Author Topic: Geyesie: The Canvas and the Brush [Part 2]  (Read 575 times)


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Geyesie: The Canvas and the Brush [Part 2]
« on: October 10, 2009, 09:01:39 pm »
[I encourage you to read the introduction to Geyesie and the Part 1 before you read Part 2. This part contains heavy content and graphic detail. You have been cautioned.]

Light shone down upon Geyesie’s face, highlighting the tears dropping down swiftly from his eyes.

Gods, I don’t want to die
Oh god
How can I be such a coward?

The man walked leisurely behind Geyesie, his finger touching the nape of his neck.
“A specimen, in the prime of youth, beautiful….beautiful”

He began to draw his eyes toward the back of Geyesie’s head.
“I will take my time with you, oh yes….yes you are special”

The man grasped Geyesie’s hair and pulled his head back, to reveal his neck laid bare.
The man squatted down and placed his mouth several inches from the boy’s left ear.
“You’re fear, It’s a sweet touch, you know that boy?”

“I told you before, what I do is a form of art”

The man began to speak quietly, as if to himself.
“To achieve a masterpiece, a culmination of my ability…”
He motioned toward his sheathed sword, “One must have clean brushes”
“A clean, flawless canvas upon which to draw upon” slowly caressing the boy’s cheek.

The sound of running feet came closer to where the man and Geyesie were.

”Damn the dogs”

Three men rounded the house and hurried up to the man.
“Sir, we found nothing in the districts. We….”
The guardsman frowned as he looked upon Geyesie, “Is that him?”

The man smiled “Why, yes, and I had found him on my lonesome, Dornin, surprised?”

Dornin looked at the man and stood at attention. “What should we do with him?”

“I’ll…handle him, you three go to your posts”

“Understood, sir”

The man watched the guardsmen walk away from the area and into the shadows.
He waited a minute before returning his gaze to Geyesie, who remained kneeling, with his head tilted back, and tears falling onto his cheeks.

“Are you so paralyzed you could not attempt escape, or even return your head to its original position?”
The man laughed, “Why so frightened boy, you inevitably caused your own punishment by your actions.” The man counted his fingers, while grinning mockingly, “Thievery and destruction of octarchal property, my, my” he said loudly. “Simple cause and effect runt, and a half-breed like you isn’t deserving of a trial, anyway, now are you?”

Geyesie startled, righted his head and fell back against his hands, facing the man.

Narrowing his eyes, the man looked down on Geyesie “Oh….did I surprise you boy? I knew your father boy, I knew him very well”

The man looked to the left and smiled.

“He and I had cut a deal, you see”

“Whenever refugees passed by the mine, he would escort them to me, by the gate…and the toll, the toll you know, would be high”

“Sometimes when they didn’t have enough, we would sell them, did you know that boy?”

The man turned his head back to Geyesie and laughed.

”There’s a underground trade of slaves, sometimes for work, for sex, and sometimes…parts”

The man’s eyes glimmered red, and Geyesie knew this was not a coincidence.

“The most exquisite part of my hobby, is that it pays boy, it pays very well”

“When I’m done with you, I’ll take you apart, piece, by piece and sell them”

The man grinned broadly, revealing rotted teeth.

“When I had heard your father had bailed on me, because of his blindness, well you can be assured I was furious”

”I wonder how quickly you’ll die compared to him”

The man knelt down and grasped a small stone laying on the ground.

“He begged for his life of course, said we were friends at first, and then he tried to fight back, and finally he said he would do anything in exchange for his life”

The man took his left hand and pushed away the hair from his eyes.

“I asked him what his son’s name was, and he told me, Geyesie, he told me”
The man giggled softly.

“But you, you are special, I’ve never done a father and a son, this will be a unique work of mine”

Geyesie felt his hands go numb, and then his legs. His heart pounded so rapidly he wondered how the man could not hear it. His mind however, began to clear.

Geyesie spoke, quietly at first, but it grew louder with each word spoken.

“You…killed, him?”

“You killed my father?”

The man answered, “Didn’t I already say I did boy?”

“I have to take you somewhere else, this place is too open”

The man grabbed Geyesie by the shoulders and hauled him across the area, looking from side to side.

Geyesie mumbled softly.

“Killed him, you killed him”

The man reached the end of the lit area and began to drag Geyesie through an alley.

“My father, you killed my father”

Geyesie felt a crippling fear, but a fear that became had become duller with each word the man had spoken. He had known evil men since the day he could reason. His father was evil, and deserved death, but not by another man’s hand. Geyesie had always thought that one day he would reconcile with his father, by any means.

Geyesie drifted upon his past memories, as they swam by. He had always been able to withstand his enemies, from the other urchins and thugs who wanted to control him to his father.

But now…

The man began to walk slowly across a green field, toward a large complex.

“Magnificent, the Laanx Temple”
« Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 09:04:10 pm by bloodedIrishman »

Sarras Volcae

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Re: Geyesie: The Canvas and the Brush [Part 2]
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2009, 09:22:59 pm »
you should post these in one thread


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Re: Geyesie: The Canvas and the Brush [Part 2]
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2009, 09:53:17 pm »
They have been moved. All the parts will be put into "The Saga of Geyesie" for the few who read them.