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Topics - drJack

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Monster hunt project
« on: April 22, 2012, 11:23:15 am »
Hey all.
This is drJack from the Setting Team asking for a feedback.

The project
We’re working on a project called Monster Hunt.
The goal is simple and it’s to check the position of the monsters in every part of Yliakum (Planeshift whole implemented world), to decide if the monsters have any motivation to be there.

Two main examples:
A) Monsters near cities (or other type of settlement) could be incongruent. They raise many questions such as: why are they in that position? Why the guard did not slash them away? Why they continue to return there (spawn)?
B) Difficult monsters in a newbye area. It’s more a gameplay issue than a storyline issue, but we’re checking this too, to balance the game challenges.

The feedback
If you think that a monster should not be in a specific area I’d like to know:
1) The position of the monster (game coordinates are better, but also simple indications can be useful).
2) Is the monster aggressive and attack players in a location where it should be peaceful?
3*) Why you think that the monster should not be there.
* The second information is optional.

The solution
We’ll try to delete or to move the monster. In some specific cases we’ll check if we could grant any motivation for the monster’s presence in the location.

Thanks all.

General Discussion / PS quotes
« on: May 31, 2011, 10:05:16 am »
Hey guys.
I'd like to hear your feedback and I'm hunting for quotes.

Two types of quotes:
- INGAME quotes: senteces said by NPC that you remeber, that you like, or that you find interesting. Anything worth to report, said by any NPC in planeshift, either in a quest line or also in standard dialogue answers.
- OUTGAME quotes: any advice you would give to new roleplayers, or any tips useful to people who want to roleplay (beginner, but also expert).

Some of the quotes you suggest can became official and can be added in the loading screen of PS.

General Discussion / Guild quest (contest?)
« on: January 28, 2011, 09:23:47 am »
A) The plan
Essential and direct.
I think that in a MMORPG the storylines are related not only to NPC but also to PC.
Just to be simple: YOU, players, are part (and maybe protagonist) of Planeshift stories.

So, I’d like to know you a little more. And I’m here to ask some info about your groups.
To be speficic: I want to know about your guilds.

B) The form
I’d like to analyze some features of your guilds. To do so I will use fictional concepts applied to videogames. Here the info I need.
(The * are the mandatory info if you want to gain the prize, see n. 3)

---------------------------------------- This is a line! The begin.
Guild site: [Link, if you have any]
* Guild Mission: [What’s the main goal of the guild, why you created it? Max 2 sentences]
* Guild Style: [Simple, the main activity and manners of your guild. Roguish? Warrior-like, mages, professional gossippers, jack of all trades, crafters, talkers, mercenaries, explorers, mappers? It’s full of possibility. Please add a short description. Max 3 sentences. Be care, that’s the more important info.]
Guild Values (max 3): [Do you have any shared values? If so may I ask you the name of the value ex. Justice and a short (one sentence) explaination ex. bring the guilty to prison (that is different from Justice: help innocent to avoid crimes)]
* Date of creation: [if you don’t remember exactly I’d like to know more or less when.]
Guild main story event (minimum 3 - max 5): [the event has to be described in one, max two sentences, if you remember you may also add the event date]
* Guild location: [This is mandatory only if you have a guild home. I'd like coordinates. A screenshot (little please) can be appreciated too.]
Members: 1) [How they can join - are they selected in any way?] 2) [Hierarchy and roles in the guild with a short description ex. Lieutenant: the one who make cakes at the guild parties!] 3) [Important members (old and young) and why, max 3] 4) [How many members? If you don’t know exactly I’d like to know more or less how many.]
* What you like the most of your guild: [Max 2 sentences]
Guild motto!: [That’s very optional, but if you want to add a motto, please do it. It’s fun.]
---------------------------------------- This is another line! (uh yeah). The end.

How to fill the form: copy the form between the lines, delete the [tag description] and add yours.
Now, since I’m asking you something I’d like to give you something back.

C) The (little) prize
I’m calling it “prize” but it’s too a big word.
I’m going to create one (and only one) quest, related to one (and only one) guild.
I will personally  decide the winner guild based on
1 (most important point) - congruent motivation (so a guild created with a clear goal will be more than a standard guild)
2 - activities (the most active guild, and the one that has the most structured activity)
3 - Important events (the guild that lived more events GM created, and also player created)
4 - Members (the more the better, I will check also the originality of the important characters)
5 (less important point) - Longevity (enduring matters)

The quest will be “related” to the winner guild. It won’t be an official guild quest. This means:
- The quest style will be the same of the guild style. Ex. If will win a Guild of professional gossippers the quest will be about spreading gossips.
- I can add some story element of the guild in the quest. Ex. I can mention something of the guild, such as an important member or event. (but only if we agree, so if you think that’s a bad point just tell me)
- The starting NPC will be near the guild location.

This quest will be open to all:
- Everyone can make it at any time.
- The quest has a story indipendent from the guild, so the quest will remain forever! Also after the eventual closure of the guild.
-> I’m choosing so since the guild can close, but its story will remain, and be a part (little, or maybe big) of Planeshift history.

How? You will see ;).

D) Timeline
This so called “challenge” will finish the 15th of February h: 23:59, current year.
The quest will be written after two or three weeks. (Then maybe it has to be tested, so it can be a little more.)

I think that this “challenge” can be easy and enjoyable, but it’s not really serious: it’s almost unofficial. If you think that it will create major conflict between you players just tell me. I can delete it.

So, here we’re. If anyone is interested I’d like to listen. (Fill the form, but share also your opinion if you’ve something in mind you think I should add.)

General Discussion / Magic Ways
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:24:43 pm »
Hey, it's me again. Asking for player opinions :).

We're creating some sets of quests for the magic Ways, and cause of organization, we planned to complete them one at a time.
The structure of every Way quest is already defined (and the Azure Way quests are almost completed.)
Now we're editing all the rest, so we can test them very soon.

I'm here to ask your preference, to know what is the Way with more players in, so to implement the one with more players to try the quests.

So... what is your favoutire color?
As I said Azure is almost finished, so the choice remains to the other ways:
Red, Blue, Brown, Crystal or Dark.

Hello all. I'm a prospect member of the Setting team, and I'd really like to have your feedback.

Planeshift is full of quests. Every quest (or almost everyone of them) has one or more challenges inside.
I'd like to know the challenge you like the most: the ones that you want more.
And I'd like also your feed-back about the other types of challenge you like less. So, someone could improve them.

Here we are. A list of the challenges I found:
Travel challenge: where a player need to go to another NPC and talk him (or give him something).
Hunt challenge: where a player need to give to a NPC some item found on a monster.
Research challenge: where a player need to give to a NPC some item found on the ground or to buy it on a merchant.
Riddle challenge: where a player need to give an answer to a riddle.
Setting challenge: where a player need to give an answer to a setting/history related question.

I'd like to know your opinion about these types of quest, especially your favourite (and, if you have time, also: why you like it), and, for the one who want to give more:
- Do you think there's something we can do to improve the challenges in the quests?
- If you think there's any other kind of challenge, tell me, and I'll add them.
- If you want, I'd like also to know what are your favourite quests (until now).

I'll be grateful for every information, suggestion, or feedback.

Your opinion matters.

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