Author Topic: Heart Broken (the end of an Enki Named Irick)  (Read 659 times)


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Heart Broken (the end of an Enki Named Irick)
« on: August 23, 2007, 04:08:18 pm »
The world was turned upside down and nothing put pain filled his heart, he was alone. Irick stared at the trees and though back to how it happened.

Nixe had been missing, for too long. After so long he decided that some thing must have happened. He set out on his own, and looked up and down the path to Oja, he was almost at the city walls when he thought he caught a wiff of her sent from the near by woods, and set out to investigate....

"Nixe!" he cried out, still searching, deep into the woods by now. the moon light filtered through the trees, casting dark shadows and silver spotlights on the tree branches and undergrowth. the wind was making the leaves dance, the shadows cast taking on life of their own. It was beautiful and under any other circumstance it would have been peaceful, but the urgency of his cries tinged the air, and turned the scene into one of great chaos and tension. the glint of his drawn blade was searching.

Finally he heard something, a shuffling of leaves, and darted in its direction, trees passing his burred vision at an alarming speed was all he saw until he reached a small clearing, bathed in moon light.
the scene was tranquil, a female form under a cloak bound under a tree. the scent in the air was familiar so he rushed forward "Nixe!" he shouted and the fourm looked up weakly, slowly the shadows cast by the cloak's hood begain to retreat, he was halfway to her, a moon beam shone on her snout, he was only a few feet away, her eyes shone in the moon light, they were not Nixe's.

He felt the world catch up to him, the sent was familiar, but it was not Nixe's, his mind had given him false hope in his desperate state. he felt a rope snap tightly across his ankle and pull him upwards with a force great enough to make him lose grip of his sword, a snare trap, he saw the bonds of the fenki slip lose, and she stood up, a bow and arrow in hand. He rotated slowly, suspended by the rope around his ankle until she was no longer in sight, the world was turned upside down, the Sigil around his neck dangled on it's silver chain, threatening to fall off onto the leaf covered ground below. behind him he heard a draw string stretch.

The arrow released and he felt it twist into his heart, large dollops of dark blood landed on the leaves bellow next to the silver of his blade. he felt nothing but the pain in his heart.

Irick died alone.

(yes, heart broken was a pun.)

[For role play, Irick will stay in the death realm, i will log in periodically, Information obtained from him about his killer may only be used if you are willing to risk your charicter not coming back from deathrealm with a dice roll.]

[for fun, i am making this challenge, to see who can figure out the killer. this weekend on the 25th, starting at 5 p.m. EST, i will be online playing the part of an interactive crime scene outside Oja.]
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 08:28:52 pm by Irick »
-Irick (frequent rper and Macie)
Though hidden in the shadows, my mind does not fear the Dark...

Head instructer of the Bujini-kyuuryuu-toutou-ryu