Author Topic: To be free...  (Read 680 times)


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To be free...
« on: May 25, 2011, 08:40:23 am »
[It is a bit related to this picture I drew. But I still didn't decide if I will RP having one or not.]

She had been watching them for a while now. Curiosity was the reason why Jilata followed them to their nest. Actually, it wasn't just that. She also wanted to pass some time, because she didn't feel like returning to Hydlaa yet. Lately going back to the city was becoming more and more unpleasant.
Her eyes followed the falcon which circled above her head. Against the crystal it was impossible to recognize which one of the parents it was. It wasn't like she knew how she could distinguish the gender. But she decided that the more feminine looking one had to be the female falcon.
It flew another round before landing on a close tree. She always kept a distance from this tree, so she wouldn't disturb the breeding birds. Narrowing her eyes she tried to get a clearer view.
The fledglings weren't that young anymore. They already started to explore the world outside of the nest. A bit disappointed, Jilata realized that the grown falcon was blocking her view. She had hoped to see one of the young ones... There was a specific one that caught her attention.
It was the smallest of the three fledglings. But it was the one exploring the most. She had been lucky earlier when she got a good view of it. Usually they didn't leave their nest during the time they were alone. But that one time the small one did, despite the parents being away, hunting. The naive curiosity of that small bird had captured her. Not knowing of the betrayal in the world, not knowing about the dangers that lurk outside.

The adult falcon looked around, as if it knew it was being watched. Jilata averted her gaze so it wouldn't be intimidated. As long as the parent was feeding them, there wouldn't be a lot to see. It would take a few minutes till they finished... So she laid on her back and watched the clouds, enjoying the warmth of the crystal sun as she let her thoughts drift.

A memory came back to her... She was lying in the grass like always. Unlike her other hideouts this one wasn't located at a high place: It was close to the river near their village, hidden between two big stones. She knew that it wasn't going to take long until she was found by her friend. Not that she minded: That girl needed to get away from her books.
As if summoned a nolthrir girl came in sight, panting. “There you are Jilata. You are skipping lessons again!”
She grinned back at her. “And you are out of practice. Panting after such a short way.” The fenki patted the ground on her right side. “Why don't you rest a bit to catch your breath?”
The other girl stood with her hands in her hips. “You should go-”
“Oh come on, it won't hurt.” Jilata interrupted her. She pointed to the clouds and giggled. “Don't you think that this one looks like your mom?”
The nolthrir dropped to the ground next to Jilata and tried to find the cloud she meant. “I can't see it.” The fenki bursted out in laughter, seeing her friend searching for the cloud.
“You are mean. There isn't such a cloud...” She pushed Jilata on her shoulder, then started laughing as well.

She blinked slowly, returning to the present. It was unusual that she remembered something of her past in the village. Maybe seeing those innocent fledglings, who didn't know anything about the world, reminded her of the old days. When she was like them: Enjoying the world without knowing about the dark sides of it. How she wished to be like them again and not having any worries.

The fenki turned around and looked at the tree. It seemed like they had finished feeding a while back. The falcon was sitting on a branch of the tree, a bit higher than where the nest was located at. All three nestlings were on the branch close to the nest. The smallest was balancing along the branch, away from the nest and its siblings.
Slowly dusk swept over the daylight. She looked around, searching for the other parent. It was time for it to return. She narrowed her eyes, fixing a growing point at the horizon. There it was. She smiled, a fresher wind blowing through her fur as she followed the elegant flight of the falcon with her eyes. As it approached the covey, it flapped with it's wings a few times and landed gracefully on the branch the fledglings were standing on.
She admired those falcons. They were free: free to go anywhere they wanted to. They didn't have the restriction to stay on the ground. Or to have the need to use something to get into the air.

The dusk settled in and with it came the fog, slowly hiding the nest with the birds. She sighed as she got up. It was time to continue her travel. She grabbed her bag, lifting it onto her shoulder with a small groan. It was heavy, as usual after a hunt. A good one at least...
Jilata followed the valley into the direction of Hydlaa. It was time for her to go back. Not because she would be late. No one would care about whether she returned at day or night time. It was time, because she stayed too long in the wilderness again.
As she walked farther away from the falcon family, her worries and displeasure came back. It felt as if the increasingly cold wind blowing into her face was carrying it all back to her. This wasn't a time to be idling around: The lives of friends were in danger. Maybe hers as well...
He ears perked up, trying to catch every sound in the area. Reassuring for her, all she could hear was the familiar noise of the wilderness. She passed through the dark woods, setting her feet carefully to make no noise.
Without any disturbance she reached Hydlaa and walked through the gate, ignoring that forgetful guard who told her the same thing everytime she entered the city. She sadly glanced up at the iron tower as she passed by it, mumbling something to herself... Only three words, clear enough to be recognized by a passerby: “ be free...”
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 01:53:26 pm by Jilata »


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Re: To be free...
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 10:47:39 am »
I liked it, the part about Jilata's past is one of those rare times where she's really laid back.

Also, when's the falcon coming up?
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: To be free...
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 12:36:10 pm »
I love your writing so much. The detail really made me feel like I was there... and then sad to leave at the end.  \\o//

Never trust a unicorn fish.


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Re: To be free...
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2011, 11:34:26 am »
I loved the story, especially the part where she remembered her past. A nice atmosphere from start to end. Hopefully we can read more one day :)


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Leaving Hydlaa
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 10:08:01 am »
[Finally had Gartheiz to look over them. ;)
I am still writing on how Jilata picked the falcon fledgling up. It isn't working out like I want it to. I will post it when I finish. I don't know when though.
I wrote it around 2 weeks ago, after certain events. She didn't know at that moment, about Ilaro's death (I didn't either when I wrote it)]

Don't search for me... I will be fine.

Jilata added her signature below the short note and left it on Khado's desk. There was nothing more she could add. Maybe there was enough to be said to fill a book with it. But in the end she just wrote those sentences. She knew that not giving any explanation was a selfish thing to do, but she couldn't write any. There was nothing to be said or to explain.
She picked her bag up, shortly checking if she didn't forget anything. Since she couldn't think of anything, she left the house, carefully closing and locking the door behind her. Her way took her through the well known streets of Hydlaa to the gate. She left the city, where she had found happiness, where she had a home. Before she entered the forest, she stopped and turned one last time around to have a look at the city.
Slowly, tears started to run down her cheeks. She still remembered the first time she stood here, full of hope, looking forward and willing to learn.
Now, after she learned, lived and hoped, she had nothing left. She couldn't stay anymore, broken as she was. How could she fly? How could she be free? Her wings were broken. Would they ever heal? If she knew how, she would do whatever she had to. But she didn't. So she decided to leave, taking all the pain, all the blame upon herself, so at least Ilaro could find his peace.
Mishka said that he needed her. Maybe he did, but who would protect her from herself? What if she lost control over herself like she nearly did in the past? What if...

The falcon fledgling climbed onto her arm, throwing her out of her thoughts. She smiled slightly to it through her tears. She wiped them off with her right paw, to regain a clear view. Her voice was a bit hoarse from crying. “We will be fine, right Freey?” She turned back around and entered the forest. “At least you will never hurt me...”
She headed into the wilderness, not knowing where she would end up, just walking forward, searching for her freedom.


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Freey needs me
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 10:10:28 am »
Pain. Endless pain. Since she left Hydlaa and entered the wilderness, the pain grew bigger. Jilata's vision began to blur, making it harder for her to see where she was going.
Maybe it had been a bad idea to leave. She was exhausted and close to passing out. Still she tried to travel as far as possible, but carrying the fledgling and the bag at the same time was draining her stamina faster than she thought.

She stumbled over a stone and turned during the fall to protect Freey. The air was pressed out of her lungs, as she fell onto them. She lied on the ground and tried to gasp some air back in. It filled her lungs and she panted heavily.
Hopefully Karlyle wouldn't find her. He probably was the only one who would try to follow her this far. She could bet that he got angry when he read her short note. What she did wasn't fair to him, since she knew how much he cared for her. But there was nothing she could have done for him. Maybe she could have left a longer note... It was too late to think about it, though. She couldn't change it anymore.

Jilata whimpered as she noticed that the nightmares would haunt her. Maybe even worse than they did in the past already. Added to the pain she was already carrying, it would torture her even more. She hid her face behind her paws. Her sharp claws pierced through the skin, but she didn't feel the pain.
She could hear the whispers of the darkness, calling for her. It promised to free her from the pain, to rid her of those wounds inside of her. It came closer, slowly extending its feelers around her. The holes in the net got smaller and smaller, trapping her inside of it. She didn't fight. There was nothing to fight for anymore. She had lost everything. Even if she did fight, she would only continue to lose what was important to her.
The darkness continued to whisper promises to her. She didn't mind it anymore. She even welcomed the numbness it brought with it.

'Freey! Freey needs me.' The thought pierced through Jilata's mind, pouring new will to fight into her. The nearly finished black net, got a small hole. There was still the fledgling. He needed something to eat. She pushed herself into a sitting position. Her sight vanished for a moment, then returned slowly.
She felt weak, too weak to be able to lift an axe in her paws or to shoot an arrow. There was no chance she could hunt something. But she could still search for something. A small animal that didn't die too long ago or was trapped. Something had to be found. Her ears twitched and she scanned the surroundings with her eyes. Nothing unusual.
She reached out and pulled the fledgling and her bag to her. Her paws shook and she couldn't feel any strength in them, making it harder than she thought. Somehow she lifted her bag onto her back and got the nest onto her arms. She got up and used a big rock next to her to catch her balance again. She closed her eyes to get the twirling world to stop. She waited a moment until she felt better, then opened them again.
Jilata started walking in one direction, with only one thought on her mind moving her and allowing her to ignore the pain.

'Freey needs me.'

[I hope you enjoyed both stories.]


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Re: To be free...
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 03:42:34 am »
I did in fact enjoy the story.  :) Hopefully we can hear more of her (maybe in RP).


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Re: To be free...
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 11:26:20 am »
I think it's a great idea to role play falconry. This is both unique and interesting.

Both stories were enjoyable to me, though I like the first one a bit more.
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