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Topics - Nairan

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / farewell
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:17:28 am »
well..its time for the old dwarf to retire.. the business was hard and the hours of making things for folk to equip made my hands weak my ears deaf.. i will let the younger ones step on and replace me...

yours now old Harither Nilrave

((well its long time i have played PS (2004+- till now) and so come the time i have to go on do other things like job  rl  whatever so before i completely disappear i want to thank all the ppls who rped with me and i wish the devs luck with this big project)

got lil proble, the game done like my login

cause it do q instead of @

so i write

instead of

The Hydlaa Plaza / merry x-mas
« on: December 23, 2003, 01:21:47 pm »
heya all PS addicted i wanted to wish ya a vwery merry x-mas
and a happy new year

Wish list / borelia burgdorferi
« on: July 26, 2003, 05:15:42 am »
tick (in RL borelia burgdorferi)

desscrpiction: small body and big tail(to keep the sucked blood)

attack may suck stamina and cause desease(in RL it can cause Lyme desease and FSME(meningoenzephalitis which cause paralye or even death)

diificult: easy/medium like that

i can getmore of that scary things my parents are docs so its no prob get more *G*

greets nairan

p.s. most have awful sickness or bad effects
pps: i know a big ton of deseases if ya need :)

ups should be in monster threat :(

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