so stong player should have a thinner body.  Is there some way to tie in your stats to body porpotioning?

Also... there should be a way to become a \'big\' merchant.  Someone thicker around the middle who loves life and fine wines.

Wish list /
« on: October 29, 2003, 10:01:51 pm »
I dont think thats feasable whemy.  THe devs would have to sort through countless models that people would submit.... but as an idea, if you create your sword, and then are able to click on it and see info, you can see the new sword image in the info.  It doesnt look diffrent out in the open, and only those people who click on it have to download the image.  Or, there could be a quest for really high lvls to gain a custom sword.... or weapon.  So that only a few \'elite\' players have unique weapons....

Wish list /
« on: October 29, 2003, 09:50:05 pm »
Oh wow... sounds too much like RL!  Licencing?  Nah.  That would make it impossible for n00bs to set up shop.  I mean, what about n00b buyers?  they wont go to a big shop for inexpensive goods... they\'ll go to a small guy selling garbage for cheap right?

I think that there should be a way to set up shop (needing a cart or somesuch) but when you toggle a \'sell mode\' you become like an npc... where they can buy items from you without you being present.  This would allow for chars to be left on when peeps are at work or stuff like that and actually do something.  You set your prices for items and they choose what to buy... without haggling.  If they want an item for cheaper, they\'re just gonna have to try to buy it when your there ;)

Also, depends on what you choose as a class.... i mean, armourers would be able to set up shop.... to sell armour.  Alchemists... to sell potions, balms, elixers... etc.  so that you cant just set up shop and sell anything.  if you want to sell certian things, you go to the correct vendor and sell it to them for cheaper, and then it is resold.

Wish list /
« on: October 29, 2003, 09:37:34 pm »
So your saying that you should basically restart your char, but without actually having to restart....

That would definatly make it interesting and put a lot of stress on getting a healer in your party!  

Personally, I think there should be major penalties, but only temporary.  You dont lose experience, but every time you die, you get a -4 to all stats etc, that build upon each other each time you die.  But you can work them off with exp., it just makes it harder to do so when your in that rough of condition.

Or, in reference to an afterworld, when you die, everyone has the same stats and are lvl 1, have to complete quests to be revived, and when do so, are back to thier old highly powerful selves ;)  That would make it fair so that a high lvl doesnt just hold the portal open for n00bs so to speak ;)

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