Author Topic: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers  (Read 1827 times)


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Re: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2009, 10:15:04 pm »
Aarnir plans to be there...unless he gets caught up snoozing that is.

[boy, that's early/late! lol]
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2009, 11:15:04 pm »
I'll try to stay awake as well, wouldn't want to miss it! :)
Don't expect me to be very bright in the middle of the night though! :whistling:


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Re: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2009, 04:53:21 am »
Once this is done I can finally get Jarexia out of the DR!
« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 05:35:19 am by Jarexia »

Tadano Hitoshi

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Re: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2009, 04:58:54 am »
Aiyal Mayatt was a mess. She tottered through the streets of Hydlaa, snaking her way toward Kada El`s. Already she had a mug of beer in each hand, but they were warm and couldn`t slake her thirst. Buying as much as she could she staggered back out of the tavern, aimlessly wandering the back streets and finally collapsing in a drunken heap. Unbeknownst to her, Giroum, Mellas and Aarnir were looking for her.
(it should be noted that the alcoholic Aiyal actually has her name tattooed on her hand lest her drink-rotted brain forget it)

(16:26:19) >Mellas Dibaloues greets Aiyal Mayatt.
(16:26:31) Aiyal opens a bloodshot eye
(16:26:36) Aiyal says: Whaddya want?
(16:26:45) Aiyal smells badly of vomit and beer
(16:27:05) Mellas says: Excuse me, miss? I'm searching for a descendant of Seera Mayatt, does the name sound familiar to you?'
Mellas found the drunkard Nolthrir girl in an alley not far from the tavern, beer and vomit soaked into her clothing and matting her hair. A letter was sent to Aarnir, who soon arrived...but they found the descendant of Seerah Mayatt less than polite. A foul-mouthed, bitter inebriate who cursed the name of her ancestor, explaining that the Mayatt family rarely spoke the name of Seerah since she had taken her own life in sorrow upon hearing of Keyl`s disappearance and presumed death. Seerah, from a destitute family had turned down a wealthy match because of her love for the priest Keyl, angering her family. And when the high priests had, in accordance with Keyl`s will, delivered his inheritance to her: a chest, she had driven a knife into her breast, collapsed over the blood-soaked trunk...and both had vanished, claimed by Dakkru.

(16:45:45) Aiyal says: I want nothing to do with her nor your mystery.
(16:45:51) Aiyal spits on the ground.
(16:45:57) Mellas says: We should go then, Aarnir.
(16:46:08) Aarnir says: Aye, know worries, i'm sure you will forget this talk as soon as you pass out.
(16:46:19) Aiyal says: Tell her she is no Mayatt! She is not one of us!
(16:46:44) Mellas smiles at Aiyal. 'Thank you for your information, please..' she holds out her hand.
(16:46:57) Aiyal frowns at Mellas
(16:47:01) >Mellas gave Aiyal 1000 Tria.
(16:47:04) Aarnir merely gives a nod, keeping his hands within his robe.
(16:47:18) Mellas says: It's not much, but it's something. Take care of yourself, will you?
(16:47:21) Aiyal snatches the money from Mellas`s hands, dropping her beer

Thus Mellas and Aarnir, finding that Seerah was still -in once sense- alive, yet within the Death Realm, they made their own way to Dakkru`s domain...

The books Zephan recovered from the Eagle Fort had mentioned that Keyl`s love was a bookworm and so the pair were saved the impossible task of searching the expansive wastes of the Death Realm and went directly to the Citadel and its library, wherein they found a beautiful but sad looking alabaster-skinned Xacha maiden...

(17:04:17) Seerah says: I? My name is Seerah. Seerah M-....Seerah Aperonel.
(17:05:00) Mellas looks from Seerah to Aarnir and back, surprised.
(17:06:30) Seerah says: Who are you two? Mellas you said?
(17:06:41) Mellas exclaims: 'We found you then! Oh blessed be!'
(17:06:46) Aarnir makes another bow, "pleasure to have met you Seerah...seems fate has led us to you, I am Aarnir, this is Mellas"
(17:07:45) Seerah says: Aarnir, Mellas...welcome to the Death Realm Citadel and its library.
(17:07:47) Mellas jumps up excitedly, before calming down when hearing Aarnir's words. 'Aye, we wish to uncover the mystery of Keyl Aperonel.'
(17:08:00) Seerah says: I pray that you find your way back to Ylia-....
(17:08:08) Seerah pauses at the mention of Keyl
(17:08:20) Seerah says: What do you know of my Keyl?!
(17:09:27) Mellas looks around for the grendols before sheathing her swords again. 'You two were lovers, right?' she asks softly.
(17:10:01) Seerah holds a hand over her mouth and simply nods
(17:10:54) Seerah says: How long has it been since someone spoke that name to me? How long since I have heard its sound?
(17:11:04) Seerah looks about in confusion
(17:11:08) Aarnir says: I"m sorry if this is upsetting for you Seerah...we've discovered some documents that have led us down Keyl's history, which has led us to you.
(17:11:14) Mellas glances at Aarnir and looks down, a bit uncertain of what to say.
(17:11:25) Seerah frowns, on the verge of tears
(17:11:45) Seerah says: I know that he is dead. That much I was told. Need I know more?
(17:12:24) Aarnir says: We hope to make things right as to what happened to keyl.
(17:12:46) Seerah swallows and composes herself, "What happened? Tell me then."
(17:13:25) Mellas looks worried. 'It was Keyl's brother, Naen.'
(17:13:55) Seerah frowns in confusion, "Naen? Fair Naen? What..what did he do?!"
(17:14:44) Mellas takes a deep breath. 'From what we discovered, Naen became a follower of the whisper, and tricked his brother Keyl into a reunion...'
(17:15:02) Aarnir nods, "yes Naen betrayed Keyl in an attempt to steal the family inheritance. Keyl tried to fight to save what he had to give you, his family. But both died in the battle."
(17:15:19) Seerah grits her teeth, tears beginning to flow
(17:15:25) Seerah shouts: No!!!
(17:15:29) >Seerah Aperonel takes a seat.
(17:16:01) Aarnir steps forward attempting to give comfort
(17:16:12) Mellas bites her lip and moves over to Seerah to place an arm around her shoulders.
(17:16:24) Seerah weeps openly, unable to speak
(17:17:25) Mellas says: 'What happened, there are no words to describe it. Yet Keyl is in peace now, please find comfort in that.'
(17:17:25) Seerah wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her dress
(17:17:46) Seerah nods at Mellas` words. "He is with Laanx now."
(17:17:56) >Seerah Aperonel stands up.
(17:18:04) Seerah swallows
(17:18:11) Aarnir says softly, "he died in order to defend your honour and make amends with your family.
(17:18:26) Seerah stifles a sob and nods
(17:19:05) Mellas nods and smiles sadly, giving Seerah's shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting go. 'Aye, he is with Laanx.'
(17:19:40) Seerah looks about the library as if it is her first time seeing it, "This is not my place...I have been waiting, waiting but never knew what for....perhaps now I do."
(17:19:53) Mellas remembers where she is and looks around for any grendols nearby, hand on her hip.
(17:20:39) Aarnir says: It's been near 300 years passed on the surface.
(17:20:55) Seerah says: Three hundred years?!
(17:21:04) Seerah says: What...what of my family?
(17:21:26) Mellas says: Generations have come and gone.
(17:21:55) Seerah says: Are they...are they well?
(17:23:27) Aarnir looks to Mellas unsurely, "we met a girl named...
(17:23:45) Mellas looks at Aarnir. 'named Aiyal.'
(17:24:02) Seerah smiles, "Aiyal...a beautiful name."
(17:24:13) Aarnir says: Yes, Aiyal Mayatt
(17:24:24) Seerah smiles at the sound of her true family name.
(17:24:51) Aarnir nods a couple of times..."A beautiful name for sure, but..."
(17:24:59) Mellas nods. 'Aye, she's a beautiful girl.'
(17:25:39) Seerah smiles
(17:26:25) Aarnir says: she didn't seem all that happy i guess you could say.
(17:26:39) Seerah frowns, "Is that so?"
(17:26:59) Mellas says: She enjoyed her beer, I'll say.
(17:27:48) Seerah chuckles, "A mirthful girl? I pray her life is more pleasant than mine was."
(17:28:34) Mellas nods warmly.
(17:29:49) Seerah says: Please..follow me.
(17:29:52) Aarnir gives a nod, seemingly letting go of what was on his mind
Seerah then lead the two into another room of the Citadel
(17:30:49) Seerah pulls out a box from under the stone table
(17:31:23) Seerah says: This was Keyl`s gift to me. His inheritance.
(17:31:56) Seerah says: I will be leaving the Death Realm and will not need it. It is yours to do with as you see fit.
(17:32:29) Aarnir seems a bit speechless
(17:32:45) Mellas looks at the crate with wonder. 'The inheritance! I'm so glad it didn't fall into the wrong hands.'
(17:33:01) Seerah says: I am pleased that you told me of my family...but I also realise that it was you who sought me out. Not her.
(17:33:45) Mellas nods quietly.
(17:34:07) Seerah slips a pair of Dark Way rings from her fingers and puts them into a small bag.
(17:34:19) Seerah says: "This also is yours."
(17:34:49) Mellas says: We wil take it to the priests of Laanx, where it belongs.
(17:34:56) Seerah says: Over the years I have met many travellers passing though Dakkru`s Realm...some made it out...others not...
(17:35:48) Aarnir listens to her words
(17:35:50) Mellas listens to Seerah closely.
(17:36:14) Seerah says: These are the possessions of the lost ones.
(17:36:46) Aarnir looks into the sac, "this is a treasure in and of itself!"

(17:37:26) Mellas looks over the items, impressed.
(17:37:42) Aarnir says: shall we take these to the temple then, let Giroum know?
(17:38:08) Seerah says: I will come with you to the Portal, though our destinations are different.
(17:38:23) Aarnir says: where will you be going Seerah, if I may ask?
(17:38:33) Mellas says: Thank you for your help, Seerah
(17:38:55) Seerah says: To be with Keyl. I have read the tomes of the library and I cannot safely return to Yliakum. I will pass on and be with my love.
(17:39:52) Mellas puts a hand over her heart. 'Spoken like a true lover,' she says tenderly, thinking of her own beloved.
(17:40:06) Seerah says: Let us leave this place.

(17:43:46) Mellas tumbles down the stairs, smiling apologetically.
(17:43:52) >Seerah Aperonel makes a bow.
(17:44:00) >Mellas Dibaloues salutes Seerah Aperonel with respect.
(17:44:21) Aarnir returns the bow, "It is an honour to have met you Seerah"
(17:44:25) Mellas says: It was a pleasure to meet you, Seerah!
(17:44:32) Seerah says: I thank you for all you have done. For me. For Keyl.
(17:44:51) Aarnir says: May you enjoy your eternity with him
(17:44:58) Seerah says: It was a great honour to meet you both. Thank you.
(17:45:32) Mellas says: Thank you for helping us as well! May you be in peace with your beloved, with Laanx.
(17:45:49) Seerah steps into the portal, her body turning to dust as three hundred years catch up with her in a moment.

And finally the two returned to the Iron Temple...finding Giroum downcast, his own search for Seerah`s descendant having failed (geez guys, you coulda sent him a letter by groffel too!  :@#\ ;) ).
They gave Giroum Seerah`s remains (piles of dust and a skull) so that he could give her a proper burial and the old lemur commended the two on their actions before leaving them with their just reward: the chest and sack of treasures.

...and so the tale of the Scar-Cross`d Brothers comes to an end and good was victorious.
Mainly because the baddies thought it was going to be 7PM rather than 7AM. Whoops.


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Re: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2009, 02:48:48 pm »
* MellasFenixxes laughs when she re-reads the logs.
I remember being so sleepy, yet so excited!  :woot:

The story went on very nicely, I loved Aiyal's unexpected behaviour and the shock I got at the moment I realized I had to enter the Death Realm to meet up with Seerah! Aarnir had the good idea to jump off a cliff instead of stabbing yourself in the heart, we never stopped RP-ing, which I loved :) Also, it's a good thing the bad guys weren't there actually, with Melly being on a laggy computer in sleep mode I doubt she could've been of much help xD. Yet it also took a bit of the excitement away, but the RP was still mindblowingly awesome!! And that's what we do it for ;) If you ever need any help, Melly is at your service. Besides, she really thinks she owes the priests of Laanx her service for all that has happened. Respect!

I've told you before, and I'm telling you again, Giroum, you're freaking genius for having put this together! <3 Amazing work!
Thank you ever so muchly for everything!! *hugs*


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Re: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2009, 03:51:21 pm »
Like Mellas said above, great fun Giroum!

I look forward to the next installment of Temple Drama! \\o//
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin