Author Topic: Reporting Forum Posts  (Read 2066 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Reporting Forum Posts
« on: August 07, 2009, 12:08:17 am »
Several times over the past couple of months (and moreso recently), the PlaneShift moderation team has received Abuse Reports that were not forum abuse at all, but instead was someone trying to get our attention for some other reason. If the "Report to Moderator" link at the bottom of each post could be triggered by accident, we could write it off as such. However, after clicking the link there are then instructions to read (see below) and you have to consciously enter a message and click another button.

So, the point of this post is to remind you all to not use the Report feature for anything except to report an abusive or offensive (or out-of-place!) post to the moderators.

Ah... so that's what happens..

Edited to clarify:
The reports I meant contained 'reasons' such as "My game isn't working!!" or "I need help plz" and similar. As this is not the purpose of the Report function, these reports are simly spam in a moderator's email inbox and should be avoided.

- Original Author: Karyuu