Author Topic: GM Team as of Aug 2011  (Read 2402 times)


  • Game Masters
  • Hydlaa Notable
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GM Team as of Aug 2011
« on: August 22, 2011, 05:24:33 pm »
The GM team is made up of people from all over the world who have come together to make this game more enjoyable, and are responsible for helping players with their in-game issues. The GM team strives to help keep the game free of bugs, exploitation, abuse, and harassment. With large numbers of people online, such problems arise now and again, and the Game Masters intervene when necessary.

Below you can find the names of current Game Masters on the team, so that players are aware of who they can turn to for help and who they should definitely listen to if approached.  Please do not try to engage the GMs with idle chatter, as they are often dealing with issues that need their full attention - only send them messages if you truly need help with a problem. They are closely monitored for their actions and at many times are very busy with player requests. When contacting a GM keep this in mind: A GM should not be constantly paged by a player asking for something - we consider this GM Harassment. If the Game Master has not answered you, please assume they are busy and contact them later. Usually a few minutes should do.  You may also alternatively file an in game petition about your issue, and the moment a free GM becomes available, they will look into it.

Q: Who are the Game Masters?

GM Team Leader - Sarva

GM Team
Name                  Timezone     Name                  Timezone     Name                  Timezone     Name                  Timezone     
DaxaGMT - 5SarkoGMT 0
DohmoGMT - 7
SarvaGMT - 8
GythulGMT - 5
PathogathaGMT -8

Q: What actions does the GM Team perform?

Ensure that the Player code of Conduct and game rules are enforced and take appropriate action against players that disregard these rules.
Assist in keeping the player free from unwanted harassment.
Assist in reporting bugs found in the game.
Assist in providing feedback for new game functions or modifications to existing functions to the development team.
Relocate players who are stuck in the game geography due to a bug with that portion of the game world.
Assist in other problems that are not otherwise covered by the Game FAQ
Assist with the /help channel.
Checking for frequently hit bugs, errors, or misleading game functions.
            ** NOTE: Reporting bugs, problems and possible enhancement of the game is a critical part of the GM Team's duties.

Encourage roleplay and other initiatives players may have, like creation of new guilds, roleplaying certain situations or characters, provide wedding services, etc., that have been deemed allowable by the settings development department.
Create and run dynamic quests and events in the game that have been approved by the settings development department.

Q: What actions does the GM Team not perform?

It is the goal of the GM team to help a player with any possible situation as long as:

It does not involve giving "spoiler" information, such as detailed directions, quest information, or information on creatures, armor and weapons.

            ** Knowledge of these subjects is considered part of the "mystery" of the game. It is part of the game to adventure and learn the wonders of the world of Yliakum through your own means of discovery.

It does not create an exploitable situation.

            ** An example of this would be teleporting characters due to an unverifiable bug. GMs will not teleport players to a location, except in the case where there is a definite bug involved.

It would not constitute favoritism or compete with activities conducted by players in the game.

            ** For example, GMs will not give out items unless part of an officially sanctioned RP quest or event. We cannot give items upon request for every player in the game, so it is unfair to do it for a few. This would also interfere with player economy and the worth of items.  GMs do occasionally hold events in which characters may come and have their items renamed to one of their choosing, so long as it fits in with the settings of the game.

Q: How can I become a Game Master?

So you are considering applying to the GM team? You will want to check this thread to ensure that the GM team is currently recruiting new members.  If they are, then please proceed below to see if you meet the following qualifications.

First, you must be over 21 and have been playing for a minimum of 3 months
Before you do anything, talk to some GMs either in IRC via #planeshift-gmtalk, or PM's via the forum, or if the GM isn't busy and only if the first two options are unavailable ask via /tell in game if the GM has time to talk and help you, to decide whether you really want to apply.

If you decide to apply, approach any GM and inform them that you would like to join the team. That GM will start a thread on the GM forum, and the same GM will then monitor and manage your application.

The GM managing your application will search through the report logs and Player history etc and post the results.

You will also be asked to submit a short written application detailing your Planeshift history, how long playing, number of characters etc. your age, real name, time zone, and a brief explanation of why you wish to become a GM. This will be posted in your application thread.

In the next step at least 3 GM's will interview you in group to assess whether you will fit into the team, reasons for joining, level of English and any other relevant information. The logs of this discussion will also be posted in this thread.

Once all the information is collected, the GM team will comment until a consensus is formed and the applicant is either denied or if successful the application will be forwarded to Sarva and a suitable time will be negotiated to perform the final interview. The assessment of the interview will be discussed with Talad.

If all goes well: Welcome to the GM team!

***  Any inappropriate behavior towards a Game Master (cursing, lying, etc.) is strictly prohibited and severely punishable. To learn how you can contact Game Masters in the game or how to report inappropriate GM behavior, please read the Filing an Official Complaint against a GM thread.  ***
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 07:32:38 pm by Sarva »