Author Topic: Event&Storyboard Proposal  (Read 252 times)


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Event&Storyboard Proposal
« on: November 16, 2011, 01:21:03 pm »
Hi, everyone!
It's not long time since I began playing PS (even if I know about the project since it's early stage) and my overall opinion is largely positive (even if there are many areas still needing improvements, but it's a  :beta: ).
However, while I like the overall setting, the first impression I had about Yliakum's world is it's a bit "static". I'm not talking about the players that I believe are doing a good job in keeping the things moving and interesting for the others players (especially the new ones) but I'm complaining about the events that seems rather few and lacking (in my opinion), please note that it's not a complain about the GM's.

So this is my proposal:
what I'd really like to see is a big storyboard playing in the background and able to keep the players interest wake and forcing the guilds to join one or the other side involved in the storyboard. In my opinion the storyboard should develop in about 1 year. Each "chapter" should be played in a Event where all players would be able to attend. There should be 1 of such event every 3 months (so a complete storyboard would be completed in 3 to 4 events).
Obviously the storyboard would just be an input and open up new chances for RPing. The storyboard would also involve event significant enough to catch many factions and guilds attenction (I believe the designers could involve some guild into the events developement, even without letting them know all the story  ;) ).

I know such proposal is hard to come by but involving many people (even players) could become reality (in RP term  ;) ). By my side I can offer to help designing (with the developers and GM's aid) the storyboard and a sketch for each event.
About me I've been a Game Master (and a Dungeon Master too  ;D ) for more than half of my life, and when designing stories I usually care more about the plot, the feelings and the player's enjoyment than about the rules.
So if you like my proposal and you think I may help let me know!  :D

PS I don't know if it's the right section for this topic, so sorry if I got wrong.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Re: Event&Storyboard Proposal
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 01:06:12 am »
Hi Eonwind!

I had a similar idea, and would like to see yours worked on.

The main difficulty I foresee, and probably one of the reasons why nothing like this is already up, is meeting the community's widely differing standards, styles and preferences for RP. What constitutes enjoyable RP is just always going to be subjective. Leaving aside value judgements (also subjective), there is a thread up that might be worth looking at, for ideas about what will or will not be popular (;topicseen).

Players with compatible styles naturally tend to group - this is no bad thing unless it's snobby. So, one storyboard is probably not going to be enough to be inclusive of every active and aspiring RPer - the diversity of smaller RPs should remain. But if I understand you correctly - if the storyboard were the bare bones on which to flesh out smaller RPs, it might cure the "Hi, I'm bored" syndrome for a start, and might even be a way to connect our inevitable RP-cliques into a harmonious larger organism. (Yes I'm an idealist. And don't forget, in-game there's a nice guild for that. ;) )


  • Developers
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Re: Event&Storyboard Proposal
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 06:46:39 am »
Hi Eonwind!

I had a similar idea, and would like to see yours worked on.

The main difficulty I foresee, and probably one of the reasons why nothing like this is already up, is meeting the community's widely differing standards, styles and preferences for RP. What constitutes enjoyable RP is just always going to be subjective. Leaving aside value judgements (also subjective), there is a thread up that might be worth looking at, for ideas about what will or will not be popular (;topicseen).

Players with compatible styles naturally tend to group - this is no bad thing unless it's snobby. So, one storyboard is probably not going to be enough to be inclusive of every active and aspiring RPer - the diversity of smaller RPs should remain. But if I understand you correctly - if the storyboard were the bare bones on which to flesh out smaller RPs, it might cure the "Hi, I'm bored" syndrome for a start, and might even be a way to connect our inevitable RP-cliques into a harmonious larger organism. (Yes I'm an idealist. And don't forget, in-game there's a nice guild for that. ;) )

Hi! Thanks for replying :) an nice to meet you on the forum too  ;)
I think you caught the sense of my post very well, I like diversity in RPing styles and I think it shold be preserved and encouraged. In fact I believe the background storyboard  should be just the bare bones as you say, giving opportunity to further RPing but without enforcing any RP styles.

As an example let's say that Jayose (for reason to be uncovered in the future) formally ally (himself and the whole library organization) with Talad's cult (or Drakkur's) so loosing his neutrality in the process. I wonder:
- what would the "knowledge seekers" do? Would they further their support to him? Would they get distant from his "political" position? Or may be they just do nothing an keep waching?
- what about the "brotherhood of Talad" or the "daughter of xiosia"? would they believe his sincerity about his sudden conversion or would they question that and try to uncover what lay beyond?
- what about "The One"?  :D

Of course some organization or guilds won't be interested in the matter so the may just keep watching but eventually future events may involve evens which will have something to do with them, so one by one every aspect of the life in Yliakum will be involved letting (but not forcing) the players to get involved and ... letting them shape Yliakum history in the future!!  :D
May be before the event Jasose library will have a new history book which tell's the smart action that took "the knowledge seekers" to uncover and unmask the unfair trade below the "false" conversion preventing (or braking) the alliance!  :D

I really hope to see this coming in the future and I believe something like that can be organized even by players side, but obviosly we'd need the GM's support and aid.