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Topics - Bonifarzia

Pages: [1] 2
In-Game Roleplay Events / [event idea] dark doubles
« on: April 20, 2016, 08:25:13 am »
I'd like to open this topic to discuss ideas for and interest in a possible combat event.

Just a few days ago, we had the DarkStars Duelists Championship, and I think this was lots of fun for everyone involved. A nice tournament with plenty of action, which also revived the community's interest in PvP. Now, I wonder, can we run some small player event with a bit more room for team work, different game mechanics and strategies? But without the utter chaos of the infamous Champion's cup? Some of you certainly remember this monthly event, which served as a big testing playground for free-style free-for-all PvP. Yes, it was havoc. But it was fun, at least when there were still enough participants.

So, can we do something in between? I thought of a small tournament for registered teams of two players each, maybe three. Since there's a high chance for accidental killing in team fights, the fights should probably be moved to the Death Realm. That's bad for spectators and nearly impossible to legitimate from an IC perspective, so the games would be more of an OoC fun-battle. But it allows to bring in another interesting aspect: Magic. I think if we disallow armor (and robes to hide it), this might actually work. And we would not need to worry about masterwork gear. Potions and food can also be allowed, as there are timers in place, and weapons can deal good amounts of damage. I am not sure if bows should be allowed, but if you have to face the enemy properly for a good chance to hit, then the movement advantage will not be that imbalanced. Nope.
Maybe we can get a bunch of players for some testing, such that we can gather ideas and insights for future events.

Thanks for your feedback.

EDIT: Rules draft/notes

Mode: Arranged team fights, always two versus two fighters
No armor: Armor, helms, robes and shields are not allowed
No bows: Magical attacks are allowed, but no ranged weapons
No Stuns: Combat moves, spells and consumables are allowed, but no stuns, cages, glues etc.
Registration: 4 teams can enlist three fighters each
Matches: Teams decide which two fighters they send against which team
Getting Ready: Before each match, fighters challenge each other and sit down when ready
Count-down: The referee starts the match with a count-down to stand up and attack
Points: A total of 4 per match, one per standing fighter, one per defeated opponent
Ordering: Six matches in total: AB, CD, DA, AC, CB, BD
3 team mode: If one team fails to attend with two fighters, the remaining teams fight twice against each other
Grouping: All fighters form one group to view health bars and combat messages
Disconnects: Matches are repeated on mutual agreement, otherwise disconnect counts as defeat
Location: Hydlaa arena (with GM assistance) or death realm (when run only by players)

Wish list / Loot multipliers and rarity
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:01:22 pm »
In a recent discussion about new affixes (i.e. randomized names for looted items), some problems were mentioned:
  • stacking of attack or defense modifiers can give large values
  • such values get difficult to balance (one hit kill, or mostly, no damage at all)
  • such items are ridiculously rare (especially attack)

Here I'd like to start a new discussion, so the other one does not get off-topic. I don't see a better place than the wish-list, however, this does not mean that I wish the proposed ideas will be used. Rather, I just want leave some notes here that may be useful for future discussions. Please note that I don't want to discuss any imbalances between attack and defense boosters here.

So, what is it about? Multipliers for affixes and how they stack. How are item stats added up or multiplied? And what can we do about super rare items? For this, let us first look at additive stacking. We know this well from affixes that raise stats or skills, for example:

  • Spidersilk Fish: Agility +10
  • Eagle's Fish: Agility +20
  • Spidersilk Eagle's Fish: Agility +30

Things are different for modifiers to damage (or protection), defense and attack. Here the factors are multiplied, for example:
  • Ancient Fish: Defense *1.5 or +50%
  • Fish of the Defender: Defense *2 or +100%
  • Ancient Fish of the Defender: Defense *3 or +200%

If we add up the percentages instead, we get 50% +100% = +150% or a factor of 2.5. Not a huge difference. But we soon get there.

If you consider attack and defense modifiers, the bonus is not only applied to that particular item, but to all equipment. Consider 3 ancient items of the defender, two weapons and a helm.
  • Multiplicative: 33 = 27 or +2'600%
  • Additive: +150% +150% +150% = +450% or a factor of 5.5

Now that's a significant change. And it gets even more pronounced if you take into account more defense modifiers from spells. This concept applies to attack and defense equally.

Side note: For damage or protection stats (same affixes on weapons or armor), the bonus is only applied to the given item. For the combat rules, though, the overall attack or defense modifier is multiplied, respectively. So, if damage and attack stack additively each, and you want to maximize the product, you will want to ramp up both factors.

Okay, so we could make all item buffs stack additively each. But what about other random loot properties? Another term, the value in tria, is straight forward. Currently, each affix raises the price by a factor, e.g.
  • Ancient Fish: Value *3 or +200%
  • Fish of the Defender: Value *5 or +400%
  • Ancient Fish of the Defender: Value *15 or +1'400%

It is trivial to see how the percentages could be summed up, which would greatly lower the value of such rare items. However, that does not have to be a reasonable thing to do. Exponentially large tria values for the rarer items are okay. I mention this, because it may get relevant if you address a more interesting property: Rarity.

So, we said that items with very good attack properties are incredibly rare to find. You can look up the rarity percentages in the Hydlaa Museum if you inspect the short sword collection. Single affixes typically have a rarity of 0.1% to 1.1%. There's a few more common excpetions, such as "of the Defender" with 2.7%. If you look at rare weapons in the museum, you observe rarities in the order of 0.0000005%. Whoah... that's how many zeroe? Ouch, that's a chance of 5E-9 or one in 200 millions. The fact that such items are found in the museum is just the result of a bug, which once allowed much higher loot rates. So, why are these so extremely rare?

My guess is that the rolls for random affixes are independent: For each part of the name, adjective, prefix and suffix, there is a seperate chance to get a bonus. So, if you are looking for a particular combination of affixes, the rarity values need to be multiplied. Let us look at the inverse probability N = 1/p, the expected number of attempts it takes to find an item. How does it look for affixes with a moderate rarity of 0.5% or N=200 each?
  • Spidersilk Fish: N = 200 or 0.5%
  • Spidersilk Clacker's Fish: N = 40'000 or 0.00 25%
  • Spidersilk Clacker's Fish of Seduction: N = 8'000'000 or 0.00 001 25%

That's lottery. But it can get even worse. There's also a few affixes with N=1'000 or 0.1% rarity, and one particularly useful prefix with 0.07%. Let's consider 0.1% each, although there's no suffix "of Imbalance" with this:
  • Masterwork Fish: N = 1'000 or 0.1%
  • Masterwork Quake-Steel Fish: N = one million
  • Masterwork Quake-Steel Fish of Imbalance: N = one billion

One in a billion? You're kidding! Okay, it's just an estimate for a worst case, but remember the best items in the museum, their rarity is not all that far from this!

So, what could we do to make rarity additive in some sense? First thought: Nothing, it's natural that independent probabilites are multiplied, and things need to be normalized. Still, we can use the following steps to get a compromise:

  • Let the loot table define how many affixes the item will have, if any.
  • Assign the needed affixes without any bias (uniform trial probability).
  • Then decide if the set of affixes is kept or removed (acceptance probability).
  • The inverse acceptance probabilities (N) of the affixes are stacked.
The first point gives us the option that the most powerful enemies can drop long item names much more frequently, but you don't get a chance to find a super rare item when molesting gobblins. Maybe that will be tricky to implement, but it could be very useful to tune those loot rates.

The second point means that each affix gets the same chance to be considered. For simplicity, assume there are 30 adjectives,  prefixes and suffixes each. Then the trial probability for each affix is one to thirty. However, if you are looking for a certain combination of two or three affixes, the inverse trial probability ramps up to N = 900 or 27'000, respectively.

The third point introduces an acceptance probability. For our example and a single affix, this is simply the rarity times 30. So, the worst acceptance on a single affix is N = 1000/30 or about 33 tries.

The fourth point implies that combinations of precious affixes are not penalized too heavily in terms of rarity. We simply add up the inverse acceptances N. Let us come back to the example of 0.5% rarity on each affix:
  • Spidersilk Fish: N = 30*200/30 = 200 or 0.5%
  • Spidersilk Clacker's Fish: N = 302*2*200/30 = 30*400 = 12'000
  • Spidersilk Clacker's Fish of Seduction:  N = 303*3*200/30 = 900*600 =  540'000
So, the double affix is more than 3 times easier to find, and the triple affix goes down from N = 8 million to a bit more than half a million.

For the second example, we considered affixes with N = 1'000 each. Again, there's no such suffix, but it seems a simple estimate for a worst case:
  • Masterwork Fish: N = 30*1'000/30 = 1'000 or 0.1%
  • Masterwork Quake-Steel Fish: N = 302*2*1'000/30 = 30*2'000 = 60'000
  • Masterwork Quake-Steel Fish of Imbalance: N = 303*3*1'000/30 = 900*3'000 = 2.7 millions

All right, the rarity of a powerful double affix goes down from N = one million to 60'000. That's a huge difference. The worst case number of 2.7 millions is still terrible, but it is almost 3 orders of magnitude better than before (one billion).

One more side note: We simplified things, as we considered 30 prefixes, adjectives and suffixes each. If you plug in the actual numbers (it's around 20 for the suffixes), the situation does not get worse, but even a little better.

Okay, that was a lot of reading and lots of numbers. Maybe some of you will make sense of it. If it helps to get new rules done one day, that would be even better.

Wish list / Explanation of graphics settings in pslauch
« on: August 18, 2014, 08:24:59 am »
I think this has been a problem ever since we had the launcher: Most players don't have a clue what the settings for shaders, particles etc. actually do: Which features are disabled under which conditions, and which are options that have a big impact on performance (frame rate). Much of this is not even clear to me after all the years.

For example, many players have no idea how to disable spell effects, which tend to completely freeze clients on weaker hardware during game events with many players using magic. (The answer here is setting shaders to lowest, which is not quite intuitive and implies terrible full bright looks on most meshes.)

So, a wiki article with some "official" guidance would be really welcome, and tooltips in the launcher are actually an even much better option. What are your thoughts? Maybe somebody has already written an unofficial guide and wants to share it?

General Discussion / Idea: Stats that are hard to max
« on: April 27, 2014, 07:56:27 am »
After the rule changes for skill progression (removal of theory lessons including PP/tria costs), I have  repeatedly seen complaints in the spirit of "PP are useless once you maxed the stats".

There is a strong connection to one of the oldest recurring discussions: A majority of players just maxes out all six base attributes, as there is no incitement to specialize or reason to keep them low. Hence stats lose much of their (rp) meaning and potential for individuality.

I'd like to throw in a (relatively) simple idea that would make it arbitrarily difficult to bring all six of those stats to rank 400. Yes, stats - skills are an entirely different topic.

Let us assume you have a strength rank of R=300 and you decide to raise any of the other five stats by 1. Suggested rule: There is a probability of R/2000, in this case 15%, that this upgrade will degrade your strength by one. If you are (very) unlucky, raising one attribute could even lower two or more of your other attributes.

It is not hard to see that when all six stats go towards 400, this rule implies some sort of equilibrium - in average, you can gain just as many points from training as you will lose by doing so. In other words, the rule does not imply a dramatic change at low ranks, but it gets extremely hard to bring all stats somewhere near the maximum.

Maxing only one attribute is equally demanding as with the current rules, but raising several stats to very high ranks gets more and more tedious. Also, there is a bit of elasticity, as switching to train certain stats will steadily degrade previously raised other stats.

Maths section for people who like to work with equations and plots:

If you like to, you can see this as a differential equation. For the particular case where a player wants to keep all stats equally trained, you can expect

  dR/dx = 1 - R/L,

where L=400 is the stats limit for rank R, x is the number of upgrade steps spent on one attribute, and 6x is the upgrade total. This leads to

  R(x) = L (1 - exp(-x/L))

if we define R(0) = 0. If the cost for one upgrade step is R progression points, we can integrate R(x') from x'=0 to x in order to get the accumulated PP costs P(x). That should be

  P(x) = Lx + LĀ² (exp( -x/L) -1)

That's nice for plotting, but it does not really tell us anything useful. So, let us invert R(x) for the number of steps x(R) needed to reach rank R and insert this into P(x) to get P(R), the costs for reaching rank R. That should lead to

  P(R) = -LĀ² ln(1 - R/L) - LR,

which is nice for plots and comparison with R(R-1)/2. Also, you can see that this goes to infinity for R towards L. Another useful result: You can take the PP costs for maxing all six stats with the current rules and see how far you could get your stats with this in the new system. That should be an average of R=280, which gives us an idea how player stats could be scaled down if such a new rule was added. E.g. a linear approximation for starter stats of 100 could be

  (if R>100) { R = R *0.6 + 40 }.

EDIT: This is an terribly ugly hack, but pushing some buttons might help to see what the idea implies. Maybe it is also useful to mod and test other rules.
Code: [Select]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--  a terribly ugly hack to simulate the suggested stats rule - by Boni  -->
<table border="4" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#88FFFF" bgcolor="#EEFFFF" cellspacing="2" width="800">
        <text id="str"> 100 </text>
        <text id="end"> 100 </text>
        <text id="agi"> 100 </text>
        <text id="int"> 100 </text>
        <text id="wil"> 100 </text>
        <text id="cha"> 100 </text>
        <button  onclick="upstr()"> upgrade </button>
        <button  onclick="upend()"> upgrade </button>
        <button  onclick="upagi();"> upgrade </button>
        <button  onclick="upint()"> upgrade </button>
        <button  onclick="upwil()"> upgrade </button>
        <button  onclick="upcha()"> upgrade </button>
<table border="4" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#88FFFF" bgcolor="#EEFFFF" cellspacing="2" width="800">
        <button  onclick="upstr(); upend(); upagi(); upint(); upwil(); upcha()"> upgrade all</button>
        <button  onclick="reset()"> reset </button>
        Repeat upgrades
        <input type="text" size="1" value="1" id="looper" >
        times per button click.
        <text id="PP"> 0 </text>
        PP spent in total.

function upstr()
    bak = document.getElementById("str").innerHTML*1 ;
    p = document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML*1 ;
    l = document.getElementById("looper").value*1 ;
    if (bak+l>399){l=400-bak}
    for (i=0; i<l; i=i+1){
        bak = bak+1 ;
        p = p+bak ;
    document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML = p ;
    document.getElementById("str").innerHTML=bak ;
function upend()
    bak = document.getElementById("end").innerHTML*1 ;
    p = document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML*1 ;
    l = document.getElementById("looper").value*1 ;
    if (bak+l>399){l=400-bak}
    for (i=0; i<l; i=i+1){
        bak = bak+1 ;
        p = p+bak ;
    document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML = p ;
    document.getElementById("end").innerHTML=bak ;
function upagi()
    bak = document.getElementById("agi").innerHTML*1 ;
    p = document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML*1 ;
    l = document.getElementById("looper").value*1 ;
    if (bak+l>399){l=400-bak}
    for (i=0; i<l; i=i+1){
        bak = bak+1 ;
        p = p+bak ;
    document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML = p ;
    document.getElementById("agi").innerHTML=bak ;
function upint()
    bak = document.getElementById("int").innerHTML*1 ;
    p = document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML*1 ;
    l = document.getElementById("looper").value*1 ;
    if (bak+l>399){l=400-bak}
    for (i=0; i<l; i=i+1){
        bak = bak+1 ;
        p = p+bak ;
    document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML = p ;
    document.getElementById("int").innerHTML=bak ;
function upwil()
    bak = document.getElementById("wil").innerHTML*1 ;
    p = document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML*1 ;
    l = document.getElementById("looper").value*1 ;
    if (bak+l>399){l=400-bak}
    for (i=0; i<l; i=i+1){
        bak = bak+1 ;
        p = p+bak ;
    document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML = p ;
    document.getElementById("wil").innerHTML=bak ;
function upcha()
    bak = document.getElementById("cha").innerHTML*1 ;
    p = document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML*1 ;
    l = document.getElementById("looper").value*1 ;
    if (bak+l>399){l=400-bak}
    for (i=0; i<l; i=i+1){
        bak = bak+1 ;
        p = p+bak ;
    document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML = p ;
    document.getElementById("cha").innerHTML=bak ;
function gamble()
    s = document.getElementById("str").innerHTML*1.0 ;
    if (s*0.0005 > Math.random()) { document.getElementById("str").innerHTML = s-1 ; }
    s = document.getElementById("end").innerHTML*1.0 ;
    if (s*0.0005 > Math.random()) { document.getElementById("end").innerHTML = s-1 ; }
    s = document.getElementById("agi").innerHTML*1.0 ;
    if (s*0.0005 > Math.random()) { document.getElementById("agi").innerHTML = s-1 ; }
    s = document.getElementById("int").innerHTML*1.0 ;
    if (s*0.0005 > Math.random()) { document.getElementById("int").innerHTML = s-1 ; }
    s = document.getElementById("wil").innerHTML*1.0 ;
    if (s*0.0005 > Math.random()) { document.getElementById("wil").innerHTML = s-1 ; }
    s = document.getElementById("cha").innerHTML*1.0 ;
    if (s*0.0005 > Math.random()) { document.getElementById("cha").innerHTML = s-1 ; }
function reset()
    document.getElementById("PP").innerHTML = 0 ;
    document.getElementById("str").innerHTML = 100 ;
    document.getElementById("end").innerHTML = 100 ;
    document.getElementById("agi").innerHTML = 100 ;
    document.getElementById("int").innerHTML = 100 ;
    document.getElementById("wil").innerHTML = 100 ;
    document.getElementById("cha").innerHTML = 100 ;
    document.getElementById("looper").value = 1 ;
(Not sure what to do with this? Just hit the [Select] button, copy paste to a text editor, save as html file and open it in a web browser.)

Wish list / Potion of polymorph
« on: April 24, 2014, 12:46:37 pm »
I'd like to put this here for discussion, since polymorph is supported via spell mechanics, and a potion with a similar effect cannot be off setting, as we had this story element in some event a while ago.
To prevent abuse for progression of weak characters, the potion should transform the user into a lowest rank creature, e.g. a yulbar or kikiri. I see a lot of potential for dueling fun with characters that would otherwise have very different stats and skills.

General Discussion / Valuation of rare items
« on: January 23, 2014, 02:23:42 pm »

Some of you may have noticed the book about Runes and Engravings in the Museum of Hydlaa, a guide about rare items i once wrote. Since more information about items is now officially available via analyze spells, I decided to write a more detailed guide. This time, it is about the valuation of such items for barter trade or for markets. I have the impression that players are often not sure about fair prices, so I hope this will help to establish some common sense.

Since the guide is widely OoC and contains plenty of spoilers, I will make it accessible only in the form of in-game books. If you want a copy, just contact Bonifarzia.

May the light guide you.

General Discussion / mind control
« on: December 21, 2013, 10:41:51 am »
This does not really belong to the wish list or complaints, so let us put this here.

After having missed another meet the devs, a buddy told me about things that were discussed there, including a new spell that will allow to take control of other characters. (I don't know the official name, so let us call it mind control.) Cool, I thought, could be fun to run around as an ulber. - No, answered my buddy, that won't work on NPCs, only on player characters. - What?! That cannot be. It could cause lots of trouble. - Probably, yes.

So much for that conversation. Still I am curious about this...

EDIT: Resolved  :woot:

We will NEVER add a spell/mechanics that gives players ANY control over another player in any way.

Here is a list of potential hazard that could be done with such a spell. Can some of these points be confirmed or invalidated?
  • Taking control of neutral/friendly players - would make all following points much worse.
  • Use in PvP zones - most likely possible, but an exception may be necessary.
  • Movement - the least you could do with a character you control is move it around, sounds fair. Near cliffs or lava, that is an instant kill, though.
  • Use of consumables - potential to instantly destroy valuable potions and reliably kill the character due to "indigestion".
  • Ability to trade or drop items or money in any way - for obvious reasons.
  • Unlocking or un-guarding things.
  • Combat and magic - which targets could be attacked by the character you take control of? His enemies, yours, both?
  • Glyph research - a hypothetical point, but a quick way to drop health and mana to ~ 0.
  • Use the player character like your groffel/yulbar - sounds quite pointless, but I cant think of another solution not prone to abuse ;)

Sorry for my concerns and thanks for your feedback.

Wish list / Players online
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:36:16 am »

Because...... I found myself often have a look at Derula's script pages, in particular the sorted plain text list of characters online, which unfortunately was not updated for the teamix migration yet.

So I would like to suggest that either point one or two above gets fixed, so point three is still valid ;D

Wish list / Antimagic for save throws?
« on: February 19, 2013, 11:58:47 am »

As far as I understood, the concept of an antimagic skill was discarded from the roadmap when magic resistances were introduced based on gem enchanting and armor decorations.

However, I have the impression that there has always been some broad interest in the player base to develop characters based on such a skill. For example, see this, this or this topic.

Now I do wonder, as the number of spells that include the concept of save throws keeps growing, would it make sense to have antimagic work based on this and not on resistances at all? Adding more resistances on top of those from gems sounds like a balance issue. As far as I understand, save throws mostly reduce spell effects by half or negate the effect, and their chances to trigger are based on the targets skill rank of the corresponding way. I somehow like the idea that an antimagic skill could be used for this rule instead of any other way skill (i.e. the higher rank of the two). As a trade-off, the antimagic skill hinders the users ability to cast spells either by an additive penalty to the chance to fumble or by a multiplicative penalty to the casting time, both being proportional to the antimagic skill rank. As practice from PvP interaction is being considered and mobs are now able to cast spells, there should be no problem to train antimagic.

What are your thoughts?

In-Game Roleplay Events / Yace [yet another combat event]
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:56:07 am »
Overview: Yace is a simple, nonlethal arena game where fighters queue up for some short duels. Anybody can participate free of charge and multiple times. The reward for each victory is one vial of Neoten blood [worth 1288 tria].

The following information will be available on a poster in the arena pit where the game will be held.
[Short OoC rules:]
  • Do not use ranged attacks, armors, shields, familiars, buffs and health recovery during the fight.
  • Important: Before a duel begins the health of both fighters is fully depleted.
  • Please use bloody stance to keep the chance of blocking low.
  • The /group mechanics are (ab)used as a simple queueing system.
  • The first three slots of the group window always show the arbiter and the two current fighters.
  • Defeated players are removed from and reinvited to the group.
  • There is no predefined number of duels, the games keep going for as long as everyone is having fun.

[OoC description]

Imagine this poster (book item) contains a lengthy list of rules written in character. Those are not explicitly given here to keep things short and simple. In summary, The focus of the fights is on fairplay and agility, so many actions with a high risk of injuries are forbidden. The goal is to make the enemy stumble or fall without hurting each other too seriously. For this reason and to give newer players a chance, the character health is depleted such that very few hits - typically the first -will end the duel. The low health is just a trick to bend the mechanics, so please do not RP injuries or sickness unless there is another reason to do so.

The games are organized with the group window - just /tell Bonifarzia if you wish to get invited and enlisted. Once it is your turn, Boni will /challenge you. If you do not wish to play, please accept the challenge and /yield. In that case or if you are AFK, you will be removed from and reinvited to the group, so you can play again later. Once both fighters have entered the pit, Boni will deplete their health (defeat them) using a bow. This action is purely OoC and enforces fairly equal hit points. As soon as both fighters stand back up again, you can /challenge your opponent and start your duel. Please use bloody stance so the chance to block is kept low and does not depend that much on your weapon skills. The winner can then fetch a reward via /trade and fight for another round against a new challenger. The defeated player is removed from and reinvited to the group. You are free to decline the invitation and ask for another one any time later.

When you join the group and are waiting for your turn, you can lower your health such that it can be depleted later quickly. For this you can use /show glyph and hit the research button a few times without selecting any glyphs.

Player killing is absolutely unacceptable, so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not use any buffs like "electrotouch" - note that magic and ranged attacks are forbidden anyway, just like armors and shields. Robes are tolerated, unless someone tries to hide armor underneath. In that case, visible equipment on myplane can help. Potions for stamina recovery are okay, but please do not try to recover health with any sort of items or magic during the fight.

Casting spells or /challenges on the fighters during a duel is considered harassment, as it interrupts the flow of the game and the current round will have to be restarted. You can heal after a duel, but this is not quite necessary, as the health will be depleted again when the player wants to engage in another round later.

[I am new here - what do I need to get started?]

If you have read the rules and think this could be fun for you, then you are ready to go. Stats, skills and equipment should not be important for a game of yace, so new players are encouraged to give it a try. If your weapon/melee skill is very low, you may have problems hitting some opponents, but otherwise mostly your timing and tactics will matter.

[Saturday, 16th of march, 22 GMT - event finished]
Champion of the first yace game is Caraick with an impressive number of 15 victories, followed by Hirene (8), Haraun and Firke (4 each). Lumi defeated three of the top players and wins a young talent award. Read the details of all 36 matches here.

[Saturday, 23rd of march, 22 GMT] -event finished
Special thanks to Daevaorn for moderating the second yace games, so I could focus on the administration of the rounds. We had another tournament packed with 30 rounds of action. Lumi dominated this time with 16 victories, winning nearly all of her rounds, followed by Potare and Dalos (each 5 victories). Read the details here.

Further events are to be announced here later.

Comment: This is yet another attempt to promote friendly duels in the arena, and as my last try failed quite miserably, I want to organize this one in a similar fashion as a previous fighting game, but with even simpler rules. Note that the idea is to give trainee fighters a fair chance to earn a few tria and have some dueling experience, while the seasoned warriors might find the event interesting to hone their [human] skills. EDIT: Special thanks to Sarva for updating the events.php so quickly.

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Groffel League
« on: June 14, 2012, 07:28:36 am »
[Since the damage formulas were reworked and crafted armor has become available, it seems to me that some players lost interest  in PvP activities and related  events have become much less popular.  The last combat event I organized is quite a long time ago, but I would like to give it another try. Maybe this one will work better.]

The Groffel League hosts tournaments for non-professional fighters and young talents who are looking for a real challenge without first going through years of training.  Everybody can apply for the games and when a tournament is announced, the committee will call for five selected applicants. Each tournament consists of ten matches and is held in the riverling pit of the Hydlaan arena. During each match, two participants challenge each other, so every of the five contestants will fight four times. The matches are carried out in a playful and spectacular manner: A fighter will try to knock over his opponent using mock attacks and simple magic, but without the intention to injure anybody. In case someone attempts or even succeeds to slay his opponent, he she or kra is banned from the league for a lifetime. 

[OoC description]

[So much for the setting, but how does it work, you may ask. And most of all: Boni, why the heck did you choose such a ridiculous name for your games?

Well, let us make a backronym that summarizes the idea nicely:

Grinding omitted for fun and fairplay at equal levels (GROFFEL)!

In essence, players will not enter with their highly skilled and long time trained characters, but use the quick paths of character creation to play with an untrained fighter. This does not only allow fair conditions for everybody, especially also for the casual players, but it also lowers the barrier to allow a mixture of combat and magic in a tournament. The goal is to make the games fun and enjoyable for everyone, but still leave some room for various strategies.]

[OoC game rules]
  • The sum of stats must not be higher than 500 (agi + str + end + int + wil + cha).
  • The base value of all combat and way skills must not be higher than rank 5.
  • Armors, helms, shields, ranged weapons and items of Laanx mind are strictly forbidden.
  • Other types of equipment, consumables and spells can be used to raise ones skills and stats.
  • Recovery of health or mana with food, potions or spells during the match is forbidden.
  • To compensate for their hard skin, Kran are not allowed to wield blade-weapons.
  • Once again: Anybody who kills a contestant is banned from the League.
  • Spectators who cast spells during a match are requested to leave immediately.
  • And just to be clear: Familiars and mounts must not enter the pit.

[OoC administration]
  • The stats, skills and inventory of all contestants are visible for everybody on myplane.
  • All contestants join a group such that system messages, health and mana can be monitored.
  • There is no entry fee, anybody can apply free of charge.
  • At the beginning of a tournament, all applicants draw a ticket (/roll 999).
  • The five highest tickets are assigned numbers from one to five.
  • The sequence of matches is: 1-2, 3-4, 5-1, 2-3, 4-5, 1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-1 and 5-2.
  • The winner of each match will earn ten percent of the tournaments prize money.
  • If there are less than five applicants, the event gets shorter accordingly and the prize per match remains the same.

[Dates and times]

[Saturday 30th of June at 21 GMT (23 GMT+2)]

[Further tournaments are to be announced later.]

Wish list / Yulbar food
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:18:29 pm »

Why Yulbar food?


Wish list / Protect gladiator type NPCs against ranged attacks
« on: January 01, 2012, 08:56:02 am »
The long wait is finally over ! ;) Magic resistance has arrived...

For this reason, I would like to open yet another discussion concerning the gladiators in the arena.

I'll just note this. The idea of the arena is that is is a place where fighters come to engage in combat to test and improve their skills. The arena isn't really designed, or intended for ranged combat at this time. As Durgrem mentioned since some mobs are a little out of balance we are tolerating some wall killing but when the mobs are properly balanced wall magic killing isn't going to be acceptable in the arena. If you want to do that sort of thing to practice your magic then find a place out in the wilds to do it. Remember the idea and spirt of the arena is it is a place that fighters do battle with each other in the pit and some times for the entertainment of others watching form the stands. Not very entertaining watching someone standing on or behind a wall safely firing magic at a mob

Yes, this is the same quote as in a previous topic with similar content.
The suggestion here, however, should be a different one, straight forward to implement and discuss:
Since ranged attacks against gladiator type NPCs are somewhat considered an OoC element, one could grant these NPCs preventively high resistance values. As far as I know, only ranged weapons inflict damage of the type "pierce", and with the recent addition of magic resistance, it should be simple to make all ranged attacks highly ineffective against certain NPCs.

PlaneShift Mods / Color up your robes
« on: November 06, 2011, 02:42:27 pm »

With the recent update of the BoNeeMods, a new set of fanart textures for robes is available. The very simple modifications provide color variations for each of the six ways, for all robe models which we already seen in game. As with all texture mods, you simply replace the looks of some objects, which will of course only affect your own client, and act equally on all robes of the same type (race and gender). This means the mods can be nice to make screenshots or to enjoy suitable looks of your character, but the overall use is quite limited.
I would like to open another topic for this to leave room for comments, as the variety of things to comment on the BoNeeMods topic keeps growing. Here are some previews Neeno captured. The full sized images are in the corresponding section of GreatShift.

Azure Robes, Blue Robes, Brown Robes, Crystal Robes, Dark Robes and Red Robes.

PlaneShift Mods / BoniMaps
« on: June 26, 2011, 10:55:15 am »
A while ago, I searched these boards for various key words,
and I was amazed by the number of matches for "mini map" in the wish list and complaint department.

Agreed, the widely used game feature does not really fit into the concept and world of PlaneShift,
but if a player really wants this sort of OoC information, why should he or she not make a simple tool to get it.
That's probably not much more than a one liner in gnuplot and awk, I said to myself, and gave it a try.
And here is the first result:

BoniMaps.1.0 (Thanks to LigH for hosting.)

A screenshot of a surface plot. The samples are incomplete,
so this is no spoiler. The plot is freely rotatable and the red dot
will follow your position.

Below I just post the Readme file, which may be a bit lengthy, but should cover all questions about this package.
I just realize that this is much text for such a minimalistic tool.

Notice that this is not a PlaneShft mod, nor a tool to generate in-game maps (xml sketches).
If you are looking for that sort of utility, there are some very interesting threads on this "mods" board,
for instance Derula's SVG to sketch converter or Tontow's MapMaker

I hope some of you will find this useful.
Feel free to leave productive comments
or send me a PM if you have any technical problems with this tool.

Code: [Select]
About BoniMaps

BoniMaps is a simple set of gnuplot/shell scripts to generate a minimap when
playing PlaneShift in windowed mode.
The scripts are very short and should be easy to customize.
The maps are plots of data you collect with the /pos command. (Use shortcuts.)
No actual geometry data will be contained in this package.
The minimap will show your latest /pos on a plot of the matching zone.
The zone plot can either be a 2d or 3d map made of lines connecting /pos data,
or it can be a colored surface gnuplot fits to your /pos data on a given grid.

How to Install

All needed tools should be available in most linux distros.
Gnuplot may need to be installed on Mac or Windows systems.
On Windows, the shell scripts will need a software package like MSys/MinGW.

Quotes about related software:

Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for linux, OS/2,
MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms. (from

A shell script is a script written for the shell, or command line interpreter,
of an operating system. (from

MSYS is a collection of GNU utilities such as bash, make, gawk and grep
to allow building of applications and programs which depend on traditionally
UNIX tools to be present. (from

--------               self explanatory. Needs to be edited once.         Collects all /pos data to generate zone files.    Same as above, but only for zones given as arguments.         Needed by minimap.2d.gplt to generate outline maps.         Needed by minimap.3d.gplt to generate 3d line maps.    Needed by minimap.surface.gplt to generate 3d maps.
minimap.2d.gplt           Gnuplot script to keep drawing an outline minimap.
minimap.3d.gplt           Gnuplot script to keep drawing a 3d line minimap.
minimap.surface.gplt      Gnuplot script to keep drawing a 3d surface minimap.

Getting started

The following instructions will help you learn about BoniMaps step by step.

Extract above contents in some working directory of your choice.

Be sure that your system tab is logged. See the game options.

Make a shortcut for the /pos command if you do not already have one.

Open the file "" in a text editor. Fill in the name ending (suffix)
of and exact path to your system logs, as specified in the game options.

Test the script "". It should return your latest log file.
To run any script, open a terminal and enter: sh

Collect some /pos data. For now, the data can be a meaningless test set.
For your first tests, try to stay in the same zone. Zones are the names
of areas returned by the /pos command.

Run It should write files named after zones for any
/pos data it finds in your system log file. If you feel your log flooded
with old pos data, you may want to use grep -v 'Your current position is'.

Run the gnuplot script minimap.2d.gplt.
To run any gnuplot script enter: gnuplot scriptname.gplt
From gnuplot's command line, you can use: load "scriptname.gplt"

You should see some zig-zag lines that follow the /pos data you just
collected, with a red cross at the end of the line pattern.

Move around and get some more /pos data.
The red cross should follow your position.

Kill the gnuplot script by selecting its command line and pressing Ctrl-C.
If you don't like this type of loop, open the gnuplot scripts in a text
editor. You will see an alternate setting to refresh the plots only when
requested. Graphical versions of gnuplot will use a dialogue button that
also serves to leave the minimap ("Cancel").

Edit the zone file of your current test in a text editor.
Enter a blank line somewhere. This should remove the connecting line
between two positions somewhere in the minimap.

Making a good map using lines can be difficult. If your /pos data is
a bit chaotic, you will most certainly prefer a surface plot. This is
especially suitable for outdoor areas with height field geometries.

Test the gnuplot scripts minimap.3d.gplt and minimap.surface.gplt.
Use your mouse to rotate, zoom and scale the 3d map.

Open the file minimap.surface.gplt in a text editor. Experiment with
different settings for the grid to get a good compromise of speed and
resolution, of smoothness and sharpness.

Play around with the other scripts and customize them to your liking.
Happy minimap making!

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