Author Topic: Into the future  (Read 579 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Into the future
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:00:18 pm »
[Kind of felt like writing something again. No special reason or anything. It is a situation that could have happened recently or not very long ago.]

Not again. Oele stops, letting the wind blow into her face and ruffling up her hair. It carries the smell of wet earth, plants and animals. It isn't a bad smell. Actually she likes it. It is better than the unventilated smell of the city. But she hadn't intended to come here.
A soft clicking noise of an armor can be heard as one of the guards moves. She knows that she is being watched by them. But it doesn't matter. She isn't doing anything they could scold her for.
She shakes her head and turns it to the side, returning to the problem which brought her here. Where to go to? Which direction should she be heading?


She turns her head abruptly back as one of the guards speaks. It is a bit rough and low voice. A man as far as she could determine.

"Uhm... I forgot..." He says as he continues, getting the other guard to chuckle softly. "Right... that was it... Child are you looking for something?"

She shakes her head. She isn't looking for something, she is looking for someone. It is not the same. A person is not an object.
“Mariana.” She states in a tone that tells them that she wouldn't add any explanation, which says that they should know who is meant with that name alone.

“A person, eh? Don't think we'll be of much help...” He pauses a moment and the scratching of his armor can be heard as he moves. “Did she get lost out there?”

Oele ponders for a moment about that idea. Mariana getting lost somewhere? She couldn't imagine that. Not Mariana. The fenki definitely would never get lost.
She shakes her head and answers. “Wouldn't. Is somewhere else.” Her voice gets an absentminded tone as she turns her head again. Where is she? Sometimes she gets scared of being alone. Now is one of those times.


It needs a while for the voice to reach her mind. Until she realizes it, she already has turned around. She simply ignores the question and heads off. That guard isn't important. He already said he isn't of any help.
Where to go? Where to head to?
She places her feet in front of her. One step after the other. With each step more and more thoughts vanish and she solely concentrates on walking on a path she doesn't know. A path she doesn't even try to think about.
A path leading into the future.