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Messages - scobar

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The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 18, 2004, 04:25:21 am »
Rockstar was also a no show.  I thought they\'d be there promoting their new GTA.
The Unreal engine was a nice demo and Everquest 2 has some cool features.  The Guild Wars booth had competitions, and my team won ours so we received 32 MB usb sticks so that was cool.

Fan Art /
« on: March 24, 2004, 01:56:42 am »
Crimson Pain:  Requested by Zephyrus

Fan Art /
« on: March 23, 2004, 01:39:25 am »
Many ages ago, a mythical creature roamed the peaceful land.  As Legions of evil forces flowed into the land over time, the creature showed it\'s powerful defense toward evil.  The creature brought safety throughout the land by illuminating the darkness, and killing evil forces in mass numbers with incredible magical spells.  The land was populated by many cities, and they remained protected.  One day the best weaponsmith of the land was deep in sleep when the leader of these mythical creatures approached him.  The creature gave the weaponsmith its primary source of magic, its horn.  The Leader told the weaponsmith that their time in this land was over, they would be moving to another place far away.

Their departure would invite evil back into the land and the peaceful cities would have limited defense.  The Leader told the weaponsmith to craft a blade to be weilded by the most powerful mage, using the horn of magic.  This mage would become the protector of the land.  The Leader also told the weaponsmith to craft the runic symbol for the word Scobar, which meant \"the Opression of Evil\" in the language of the land, into the blade.  

The Weaponsmith awoke from his dream and found the horn in his hand.  He crafted the blade out of his most prized materials: Azure Shards (said to have been from the Great Azure Crystal itself) were crafted into the blade.  A flawless diamond crafted into the handle brace.  And the Magical horn stretched out the back of the blade as a handle.  A golden polished alloy of the strongest steel in the land create the handle brace, and the blade is crafted from a secret alloy discovered by the weaponsmith.  It is both the most durable and light-weight metal in the land.

When finished with the incredible weapon, the smith placed it upon a pedestle awaiting the correct mage to redeem the power source.  It has been said that the weapon will not allow itself to be weilded by one whose heart is tainted by even the slightest bit of evil.

It is unknown how the word for the runic symbol actually sounded, but Traveling storytellers of a different language named the symbol \"Scobar\" as a strong resemblance to those letters in their alphabet created the shape of the blade.

Scobar\'s Blade:

Fan Art /
« on: March 15, 2004, 07:56:47 pm »
nice.  All I can say to add is a small hold that the string can rest behind.  

also.  If you can animate, you might want to do the simple animation of the back lever pulling back and the string hold dropping and the string quickly thrusting the bolt off of the xbow.  

Regardless of if you do an animation or not, I\'ll texture the map for you

Fan Art /
« on: March 15, 2004, 12:46:13 pm »
The Gumster, 6 souls entered the blade, and the 7th was cursed into the red gem at the bottom of the handle.

Wedge that looks like a good render, I will do a texture if you map it.

Fan Art /
« on: March 13, 2004, 08:01:46 am »
for the metallic look use a grey tone for the shape, and use the following in \"Blending Options\"

Bevel & Emboss
default for all, but change technique to chisel hard or soft
Switch between the Gloss Contours and see what works best.

Other than that, just work with the light angle, the color of shading, and the size and depth to create the look you want.

Fan Art /
« on: March 13, 2004, 07:32:03 am »
Very Well Done Nanaki!  Your style is awesome and Your concepts match your high level of quality in your art.  You are a very skillful artist my lady.

Fan Art /
« on: March 13, 2004, 06:56:34 am »
The Story of \"Nuuruhuine Kuru\" or in English \"Wizardry\'s Death Shadow\"

Upon the defeat of the dark elves, the Elven race began anew.  The high council of still only 3 members feared \"Uumea Tevin\" may not be in their possession forever, and as a safeguard ordered the finest of craftsman to join and create a weapon so powerful, it could counter the Blade.

The council agreed that a handblade with projectile capability would be the weapon built.  And so the most skillful craftsmen created the crossbow.  The blade is made of the strongest of flexible metals, enchanted by the elven high council to remain almost unbreakable in combat.  The crossbow shoots a bolt with a tip stained with a poison that drains mana like deaths shadow drains life.

Therefore the crossbow was named as the shadow of death over magic.  This crossbow existing of the strongest of metals is extremely heavy, and can only be wielded by a hero of massive strength.  

If recovered from the protected treasure of the Elves, this weapon would be perfect for the lonely travelor, as they could deal massive damage at close range while also ridding mages without the need to chase them.  Thus a single tank could efficiently wipe out an entire party of opponents.

I hope you like it Camika.

Fan Art /
« on: March 13, 2004, 04:34:57 am »
Those textures look great!  I think its awesome how well done they are!  It actually gives the world a realistic winter atmosphere.

Fan Art /
« on: March 10, 2004, 09:38:03 pm »
to reduce poly count you could probably leave the metal part attached to the wood out and use texture to make it.  It looks great!

General Discussion /
« on: March 10, 2004, 08:31:48 pm »
oi Riceirolves,
Tudo bom?  Eu falo um pouco de portugues porque minha esposa e brasileira.  Eu posso ajudar voce um pouco com traduciendo, mais meu portugues e muito errado agora.
De onde voce e?  Minha esposa e do Vitoria no estado Espiritu Santo.

Now in English because I hate when people converse in another language leaving the rest wondering.

Hi Riceirolves,
How are you?  I speak a little portuguese because my wife is Brasilian.  I can help you some with translating, but my Portuguese is currently erraneous.  
Where are you from? My wife is from Vitoria, Espiritu Santo.

Fan Art /
« on: March 10, 2004, 12:59:09 am »
The \"CS\" you\'re asking about could be a number of things, but the most relevant to Planeshift that I can think of is Crystal Space, the 3d engine that Planeshift uses.  You can find more info on Crystal Space Here:

Fan Art /
« on: March 09, 2004, 07:39:07 pm »

that page has the target poly count for objects, and great how to information.  I think it answers everything you\'re looking for.

Fan Art /
« on: March 09, 2004, 07:29:09 pm »
Sorry that I didn\'t go into detail of how the sword would be used.  The sword is not meant to be used for physical attacks at all, which is why it looks a bit awkward for that.  It is meant for a powerful sorcerer/sorceress to weild and utilyze the incredible force.  

I could not place into the jpg, but the sword should be in constant flame at the blade.  This flame would envelop any who the weilder intended to attack and melt their body by saturating both armor and skin, then boiling their insides with the power and hadred of the spirits within the flame.  

Any weilder could only deliver such an attack by the 7 spirits by touching his opponent with the flaming blade(no physical dmg neccessary), but a mage can extend the flame up to 30 feet off of the blade.  The most experienced mages can manipulate the flame to reach farther, and in larger quantities at faster speeds.  The spirits would also give the mage a bonus to dark magics that the 7 Dark mages possessed.

The 7th mage who alone killed the 700 rangers and 700 kran Used the spirits in the flame with such Magic that he was able to send a flame whipping off the blade like a person made of fire charging the Kran tanks.  These Flaming elementals would soar with blazing speed toward the slower krans and impact without the slightest force, but would then melt the minerals inside of them, leaving the battlefield scarred like a spent volcano.  

Then the Mage, who could not see or easily attack the rangers hidden in the wilderness would cast spells, which were once disrupted by the resistant krans, that would send an evil cloud throughout an area.  The area would darken as if dead, then maneuver to reveal any ranger within itself.  When a ranger lost his cover, he/she would attack with every force possible against the evil habitat, and the Mage it worked for until a tree or shrub could trap the Ranger within its vines allowing for the Flaming elemental to easily envelop the poor soul.  And so the Mage fought the 1400 to the death.

Hope this clears things up, and leaves less holes.

Fan Art /
« on: March 09, 2004, 06:19:22 am »
I\'m interested to learn how you created the effect for the flaming figure wrapped up by the shadow Kintall?

Correct me if I\'m wrong Kintall, but I believe the fire effect was done with an outer glow with a deep red color, and a short motion blur.

BTW, Kintall your work is incredible...All of it...I was more amazed with each new pic I saw!

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