Author Topic: The Crusade  (Read 603 times)

Uther Penndragon

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The Crusade
« on: January 12, 2005, 08:43:56 am »
Well this must be the first story from me out of many ;)
Well  let me fill you in:

Dying woman

Chapter 1: The Crusade starts  

Uther was sitting in the tavern his gaze was pointed at the fireplace suddenly the door slammed up and a Dermorian ran to the Ylian.
?Uther we need you back at the keep it is an emergency!!?  
The Ylian looked up at the young Dermorian and slowly raised himself from his seat
?What can be so important Giltanas??  
?You will see when we get back to the keep come on already!? Uther and Giltanas ran back to the keep, there they went to the tower of the Goddess

There at the foot of the shrine was a woman lying all covered in blood one of the lady healers was already taking care of her.
?I see, what is her status??
?She is mortally wounded, it looks like it was a tefusang?s claw?. It went right through her stomach?. I don?t think she has long my lord?

?I see? you did your best child?
The woman suddenly woke up and started speaking nonsense
??..du?dungeon? daughter?.no?.do not hurt her!!.... NOOO!!!?
She started bashing with her arms so the healer couldn?t get to her but it was not long before she stopped and few moments after she died.
?Uther we have a problem here what dungeon do you think she spoke of? And it seems her daughter is in danger!?  Giltanas didn?t have to wait long for an answer
?My guess would have to be the labyrinth??
Uther looked confused and then looked at the shrine? It was very beautiful he still remembered the day he asked the Dermorians to make it?.
?My goddess what should I do? Give me a sign to save this innocent girls life?. Show the people that you love them and they will show you the same?  he bowed his head and whispered a prayer. Time went and after an hour he lifted his head
?I see? Giltanas prepare your bow we have a mission to fulfil?  Giltanas nodded and ran to his chamber as quickly as he could and found his bow, it was made by a rare silver oak it is only found in the Silvanni forest.

After preparing they left Hydlaa to go to the labyrinth, Uther seemed to know where to go and Giltanas started to wonder if he really did get a sign? they walked for hours the labyrinth was very silent suddenly Uther stopped in front of a wall Giltanas examined the wall but to him it only seemed like a normal wall?. But no something was wrong he could definitely feel it evil dwelled here.
?Uther I do not like this?. I do not like it at all!?  
Suddenly a scream broke the silent then another and another it continued for some time but then stopped as suddenly as it had started.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2005, 08:51:30 am by Uther Penndragon »

Uther Penndragon

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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2005, 08:50:47 am »

Chapter 2: I shall defeat you Demon!!  

?Now is the time, I feel it the balance is broken evil is greater than good?. Giltanas prepare yourself?  the elf nodded and took a few steps back.
Uther then whispered to himself
?Goddess? give me strength??  
He then started shouting at the wall
?Are you mocking me mortal? Do you really want death already? Go away and I will spare your puny life?
Uther walked closer to the wall \"so be it\" Uther laid his hands on the wall and started to chanting with a dark and loud voice
?My Goddess this heretic has the nerves to mock you do you dare to let him do so? I ask your permission to start the crusade my lady what is your answer?
?AHAHAHA you beg to your Goddess? You ask her to help you AHAHAHA you shall die you litt...?  ?SILENT!! You have killed many demon but now your reign has ended! Chosen do what you must do you have my blessing!?
A demon appeared from the wall it was twice as big as Uther and all covered in the blood of its victims in its hand was a little girl she seemed to still breathe
?AHAHAHA I shall kill all of your people and I will start with you and then this little girl!?  He threw the girl but luckily it was near Giltanas and he managed to catch her

?Demon by the Goddess and the elements I shall vanquish even if it means my death!?  Uther charged the monster but was swept aside by its hands, he crashed into the wall but was soon up again the Demon started to walk toward him but a arrow hit it in the head Uther smiled and saw Giltanas with his bow soon another arrow hit the Demon but it was like the Demon ignored the pain! The Demon turned and began to walk towards Giltanas
?Giltanas! Que nera no be harmeji kad?

Giltanas looked at Uther and then nodded; Uther charged the Demon again the Demon saw him and turned to face him but in the last second Uther turned and ran beside the Demon and placed himself near its hand ?AHAHAHA you fool! What are you doing it is useless now I have you... what the??  The Demon could not move and saw a eerie light under its feet ?What is this!? Sealing magic!! NO!?  Giltanas smiled ?The sealing magic of the Silvanni tribe is unrivalled it is based on the crystal way, now Uther it is up to you!?

Uther Penndragon

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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2005, 10:55:55 am »
There will be more chapters in the future and you are welcome to give comments even bad ones... as I don?t expect this story to be as great as the ones I may write later on  ;)


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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2005, 12:07:11 pm »
Good job mate, one of the actually I will go on a limb here and say its the best peice of work I have read since I joined this community. Not boring and well written, not to complicated and the colors for the names is a great idea. Have fun with it.

Uther Penndragon

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« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2005, 01:05:05 pm »

Chapter 3: the Guardians arrive  

Uther nodded and placed his hands on the ground in front of the Demon ?from the north I call upon you mother give us your strength let the Earth reject this monster!?  the Earth suddenly broke and creature came the creature was known as Terra ?Earth has arrived! From the west I call the powers of water! Holy water of the Goddess help me vanquish this monster!?  a serpent came from the same hole as Terra it was Aqua ?Water has arrived! From the south I call you Fire let the monster burn with its own hatred!?  another beast came this was known as Ignis ?Fire has arrived! From the East I call upon you Air!?  a bird like creature known as Aer came from the hole ?the Guardians are here, now help me vanquish this monster and save the balance of the world once again!?  all of the Guardians gave a roar and a voice was suddenly heard ?my Guardians and my children are the most dear to me Demon never underestimate my power I am the one and the only, my children?s love to me is what gives me strength! Now guardians let us show him our true power!?

The Guardians was combined into a single light which blasted through the cave with a unearthly speed the Demons scream was painful and very high the light burned the skin of the monster and it did not take long before it was killed?

Uther smiled ?if I may say it myself I think we have what we call a job well done?  
?I do not think we are quite done here Uther?  Giltanas looked down at the little girl and they started to go back to the keep?

OOC. Thank you Depth for your gracious reply anyone else has something to say do not hold back  ;)
And this is not the end this is just the beginning of the Crusade


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« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2005, 01:51:01 pm »
My guild The Holy Searing is somewhat in that type of Crusades against Evil. Check us out at (Still waiting for site to get redone so it still says Rebirth) and if you want to hear some of my stories mate look up the thread Rise to ruin and Rebirth on this board. Keep up the good work!

Uther Penndragon

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« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2005, 02:34:18 pm »
Yes I have noticed that we have some common goals, but you must be aware that the Crusade only is a ritual performed when the evil becomes stronger than the good we do not seek to entirely destroy chaos :)
But I see you are doing a fine job my friend we might even become allies one day ;)

Uther Penndragon

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« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2005, 07:01:13 am »

Chapter 4: On the edge of insanity  

As they reached the exit Uther felt something strange he stopped and looked behind, nothing but the darkness of the labyrinth ?Is something wrong Uther??  ?Giltanas take the girl back to the keep I will follow you later?  ?Uther where are you going what is it???  Uther looked Giltanas in the eyes with a rage Giltanas never had seen before ?are you disobeying orders? I am the chosen of the Goddess I am your superior now take the girl back to the keep is that understood!??  Giltanas turned and left he was scared of what Uther might have done if he had stayed, meanwhile Uther went into the labyrinth again. After walking for some time he came to some inscriptions on the wall which he never had seen before, he raised his hand and laid it on the strange runes as he did something began to pour out of the inscriptions ?what is this??  he put a finger on the liquid and then tasted it ?I see as I expected this is blood? ?AHAHAHA so you have finally found me??   the wall disappeared and the Demon walked out in front of Uther ?so you did not die? Why am I not surprised?  Uther took a few steps back ?so are you not happy to see me mortal? Why do you fear me??  Uther started laughing and then turned his back on the Demon ?we all have a purpose with life why else were we given all this freedom? Honestly I do not believe in any god or goddess?. Life is but a parade a man chooses evil or good or nothing at all?
We all wear a mask in this parade I have thrown mine into the fires of oblivion? nothing matters to me anymore but?. When I saw that little girl I knew I had to do something that was when I knew my purpose in life, my purpose is to protect others and help them in time of need!?
 ?AHAHAHA and how do you intend to do this??  a womanly figure appeared ?Uther you cannot deny your fate you are my champion the elements need?  ?SHUT UP!! I do not need you or your stupid elements! Go get yourself another puppet I am finished with you!!?  tears was filling Uther?s face ?I have a purpose I am not a doll or something to play with! My mother told me that everyone told me that follow your heart they said!? the Demon looked at Uther with interest \"and what does your heart tell you mortal??  ?I?.I?I don?t know?.?  The woman disappeared ?AHAHAHA well are you going to cry all day mortal? It seems I should just finish you off right now?  the Demon started to walk towards Uther but something happened Uther was now on the ground and it seems he was in great pain.

Next chapter \"The hellish truth\" will come later today  ;)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2005, 09:50:00 am by Uther Penndragon »

Uther Penndragon

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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2005, 09:41:22 am »

Chapter 5: The hellish truth  

A light broke through Uthers armour and eventually it burned through the armour and the Demon could see a seal on the warrior?s stomach, ?this is!! The seal of Shash?el!?  the Demon walked away from the warrior until he reached the wall ?that means you are!?  Uther was changing... his once brown hair became golden and his dark eyes became a very light blue Uther tried to stand up but failed several times before he finally got up on his knees. The pain seemed to have gone, he looked up on the Demon

?correct Demon I am the son of Shash?el, and now I have to fulfil my true destiny? please stand still?  Uther lifted his sword and charged the Demon, but the Demon lifted his hand and summoned a magical sword just in time to parry the Ylian?s attack ?you are strong mortal but you are nothing compared to a Demon!?  he then used all his strength to push the Ylian back ?do not try to escape!?  Uther charged again but the Demon jumped to side ?you cannot win face it!?  the Demon laughed at the humans attempts to kill him. ?Very well you asked for it!?  Uther opened his hand and a white ball of energy formed in it ?Now! Go back to Oblivion!?  he threw the ball at the Demon and it hit the Demons arm the Demon screamed in pain ?you fool!! I will kill you for your stupidity!?  the Demon charged but it was too late Uther had already moved and was now behind the Demon, he raised his sword and swung it at the Demon with all his strength, the Demon screamed as the holy blade penetrated its back.            

I know it is short but well... then you guys can look forward to the next chapter right?

Uther Penndragon

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« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2005, 07:40:39 am »
Cloaked person

Chapter 6: The fall of a legend  

The Demon had been banished and Uther turned to leave the labyrinth, as he came to the exit he felt something was wrong the sun burned his skin so he ran back to the labyrinth. He ventured farther in and came to a lake he looked and saw his face in the reflections of the clear water but it was not his face he saw?. It was the face of a monster, the skin was dark red and blood covered a large area of his face? he washed it off only to see the only thing of his face that had been left normal? his eyes. This was the curse of the Goddess all who rejected her in battle will fall under this terrible curse also known as ?vomica dea?, his scream was piercing and of great pain. ?Why? Have I not done much for you?? Did I not serve you as a faithful champion? Is this how I shall be repaid??  Uther looked around him ?answer me!!?  Time came and went, he lived in the labyrinth and became used to life down there until one day? a cloaked man came to town with a large bag over his shoulder he went to the blacksmith ?can I help you??  the blacksmith looked wondering at this mysterious man ?I want you to make me a armour of this?  he released his grip on the bag and it fell down on the ground before the feet of the blacksmith. ?This is gold!?  the mysterious man then said ?correct have it done tomorrow I will come back then?  the cloaked person turned and left.      

Glad to be back on the forums :D well I will continue to update this story and start playing again well enjoy! ;)