Author Topic: The Herbalist's Handbook  (Read 981 times)

Von H?rskiburg

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The Herbalist's Handbook
« on: January 05, 2006, 06:22:50 pm »
[OOC]This is a raw version of the book my character Thyrion Alzhaman has been writing. It\'s a bit incomplete, but since I have to go to the army next Monday, I decided to post this. I\'ll propably make some more entries to it as I find the time. Feel free to comment. [/OOC]

The Herbalist?s Handbook
by Thyrion Alzhaman

1.1  A word from the writer
1.2  How to use this book
2.1  Healing
2.2  Enhancing
2.3  Other beneficial recipes
2.4  Poisons

1.1 A word from the writer

For years I have travelled the wilderness. An essential part of wilderness survival is the knowledge of how you can benefit from the resources of nature. This book contains a collection of my favourite recipes that I have gathered during my travels. There are also some recipes that are the results of my own experiments, and can be found nowhere else but in this book. One recipe usually has one single effect, but one can always combine different herbs for multiple effects (although extreme care should be taken when using the more powerful herbs like kkhara). I hope these will prove as useful to you, as they proved to me.

1.2 How to use this book

Herb: Uhun ? the name of the herb
Description: A small flower with dark green leaves and white petals ? a quick description of the herb?s appearance
Parts: Stem, leaves ? the parts of the plant that can be used
Where to find: Almost everywhere except extremely hot, cold or dry areas ? where the herb usually grows
Effects: Gives nice taste when applied to red meat ? what effects the herb has
Method: Crush the parts into tiny pieces and apply to food ? how the herb should be used to achieve the desired effect
Other: May cause indigestion if used in large quantities ? possible side-effects, alternate uses and such

2.1 Healing

These are healing recipes for general purposes. In case of a serious disease, one should consult a healing expert personally.

Herb: Althenm?
Description: A thick, thorny bush, 1.2 meters tall at max. Black stalks, small, reddish green leaves and red, round berries
Parts: Berries
Where to find: Dry, rocky areas, for example the lower parts of mountain ranges and such
Effects: Disinfects small wounds and quickens blood clotting. Not very effective on larger wounds
Method: Boil the berries a bit to soften them. Then crush the berries in a bowl and apply directly to the wound

Herb: Eehran
Description: A small, stick-like plant without any leaves. Consists of a hard, brown stalk and roots. 80 cm high at max.
Parts: All
Where to find: Moist, dark areas, for example swamps
Effects: An effective painkiller. Cures cold as well.
Method: Can be consumed instantly
Other: A plant called umei is often mistaken as eehran for their quite similar appearances. Umei, however, has no particular effect.

Herb: Drastz? (commonly called bloodleaf)
Description: A quite small tree, often no taller than 2,5 meters. Thick, charcoal coloured trunk with many branches from halfway to top. The common name bloodleaf comes from it?s crimson, drop shaped leaves.
Parts: Leaves
Where to find: Rare. Found in deep, thick forests in colder parts of the world.
Effects: An effective poison neutralizer. Works on almost every natural poison (not artificial)
Method: The leaves are to be dried and then boiled like tea. In case of a serious and lethal poisoning the leaves can be smoked with common tobacco in a 1:1 mix. Smoking causes the neutralizing substances to enter the bloodstream more effectively, which results in faster and more effective poison neutralizing than consuming bloodleaf tea
Other: Smoking bloodleaf usually results in very bad nausea, so care should be taken when determining the state of the poisoning

2.2 Enhancing
These are recipes for enhancing effects.

Herb: Mmasora
Description: A weed that spirals at it?s top. 10-20 cm long, green. Smells faintly of fish
Parts: Stem
Where to find: Edges of fields, roads, walls etc. Very common.
Effects: No effect if used by itself, but if mixed with catnip, mmasora enhances darkvision.
Method: Boil mmasora stems with catnip in water. Then remove all solid material from the water and let it cool down. When the water cooled, pour directly into eyes.

Herb: Hunter?s Aid (real name unknown)
Description: A parasitic flower that grows on the trunks of large trees. Small, red, circular flowers visible, other parts are often under the bark of the host tree.
Parts: Petals
Where to find: Large, ancient forests with old trees.
Effects: Augments senses
Method: Smoke with ordinary tobacco
Other: One should be careful when determining the right amount of the herb. For a medium sized person, 7-9 petals is enough for one dose. Overdose results in too enhanced senses, and the sudden change in the amount of audiovisual information one is subjected to after overdose can lead to temporary insanity. This usually goes by after the effects wear off, but those with weak minds are endangered to permanent mental disorders

Herb: Kagashroom
Description: A small green mushroom that grows in large numbers.
Parts: All
Where to find: Usually found in moist, warm caves, but sometimes in very dark rainforests.
Effects: Aids in concentration. Tastes good.
Method: Use only small, younger kagashrooms. Boil the kagashrooms before eating them.
Other: Using older kagashrooms results in sleepiness.

2.3 Other beneficial recipes

Herb: Kkhara
Description: A common tree that grows very tall. Very usual looking, but can be identified by it?s large heart-shaped leaves.
Parts: Bark
Where to find: Almost everywhere, except for the most extreme territories
Effects: Relaxes body and soul, prevents insomnia
Method: Boil pieces of the bark in water. Instead of drinking, inhale the vapours that are released during the boiling
Other: Drinking the boiling water results in a deep sleep that last for 2-4 days. Although very refreshing, it is not commonly recommended.

2.4 Poisons
NOTE! This chapter is not for learning how to make poisons. It is for identifying common poisons and poisonous plants and trees and such by smell and look. There is also information about antidotes to them. The part ?where to find? is dropped out for a reason.

Herb: Yba?n (commonly called ?Widow?s Tear?)
Description: An ordinary looking bush with blue, tear-shaped berries. Almost every other part is edible and harmless, but the black seeds that are contained in the berries are lethal. Yba?n seeds can be identified by their bitter, salty odour, and if a seed is dropped in water, the seed releases black colour into the water.
Parts: Seeds
Effects: Yba?n poisoning can be identified by sweating, extreme weakness and red eyes. Yba?n poison causes a violent rise in body temperature, and the victim usually dies of fever in few days.
Antidote: Yba?n poisoning can be cured with bloodleaf (see above).

Herb: Cingawari
Description: A 50 cm high plant with large, pointy leaves. Thick, white roots are the poisonous part. Cingawari is easy to identify in nature, but if refined to poison, it is hard to notice by smell.
Parts: Roots
Effects: If consumed, cingawari toxins are destroyed by stomach acids before they can enter the bloodstream, causing only mild nausea. But if cingawari poison is released to the bloodstream directly, for example from a poisoned arrowhead, it causes the victim?s lungs to swell until he chokes to death (in most cases, this takes only several minutes).
Antidote: regular poison neutralizers work on pure cingawari extract, but more skilled poisoners use a specific chemical in addition that renders natural healing useless

Herb: Abendel
Description: A rather large mushroom. It is mostly white, but larger ones develop bluish stripes. A young abendel can be often mistaken as some other mushroom, as it is very common looking, but can be identified by it?s strong odour, that resembles sulphur.
Parts: All
Effects: The strong toxins of abendel paralyze neural systems, and when ignited, dried abendels burn long and emit very much smoke, that causes unconsciousness when inhaled. If consumed, the toxins cause almost immediate death.
Antidote: A cure for abendel poisoning is yet to be found. If abendel smoke has been inhaled, the unconsciousness wears off in two hours. Consuming abendel leads to death in half an hour.
Thyrion Alzhaman
The Stormchaser


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« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2006, 07:19:32 pm »
Wow, this is actually very usefull, I\'m definately going to use this.
Hitancrias. Herbalist. Explorer.


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how to find herbs?
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2006, 08:01:14 pm »
what for a command i have to type to search for herbs?


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« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2006, 08:03:45 pm »
[ Herbs aren\'t implemented yet ;) You can\'t find anything right now - this is just roleplay. ]
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2006, 05:16:12 am »
Very nice work Thyrion, indeed. It\'s just the kind of handy traveller manual I thought Thyrion was writing, I also even thought of some drawings or even some dried parts of plants sticked on its pages (dried leaves, stems, seeds...)
The descriptions are concise and clear, focused, aimed, just like a manual or kick guide has to be.

But now I\'ve a doubt, publishing the book content here, doesn\'t imply that the book\'s publicly avaiable, right? Or has Thyrion made a copy of the book that has lend to Jayose? (or any other Yliakean librarian)

I\'ve already added the kkhara to my roleplay since Thyrion told Nilrem about it when he asked for a thing that could help relaxing and sleeping, and I asked ooc if it was common to be find, so I guess I can safely use it, but I\'d like to know also, if the rest of information you\'ve provided here should be considered of common knowledge (or now avaiable to common knowledge) or if, to know about the other elements described in the book an herbalist aid is needed.

PS: Good luck in the army, let\'s see if those computers you said there are, are able to be used, and you can provide us with more chapters about Thyrion\'s life or add more items to this book.
Are there any MoonSeekers left?

Von H?rskiburg

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« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 12:38:59 pm »
Originally posted by Nilrem
Very nice work Thyrion, indeed. It\'s just the kind of handy traveller manual I thought Thyrion was writing, I also even thought of some drawings or even some dried parts of plants sticked on its pages (dried leaves, stems, seeds...)
The descriptions are concise and clear, focused, aimed, just like a manual or kick guide has to be.

But now I\'ve a doubt, publishing the book content here, doesn\'t imply that the book\'s publicly avaiable, right? Or has Thyrion made a copy of the book that has lend to Jayose? (or any other Yliakean librarian)

I\'ve already added the kkhara to my roleplay since Thyrion told Nilrem about it when he asked for a thing that could help relaxing and sleeping, and I asked ooc if it was common to be find, so I guess I can safely use it, but I\'d like to know also, if the rest of information you\'ve provided here should be considered of common knowledge (or now avaiable to common knowledge) or if, to know about the other elements described in the book an herbalist aid is needed.

Yeah, I thought about including some drawings or something, but then I remembered I can\'t draw or paint or anything :) And yes, posting the contents here means that the book and the information it contains are in public release, which could mean that IC one could but it from a book store or lend from a library etc.
Thyrion Alzhaman
The Stormchaser

Stephen McNaire

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« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2006, 11:17:24 pm »
Scum! I\'ve been creating herbs too, how dare you beat me to a list? j/k^^ There are three I have that I used in my tale that I would like to share with you. I will add mine here as my charecter Hyung because I doubt we\'d meet in-game since I\'m on usually during the witching hours.


A letter delivered from Hyung, son of Kolin, to he they call Thyrion

I bear greetings to Thyrion, much skilled in your art,
Your scroll on various plants and their effects I found most illuminating,
truly you possess great skill in herb lore.
Upon finishing however, I felt it my duty and pleasure to request some additions
to your collection with several plants I am well acquainted with.
In the spirit of your scroll that was written so even the simplest mind
could benefit from the knowledge, I have copied your style for my simple additions.

In the pursuit of knowledge,
Hyung Shinn, Dwarven Scholar

Healing herbs:

Herb: Yaali
Description: A simple stem weed about knee high with great flowing five-pronged leaves staggered in groups of two. The veins of the leaves are a pale yellow color and run the length of the stem.
Parts: Stem, leaves
Where to find: Found in dim, muggy areas.
Effects: The stem if chewed is calming. The leaves can dispel a headache and aid in lessening the effects of a hangover.
Method: The stem is simply striped of leaves and chewed. The leaves may be crushed and allowed to brew with hot water. For fast head pain relief, the leaves must be carefully broken along the veins to allow quick mingling of water and sap.
Notes: The stem is bitter but bearable. The sap in the leaves is very distasteful, but do not add anything to sweeten the brew, as it will interfere with the herb. Beware the similar kron plant, which can be poisonous. Only suggested to be picked by those with knowledge of the subtleties of herb lore so as to be sure to see the difference between the two.

Poisonous plants

Herb: Kron
Description: Looks almost like the Yaali plant, but has rounder points on the leaves. The color of the stripe on the vein is a much more brilliant yellow and the plant has a faint, but different smell from the Yaali.
Where to find: In fields.
Parts: Leaves
Effects: None unless taken in large doses. If too much is consumed, the kron plant can cause great illness or death.
Method: None
Notes: It is very displeasing to taste, but sweeter then the Yaali plant, causing many foolish herbalist to try to use it instead. Avoid this plant, as it has no use. While it might be considered as a poison, the bitter taste is too strong to pass unnoticed and as such is disregarded by poisoners.
Antidote: If you are feeling the effects of this herb strongly, it is too late to do much but hope to survive. Common poison cleansers may aid you.

Herb: Melem
Description: A thankfully rare and hard to find plant. Only about five inches across, it hugs the ground, making it hard to find among the grasses. The stem barely leaves the earth, The leaves are broad and each has a lump where is connects to the stem. Further identification can be made in the roots, which are brown to the middle.
Parts: The bump on the stem of the leaf
Effects: Very nasty. When taken, the melem causes symptoms that resemble the plague. Overdose invariably causes painful death.
Notes: Not used by poisoners due to the large effect a possible plague outbreak could cause among the local populace. Is sometimes used by tainted healers who make use of its effects to raise trade when times are down.
Antidote: Interestingly, herbs that aid in the plague will counter-act the poison.

That\'s them.
One suggestion to your herbs though is be careful about how much you specify about the body?s functions. Remember that not much is known about the finer details of the body in a medieval fantasy context and I think the effects listed for the poison Abendel were a tad too fancy with words like \"paralyze neural systems\". This sounds like modern medical writing, not a herbalist writing down symptoms.
I\'m wondering though. Does the PS world allow dissection of bodies? Because that would greatly shape the way healers work with their patients. In many ancient cultures it was strictly forbidden. Hmm...I gonna have to ask someone about that...


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« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2006, 05:47:28 am »
Originally posted by Stephen McNaire
Herb: Melem
Description: A thankfully rare and hard to find plant. Only about five inches across, it hugs the ground, making it hard to find among the grasses. The stem barely leaves the earth, The leaves are broad and each has a lump where is connects to the stem. Further identification can be made in the roots, which are brown to the middle.
Parts: The bump on the stem of the leaf
Effects: Very nasty. When taken, the melem causes symptoms that resemble the plague. Overdose invariably causes painful death.
Notes: Not used by poisoners due to the large effect a possible plague outbreak could cause among the local populace. Is sometimes used by tainted healers who make use of its effects to raise trade when times are down.
Antidote: Interestingly, herbs that aid in the plague will counter-act the poison.

An etymological note:
In the Stonebreaker language, \'melem\' is a generic term used to describe fruit. This derives from \'Mel\' (one thousand) and hence \'Mele\' (fruitful). The specific form of the word is \'Melert\' that means \'apple\'.

This has been known to cause some confusion in the past.
