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Messages - Coyote

Pages: [1]
Wish list /
« on: November 17, 2003, 09:20:58 am »
I\'ve got a good idea... I think.

Trees regrow where there are some trees to reproduce.
People can plant trees (druids could speed-up the growth and protect some trees)
People can try to kill people who cut trees (some not sociable druids who prefear nature to humans... Or some active ecologists)
Magic could make trees alive (for fun or to protect one kind of object like: me, , trees, animals... so you never know what an enchanted tree is up to. huhuhu.)
Some kind of enchantements could make trees more dificult to cut in a zone (damned elfs)
Creatures which live in trees could think it\'s a bad idea to destroy their home...

And using a skill to cut trees is a good idea then you can cut \'eme faster when your skill goes highter. And you could get specialised in cutting and working with one kind of wood at the end.

Wish list /
« on: November 04, 2003, 06:23:40 am »
Originally posted by zinder
the code to build chars from some predefined parts may be only some days of work. but you must create the predefined parts, too. and that will be lots of work for the modellers.

Right... I didn\'t think about this small problem... I don\'t know any think about modeling, sorry. ^^ But anyway... i\'l continue to think it\'s a great idea cause there is no game wich offer such feature till now. Maybe cause it\'s a stupid feature? but i\'ll continue to deffend this idea.

Why not try to do a squeletton and face generator... I\'d love to try when i\'ll have free time.

Wish list /
« on: November 03, 2003, 11:22:42 am »
Originally posted by Axsyrus
it\'s just a rumor, but i think they are already working on something like this ^_^

Aah... a rumor!!!!

The think is that it\'s just a dy of work and a day of tests... to balance and prevent strange chars... And it would save a lot of work on new models...

General Discussion /
« on: November 03, 2003, 07:45:55 am »
That debate reminds me something....
\"640 Ko should be enough for everyone\" -
Bill Gates, 1981

I know... it\'s pervert to quote a so old topic...

But while we need to operate on big ints or to have a better precision in our calculations I think 256bits processors can be not enough in a couple of years for scientists... and for purposes like life simulation and society generation and simulation from multiples individuals (politic, life organisation...) 128bits processor farms will be a great step forward.

So expansion of registries size and of co-processing are essential... and even more essential... evolution. Actual architectures are too rigid, not dynamical enough. It will have to disappear, or to be simulated on new architectures for backward compatibility.

Wish list / !!! Characters Shapes !!!
« on: November 03, 2003, 07:05:34 am »
characters shapes!
This is an interesting point. everyone is the same guy with some variations for the moment.
What can be done?
Do some generic types of hairs, eyes, noses, faces bodies parts...
Do a system of coloration for hairs, eyes, noses, skins. A slider with colours variances would be nice. a variable for each of those parts colour would be nice.
A couple of variables for example a guy who have black hairs but his age or level of global XP is really high, it adds some white hairs.
Doing a system of shapes for: bodies and each part of the body. some people are tall, some are big boned, and some are strong. Sliders to adjust global size, height, stoutness of the global body, and then of each part of the body: arms hands, head, legs, belly, nose...

Then limit the start and end limits for each slider depending of the race: a human for example will not have access to elves shaped ears, and dwarves will never be able to get slender bodies.

It will give one model with billions of different shapes.
Small ints for example 8bits will be perfect... it doesn\'t take a lot of time to load such a model I presume till it\'s on the client and it just have to adapt to the description.

Colour of the skin

Size of the body (proportions)

The is the body more large or more tall

The colour of eyes

The colour mixed with the first one or the colour of the white part of the eye.

Type of hairs.

Colour of the hairs

How long the hairs are.

Type of beard.

Colour of the beard

How long the beard is.

How large the nose is

How long the nose is

How tall the nose is

Type of the nose. Holes, sharp nose, piggy...

How long is the head

How large is the head

X,y for the position on the head for the visage.
I think this would give more personality to characters. Just some work over the visage. The head... and the bandwidth load is of 104b for those options. Even if the characters model is 200b a 56k modem can download 280 of such descriptions in one second. In theory.
And the client can keep the descriptions of couple of thousands characters in memory.
This modelling way could also be useful for creatures or NPC generation.

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