Author Topic: Recordings of Burrel  (Read 534 times)


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Recordings of Burrel
« on: October 09, 2005, 11:30:43 pm »
Recordings of Burrel: Section of the Yilan and Kran war.
Author\'s Note: If you had read my story Den, the recordings Enigma had about the war, which belonged to his father, is this story.


Greetings, I am Burrel The Recorder (Enigma\'s Father) and this account on the Yilan and Kran war from the Lemur Archives. This account is to inform the young naive historian about the first war that Lemurs recorded. The following account is from a earlier,much older recording from my father.

(Burrel\'s Father\'s Recording) I had join the 27th division of the Kran army as their recorder, and therefore had many amounts of information.  We marched through the streets of Hydlaa, finding the lots of the Yilans crowded in one place, not how other races\' lots were distributed. I had a word with the broad bulky commander General Granitebrow for the cause of this war. Granitebrow replied that the Yilan commander General Supreme hungered for power in Hydlaa and hungered for power. Granitebrow then said that General Supreme resolved this problem by poltting a rebellion against Hydlaa\'s current leader: Lord Ironfist XXV. Since Ironfist was a Kran, the Kran reacted by protecting the king, plunging the two races into war. (The rest of the ink blurred.)

(Burrel\'s Writing)
If anyone in the future would read this account, most probably my father\'s attachment has blurred. The followng event was that the Yilans were driven into the village of the Enkidukai, who were unaware of the war in Hydlaa. The Enkidukais provided everything to the Yilans, not knowing that the war was occuring in Hydlaa. This unintentional move of the Enkidukais helped the Yilans gain strength, so they went to attack the Krans once again. Read ahead but beware, reader, for this account was from a Yilan who had crude english (I had filled in dots for the places he missed words).

(Account)... Krans payed by ....... killed by us. ....... Supreme killed ....... Granitebrow. I ... happy. (The words are pointless in the last few sentences.) Raar Raar we cook we won! SUPREME GA GREAT! RAAR ME HUNGRY! ME MAD KRANS! ME CRUSED GALABALOOGOO! ME HAVE CRICKETS IN ME HEAD!! MALASUMPREMKILGRANIBRONK! (Apparently this Yilan is mentally ill. The last word he put in is utter nonsense.)

(Burrel\'s Writing) I apoligize for using such a defective account, but I find that it noted a tragic loss for the Krans that no other journal included: The death of General Granitebrow. To translate the Yilan\'s account he said that many Krans were killed, including General Granitebrow, by General Supreme. Apparently the once insignificant army of Yilans now conquered part of Hydlaa where the Library is now. Two seasons later, the Klyros aided the Krans, giving them a boost in supplies. This last account will be about the last day of war ( This was written by a Klyros Mercenary.)

(Klyros\'s Account) I watched as Yilans were slain hastily by Krans, now stronger with the aid of our supplies. I stood there next to Lord Ironfist, watcing the climax unfold. My brothers mixed with the Krans were effectively holding the troops back. All of a sudden, General Supreme was seen bashing through the crowd. A few hours after, Supreme collapsed of over fatigue. The war was won, all rebellious Yilans were put to death, while other Yilans simply did not know what happened. I am glad peace has once again flooded the Yliakum.

(Burrel\'s Conclusion) Now my final comment is that if there is more evidence yet to be found, we could fill in missing parts like how did Yilans manage to batter the gates, and why Ironfist retired from his throne for another king. It is certain that we may find all these answers, and fill in our history. Who knows, maybe it will be you, young reader, that will find what I missed. I hope you have learned a great deal, and will choose to become a great historian of Yliakum.

Scroll Three-thousand, nine-hundred ninety six from Lemur Archive Section Eight.
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