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Messages - _Drezz_

Pages: [1]
PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: January 30, 2004, 05:45:49 am »
As for the rep thing on pvp, REP can actually work when there\'s a large number of \"bad rep\" and \"good rep\" and \"neutral\" cities.  The npcs should react according to it\'s city\'s rep tolerance.  This way, people who like to pvp can go to bad rep cities without worrying about \"pvp-hunter-griefers,\" ppl who never pvp can stay at good rep cities and ppl who are in the in-between stages can go to neutral cities.  REP should be able to be changed by doing different types of deeds in order to increase or decrease REP.  But I think that\'s just more for cities rather than pvp in general.

I do like the idea that harder monsters are further from town, and will likely keep vagabonds busy... but I don\'t think it would help against a group of pvp killers.  It would probably just allow them more time to find you and slay you while you are engaged in combat.  There were many guilds in SB that had groups specifically trying to do that.  It made matters worse when one of them were grouped with you.  They would just relay a mssg to the rest of their guild where the party was and would surprise attack as soon as you were in combat or right after.  Some ppl live for pvp, those are the ones you need to regulate in order to keep the care-bear players happy.  A well-rounded PVP system is an essential aspect to making PlaneShift into a successful game.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: January 30, 2004, 05:05:03 am »
head in the

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 30, 2004, 04:45:35 am »
I would not discourage you from creating a guild, but I would suggest that you join another guild first.  Try to find one with similar values and goals to the one you will create.  Once the game has developed more, meet other people with common interests.  Stay in touch with them.  Perhaps when you feel the need to break apart from the guild you have joined, make plans with the guild leader about creating a subguild or an allied guild under your leadership.  This way you will instantly have an alliance as well as camaraderie with your former guild members.  I\'m sure during this time you could also find someone worthy to help you lead the guild.

In many MMOGs, people who join one-game-guilds or clans tend to guildhop/clanhop.  Especially when leadership goes bad, or when there is tension between other members.  Sometimes players will also leave to join a stronger guild.  The leadership of a guild often makes or breaks a guild.  People will join, but it\'s up to you to get them to stay.

If you had a player base to start off with, instead of starting from scrap...  I would say that creating the guild right away would be a great idea for you.  

No matter what though, nothing should stop you from creating the guild you want.  The number of guilds in a game is irrelevant, as well as the similarities in goals or values.  

Good luck!

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 27, 2004, 11:26:07 pm »
yes, it is very easy to gain dominion without fighting for it

Sorry... I meant that we don\'t like making enemies from forums/flaming.  In any game, there will always be enemies.  From DOMINION\'s point of view, it\'s more of a competetive enemy than a personal one.  I hope that clarifies the point.

Btw... for the people asking... the site wasn\'t just made for PlaneShift.  We are an online gaming organization, created to play any type of game that can be played over the internet.  The majority of our member base are MMORPG gamers.  

Sorry for responding so late, just returned home today from the hospital.  Got a new baby boy on Monday morning :)

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 26, 2004, 03:13:17 am »
Thanks for the replies :)  

As a gamer and admin member of DOMINION, I try to keep the best outlook on things, no matter what is thrown at me.  As an organization, we understand there is a lot of misinterpretation in almost any situation.  Actions by a member may not define a Guild or Clan, but it does represent the overall quality of the organization.

DOMINION doesn\'t like making enemies, and will never hold a grudge.  Our Rules of Conduct strictly forbids any flaming for all of our members.  We (Guardians of DOMINION) do love competition, there\'s nothing more exciting than a great challenge, no matter the outcome.  We hope you all the best, and will look forward to getting to know and respect you as friend or foe.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: January 24, 2004, 11:37:29 pm »
I\'ve had tons of problems as well with server for the past 2 weeks.  Today server was fine, no lag, whatsoever and no errors at login.  

Don\'t know what the problem is...  maybe a clean reinstall? hehe :)  good luck.  be sure to update client as well if you do the reinstall.

You can also try upgrading your DirectX and video card drivers, altering default settings might also help solve the problem.

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 24, 2004, 11:14:19 pm »
Btw... the downloads are temp files, which loads in under 14 seconds on average for all our members.  cookies are a waste of time for us.

As for the resolution...  most of our gamers use the resolution listed.  That\'s why the little note up top in the intro says best viewed.... etc.  because it\'s the preferred resolution of our members.  The site is geared to our members, not our visitors.  If this is an inconvenience, by all means do not enter the site.  It really is the viewer\'s choice, and we\'d rather you be happy than frustrated.  :)

This is how the site should look  - The image is cropped a little :)

changed image -

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 24, 2004, 10:52:31 pm »
sorry guys, the site isn\'t opera friendly, so thats why the text is blk on black.  It was meant for netscape and IE and dsl or higher connections.  All members of our organization holds a pc over 1.2 ghz, has at least a DSL/CABLE connection, and use either MSIE or Netscape, so that\'s pretty much why the music is added, and is why opera hasn\'t been implemented to our site compatability.

As for your comments, I appreciate them all but I am not here to flame or start guild wars, I was merely stating that our organization is considering PlaneShift as a permanant game.

As for us being too late... we have been in the gaming community since 1996, and became an organization in 1998.  If you read more into our site... if you get past the black on black... you\'ll see that it\'s not just Domination.  If you mouseover the list on the left hand side of the screen the main box will give you more information on the subject matters listed.

Hope this clarifies most things.  I\'ll be glad to explain any other information that might have been unclear.

Thanks for your time :)

Guilds Forum / DOMINION Empire
« on: January 24, 2004, 03:34:18 am »
Whats up ppl :)

Just wanted to list our organization here.  Our members probably won\'t start joining  until combat has been implemented, so if you\'d like some info about us you can take a look at our website.


Also feel free to contact myself or our admin staff.

1.  Your password is incorrect (or invalid)
2.  You are linkdead
3.  There is an error in your account Database


First of all, just gonna try to clear up something.

I was playing fine for the first couple days I downloaded PlaneShift with my first character Driston.  I went on a trip for a couple days and came back unable to connect to the server.

Thinking the server was down, and not being able to get an account with this forum because it can\'t validate my primary email account, I just waited several more days.

After reading other ppl getting same problems, I ran the update, which updated a few files, then ran openGL mode and typed in the server address instead to see if I could log-in with Driston, it said I had an invalid password.   - Which has not been changed by me unless I live in 2 bodies.... hmm... gotta think about that one.  :)

Anyway, made another character, tried to log in and said I was linkdead.  Ok, so I also tried logging in with the new character on slow mode instead of openGl.  It tells me I have an error with my account database, even when I try to do it in openGL as well.  I also messed with my settings, changed video to low or high settings, no music/sound etc... even changed compatibility on psclient.exe to no avail.  

Just wondering if anyone has any other suggestions that could fix it, I\'ve read all the other responses, and none of them has covered the problem yet.  :)   Maybe it has to do with some of the updates.

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