Author Topic: Inserts of today's IRC chat with Luca.  (Read 1600 times)


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Inserts of today's IRC chat with Luca.
« on: January 06, 2002, 02:04:23 pm »

                            posted 16-12-2001 20:16 GMT        


                              I\'m lpancallo on the board.
                              PS Director.
                              AHHHHH...... LOL wouldn\'t have guessed it.....
                              Kendaro: new information will be released as soon as we have the time to create the webpages and add
                              content .... I would like to start building the player\'s guide soon.
                              I hope the moderators don\'t have to do too much work (spam deleting etc)
                              Kendaro: In the player\'s guide you will find many information on the games rules.
                              at least you will be able to delete repeat offenders I guess
                              princessfun: the new board will have a more restricted way of accepting members.
                              Talad: have you set a web master for the site or are you still the one able to work on it
                              we have criteria to fullfill?
                              princessfun: I hope for a \"confirm-by-email\" at minimum.
                              sounds good (as long as you let me in ;) )
                              Kendaro: well, we have 2 *potential* webmasters right now, but they have not yet worked on it. Actually
                              I\'m the one who updates it.
                              which board host will you use?
                              (if any)
                              princessfun: will be a server provided my a PS member.
                              princessfun: so you will have no banners/advertizing/etcc...
                              Talad: not yet worked on it, what do you mean by that? have they been given the chance to but have
                              been unable to, or are they still in the prooving stage?
                              Kendaro: they are still in prooving stage and they have not yet submitted to me the completed work.
                              *** Thekkur-PR_3D is now known as Thekkur|dinner
                              Talad: back to the boards again... do you think it is a good idea to not have the adds? after all they are
                              a way of gaining a small amount of money to the cause
                              great if you can get away without them, they can be so intrusive and annoying at times
                              pop up adds are annoying but normaly banner adds don\'t get into the way
                              Kendaro: normally ads are placed by servers and the people get no money for that... we can place our
                              own ads (if you mean this), but will not be done right now.
                              some banner adds can though, ever seen the flashing online casino banners - they are awful
                              Kendaro: we decided to start thinking to money only when we will need it.
                              Kendaro: so on action will be taken to get money from PS until we really need it for the maintenance of
                              the game.
                              Kendaro: so NO action will be taken to get money from PS until we really need it for the maintenance of
                              the game.
                              Talad: ok that just answered my next question
                              Talad: ok now to the matter of the game... With the set back to the demo does this change what will be
                              in it or will it still be as stated on the news section of the main site?
                              Kendaro: the demo will be delayed, yes. And the content will be the same as stated on the site.
                              so at some point in the distant future I suppose Planeshift could well become pay to play - if all
                              goes well
                              Kendaro: the reason of the delay is mainly that we are a free project and so it\'s really difficult to respect
                              no they have stated that PlaneShift will remain free
                              (if money becomes an issue - which it usually does)
                              I hope they can live up to that bold statement kendato
                              princessfun: if money will be a issue we will use others way of getting money, but not pay to play.
                              princessfun: other way can be sponsors/ads/donations/etcc...
                              sorry just had to answer that cause of a thread or two that wouldn\'t go away on the MSG boards :p
                              thanks Talad
                              principles before money making - strange ideas indeed ;)
                              princessfun: if we will have problems on bandwidth/server costs we can always restrict number of players,
                              keeping only good ones :)
                              princessfun: no one on the Team is doing PS for money. We are all doing it for fun (even with
                              Talad: you spoke of donations at one time, if a player were to donate money for playing, will there be
                              any added consideration given to that player in game powers?
                              Kendaro: no.
                              Kendaro: there are 2 aspects here.
                              Kendaro: first the player can donate for server hardware/bandwidth. In this case nothing changes on his
                              that\'s all really encouraging to hear, but surely if PS starts to take up most of developers time then
                              they will have to earn somehow - I hope you can do this by the methods you suggest
                              Kendaro: second (only if we will need money) we can think to sell things in the game. But it\'s important to
                              understand that those thing will give NO advantages in games terms.
                              Kendaro: this means that you can have a gold sword with gems in it (but will do same damage.)
                              Kendaro: or you can buy a larger house, etcc.... but nothing that can give advantages in combat/rules/etc.
                              I don\'t think dedidacted player will have any problems with making \'real\' money donations if things
                              turn out as good as they sound
                              Talad: a thing was brought up about special/powerfull items in game. that they would come at a cost to
                              xp... this consept is a bit new to me and i wondered what exactly is ment by that
                              Kendaro: the PS team never discussed such a thing. It\'s a rumor and not true.
                              \'real money\' donations for special items is a very interesting idea
                              princessfun: or special look (ornaments, dresses, etcc....)
                              maybe you could have game locations or byuildings dedicated to paying players
                              Talad: ok good to hear that squished... from playing EQ for three years, i have learned that xp penalties
                              are not a way to go about ballancing items or classe
                              perhaps building plaques etc could be an idea for you?
                              princessfun: yes, we have many ideas on that... but will be applied later on.
                              getting ahead of myself a bit ;)
                              Talad: where did the first idea of PlaneShift come from? I know there was mention of a 2D work but the
                              idea of an underground world for a MMORPG is quite unique
                              Kendaro: the idea started from MUDs, around 1990.
                              Kendaro: I was not satisfied by text MUDs and so the idea was to create a graphical MUD. This was the
                              first project: PlaneShift 2D.
                              can I ask the obvious question of any proposed timelines? - everyone will be asking you when the
                              demo is likely to be out
                              Kendaro: this had only static rendered images of the world that change everytime you move from one
                              place to another... similar to old adventure games.
                              Talad: has there been any special game that has caused any influence on the creation of this game?
                              Kendaro: then that project was stopped due to commercial problems (it was intended to be a commercial
                              Kendaro: the basic answer is to that is: all good things in games we played PLUS all wanted but missing
                              features in same games.
                              Kendaro: anyway I should say that Planescape had a little influence on us. But not Planescape the PC
                              game, the table one (AD&D expansion).
                              *** Kendaro has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Kendaro[])
                              Kendaro: About rules there\'s surely some influence from Rolemaster and AD&D.
                              *** Kendaro has joined #planeshift
                              princessfun: the new schedule for the demo is february.
                              sorry was disconnected...
                              princessfun: surely holidays can help us to work more on PS.
                              Kendaro my last msg was: About rules there\'s surely some influence from Rolemaster and AD&D.
                              Just in time for my birthday, thanks :) I understand you will be keeping PS as close to role playing
                              as possible - will you be vetting every applicant to ensure the role play nature is reflected in names that people
                              Talad: there seems to be alot of talk of a 13th race.... is there truly a new race that has been added to
                              the previous 12?
                              princessfun: well a distinction on players can only be done on-line by moderators... they can judge
                              roleplay and ban unwanted players. About names we will do our best to filter all bad words.


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(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2002, 02:04:41 pm »
princessfun: during char creation a db of bad words will be used to check names.
                              Kendaro: no, we will not add a 13th race... 12 are enough for our 2d and 3d artists.
                              Kendaro: at least not until release 1.0 (that will be after demo, after Alpha and after Beta)
                              anonymous moderation in game will be a major presence in PS then?
                              Talad: how many demos are in the plans before alfa?
                              Kendaro: at least 3, I think.
                              Kendaro: the first demo has codename atomicblue.
                              Kendaro: the second will be molecularblue, so you can guess the evolution :)
                     I being dumb, I don\'t get it
                              no problem, you will see when other demos will come out :)
                              we are running out of time... any last quick question?
                              one last one from me....
                              and me..... please.
                              Talad: in the demo, are there any other features in the plan other than the char creator, chating, and
                              being able to walk the world?
                              i mean is there any features of skill based in the works
                              that should cover my quetion too, thanks Kendaro :)
                              Kendaro: during char creation you can choose skills for your char.
                              wil the skills have a use in the demo though?
                              Kendaro: and we plan also to have some object interation and management of inventory, so players can
                              leave/get objects from the world.
                              Kendaro: unfortunately skills will not be used in this first demo.
                              thanks for your time.... look forward to the next time... hope it will be soon.. thanks again
                              Thank you for you your time and answering our questions Talad, I look forward to the demo very
                              much indeed. Bye
                              We will do another meeting in the future if players will find it useful.
                              And you can publish this conversation if you want.
                              Thanks all of you for support!