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Topics - iridia

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In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM] The Future of the RCD
« on: January 10, 2016, 02:24:56 pm »
The Future of the RCD

More about the eviction of the RCD can be read here.

The GM Team wants to keep the space of the RCD available to players as a public guildhouse. The guildhouse will be left unlocked so anyone will be able to use the space for rp. This seems to be working well for the Hospital in Amdeneir and will be applied to other public guildhouses in the future as well (University).

Aside from unlocking the RCD the GM's will be renting out the space for events. A variety of setups for different types of events will be made available. For example; performances, weddings, meetings, etc.

If you want to organize your own event at the RCD you can make a request with the GM's to rent the RCD. You can do this via a tell or a petition in game or via a PM here on the forum to Iridia.
For your event you can choose one of the setups, however we will not be making any changes or additions.
Renting the RCD for your event won't be free, a fee of 10K will be charged by the Octarchy.

Interested in organizing an event at the RCD? Or suggestions for one of the prefab setups?

Let us know!

Seizure of the Red Crystal Den by order of the Octarch

On Dwanden 28th [January 10th] the building known as the Red Crystal Den located in Hydlaa and all assets within were seized by the Octarchal Guard due to breach of the conditions underwhich possession of the building was granted by The Octarchal Society for Progress.

As of now the property and all assets within the buliding known as the Red Crystal Den are off limits to the public and any access or permission granted to current management by the Octarchy has now been revoked.

The Octarchy has reached the decision to seize the Red Crystal Den due to following reasons:
~ As the building was awarded by The Octarchal Society for Progress use of the building was expected to be maintain under the origional agreement. For example as performing a consistant benefit to Octarchal Citizens.
~ The enrollment of current management into the Red Crystal Den was handled erroneously by several involved parties. The takeover of Octarchal property should not have been allowed without fully establishing the ability of the interested parties in maintaining or improving the impact the Red Crystal Den was having on the community. However, at the time the social function of the Red Crystal Den for the local community outweighed the consequences of this mishap.
~ There has been a lack of clear management or organisational structure, nor has there been any indication of regular opening hours or regular activities taking place within the Red Crystal Den.
~ The value of the Red Crystal Den as a public space for social gatherings has been deminished due to this lack of activity. The result is that the establishment does not meet the requirements set by the Octarchy for public properties, especially such prominent ones as the Red Crystal Den.

Octarchal plans for the property.
The property currently known as the Red Crystal Den will undergo renovations after which it will be reinstated as a public space freely available for social gatherings and events. The building will then be permentanly open for use by citizens of the Octarchy.

For special occasions (specifics to be determined at a later date) the building known as the Red Crystal Den will be made availble for rent. These special occasions will include a specific layout of furnature to be supplied by the Octarch and removed by the Octarch after the event. Possible uses include a stage for performances, dinning hall for dinners and or celebrations, dance floor for parties.


A few months back a discussion was started about the RCD and the possibility for players to organize things there. As GM's we had noticed that there are no regular activities under current staff, yet there appeared to be plenty of others interested to take a more active role.
At this point we contacted Damola as she was the only player involved in the RCD at that time that was actually active in game. We discussed about our concerns about the RCD and she communicated those to the community.

Originally the RCD was given to a group of players by means of an 'OSP contest', in this contest they layed out a plan for the RCD within the rules and guidelines in what we call 'public guildhouses' as they are intended for the whole community and not a select group of players (like a guild).

It may be clear that the idea of 'Fine Dining' is not working out for the RCD. So one of the main points that we had brought up is that the GM team wanted a clear plan about the future of the RCD and what the IC function and identity of the RCD is.

Conditions Public Guildhouses
The rules are very simple, the house is to be used for RP only and regular activities are organized. Everyone who is respectful and doesn't cause trouble is welcome and allowed to join into the activities.

More info:
Guildhouses as RP rewards
OSP Event Rules

For the last 12 months (and time before that) there has hardly been any activity at the RCD. Opening nights were irregular and only one event was organized by the staff. When there were things organized it often proved to be very difficult for the staff internally to work together, or even show up for the event itself.

Needless to say that over time the personal relations between the members of the RCD staff haven't gotten much better. The attitude of some of the staff also hasn't given us the impression that there will be any change in this, meaning that we also don't expect any increase in activity at the RCD.

Over time the GM team has provided the RCD with quite some support and resources. At the time we gave that support hoping it would motivate the staff and see an increase of activities.
We also told the staff that to get support we would need to see activity at the RCD to justify the support we are giving.
After all, there are more initiatives who often get much less support from the GM team, while each initiative taken by players is equally valuable to the game.

As mentioned before; we asked the staff of the RCD for a plan for the future of the RCD and what the den will mean IC'ly.
As far as the GM team is aware there is no plan made for the RCD and even some of the staff has decided no longer to be a part of the RCD.
After that we have gotten several more requests for support but have yet to see a plan or any activity at the RCD.

Due to all of the above the GM team has decided that it is necessary to close the RCD so the space is put to a better and fairer communal use.
This means that; per [date] access to the RCD will be revoked for all current key owners, IG their will be RP by the Octarchal Guards to evict and announce the eviction to the public (see IC text) and the GM team will put the space to use as a public event hall (more info soon).

We hope that, although this announcement may come as a shock to some, that our decision will improve the game and make space for new ideas and initiatives.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM EVENT] The Tevnaa Festival
« on: July 19, 2015, 06:06:45 pm »
The month of Kravaan has started and that means it is almost time for the Tevnaa Festival!

On the home world Dermoria nomadic tribes gathered in large open area's once a year to meet for  the great festival of Tevnaa. Representatives of the tribes competed in a three way competition of Rivnak racing, archery and beast tracking. The winners of the competition are highly regarded and respected and therefor their tribes as well.
These days, anyone with the funds can hire a champion to represent him/her/kraself or guild in the competition on Tevnaa. However the nature of the festival hasn't changed and for many Dermorians it is unthinkable not to attend.

From Friday July 31st until Sunday August 2nd the Tevnaa festival will be held at the Outpost near the lake of tears.
On Friday we welcome everyone at the Outpost to meet and kickoff the festivities giving players a chance to hire or be hired for the competitions.
On Saturday we will start with the Rivnak races at the track near the Outpost and later have the archery competition at another location nearby.
And last, but certainly not least on Sunday the beast tracking competition will take place.

Of course the festival is more than only the competitions; tasty food and newly brewed drinks are much needed for the festival and of course there should be plenty of entertainment.
Is your character a chef, a brewer, an alchemist or entertainer and you'd like to help with the activities during the festival?
Send a PM to Iridia via the forum or contact the GM's via a tell or a petition (@tevnaa) in game!

Friday July 31st
20:00 UTC - Welcome at the Outpost

Saturday August 1st
20:00 UTC - Rivnak race
22:00 UTC - Archery

03:00 UTC - Rivnak Race
05:00 UTC - Archery

Sunday August 2nd

18:00 UTC - Beast Tracking
21:00 UTC - Award Ceremony

In-Game Roleplay Events / [poll] Tevnaa Festival
« on: June 17, 2015, 05:46:14 pm »
Citizens of the Dome it is time for Tevnaa!
Tevnaa is a festival in the Kravaan month (July 19 to August 23) and was already celebrated back in Dermoria. Once an occasion for the dispersed nomad tribes to meet, now a great festival with a prized three way competition that includes; Rivnak racing, archery tournaments and beast tracking. Winners are highly regarded and it is not unusual to hire well trained competitors to represent your guild.

The Festival will be a Three day event that will take place at the Outpost on BDroad2 with an opening night and two competition days.

But before we start organizing an event of these proportions we would like to know if there is any interest at all and if so, what would be the best date to do the event? Please vote for your preference in the poll!

Also we are looking for volunteers to organize the catering and entertainment during the event days. Let us know if you are interested!

For any questions or suggestions contact Iridia or Zunna!

General Discussion / First try at some Fenki Robe textures
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:06:46 am »
The blue was distracting me... So I tried my hand at a texture for it;

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM EVENT] Gugrontid Barter Market
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:57:24 pm »
We are organizing a player market in Gugrontid on Saturday December 6th at 21:00 GMT in Gugrontid.

Gugrontid Barter Market
The Gugrontid Barter Market is a place to meet and exchange goods with other merchants. This market is an extension on the regular 'Exchange Market' with extra kiosks, food stalls and a area where one can sit back and relax.

Among others things the GM's will have a stall with Engravers present at the market as there were lots of requests for that. So be sure to bring your item and have a name + description ready! :D

As the name suggests you are encouraged to barter your goods or services rather than to use tria. For the engravings the GM's will also accept items which will be donated to the Exchange Market after the event.

If you would like to have a stall at the market let one of the GM's know or send me a pm so we have an idea how many stalls will be needed. Thnx

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM EVENT] Kor Neka Mansa
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:23:20 am »
House of
Kor Neka Mansa
Opening Soon!

(Saturday, November 15, 20:00 GMT)
Ojaveda - Dsar Kore

beneath the flyer you see a stamp that could be either a skull or an enkidukai head

What is this all about?
Kor Neka Mansa will be opening their (illegal) gambling establishment in Dsar Kore. Paaja Lojh, is the leader to the group of rogue enkidukai behind this establishment. She has been roaming the plaza in the past week trying to recruit players who would like to volunteer as bartender, guard etc.

As Kor Neka Mansa is an event that will be running for the next 3 to 4 weeks, we won't be able to do it without some help. So if you are interested, send Paajah or Iridia a /tell or join #ps-events on irc
IC it may bring some risks to associate yourself with KNM; like having the guards breatghing down your neck, be arrested and put into jail etc.
Besides recruiting volunteers she is also inviting players to visit her establishment, as the establishment isn't legal she is spreading a secret phrase that you will need to gain access to the establishment. Ofcourse we are counting on it that you will spread this among your IG friends & guildmates ;) so don't hesitate to do so...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to see you all at the KNM house & thanks to those with whom I rp'ed in the last few days already.
More to come soon!

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM Event] Hydlaa Salon
« on: October 22, 2014, 07:34:15 pm »
The sisters Esyae and Neeah opened up their Hair Salon near the Iron Temple.

More to come!

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM EVENT] Skin Deep
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:34:36 am »
While trying to help Azrria acquire a cure for the fur changing potion from the merchant there were some setbacks, like the merchant dropping the last bottle of the potion....
Not only did the bottle break; Shakar, Prreta, Rykia and Jemima were the (un)lucky enkidukai on who some drops of the fur changing potion landed. Some minutes later their fur started changing....
Luckily the last few drops on the broken bottle were saved and could still be used by Levrus to research a possible cure.... But this could take weeks...

Will the mage who made the fur changing potion be found? Or is it Levrus who will find a way to change the furs of these 5 enkidukai back to their original colors and patterns?

To Be Continued....

Thief is caught after steeling from Harnquist.

The thief was caught shortly after snatching Harnquists sack of coins.
The Octarchal Guards were nearby patrolling and managed to arrest the thief quickly with the help of some alert citizens.
The sack of coins was returned to Harnquist safely and the thief was brought into custody.

To be continued?

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM Event] Levrus was found!
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:43:14 am »
Last saturday we ran the 'Levrus gone missing' event and even though it was just a small group, I think it was a succes and alot of fun. Loading & lag wasnt an issue, wich made event much more enjoyable :D

Anyway, I had alot fun running my first event idea, so thanks to everyone who participated and all the positive reactions!

Keep your eyes and ears open! More to come ;)

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