Author Topic: Important: Will my character be wiped when a new release comes out?  (Read 4078 times)


  • Administrator
  • Hydlaa Notable
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This question has been asked plenty of times, and the answer is the following.

We will do our best to preserve the characters we have in game at every upgrade of the game. At the same time we will watch out for elements which can make the game very unbalanced, for example items or stats/skills.

More in details, this means that's no problem in keeping your accounts, character names, character guilds, buddies, descriptions and similar. Also we can fairly easily keep some of your MyPlane achievements (for sure the ones about having played previous releases).

For the special items, which are most likely to be rebalanced in the future, you will not lose them, but those will be converted to other newer items with changed stats.

For quests, we will most likely give the option to the player to keep his current results, or restart from a clean position, so he can complete the quests in the new format.

For stats and skills we will allow players to keep those unless the game rules have been changed so dramatically to make those values not meaningful anymore in the new system.

For money, that can be scaled down or up based on the new economy, but you are not going to lose it.

So overall I want to be sure people understand that their chars will be kept, and we will rewards faithful players which created characters in earlier releases. An example of this was a special item "Ring of the past" which was given long time ago to all players participating into earlier releases. We could do the same in the future.

We hope this guideline is enough to clear some doubts and to understand the overall philosophy we will apply. At the same time remember the game is in constant evolution and we reserve the rights to change this in the future.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 02:50:13 pm by Talad »