Author Topic: Oele  (Read 265 times)


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« on: April 20, 2012, 10:16:24 am »
[Spoileralarm for those who don't know Oele well enough ;) ]

The death realm was mysterious. No one knew how big it was. Unwelcoming and cold were the words most fitting to describe that realm. Though there were still a few people who lived there and built settlements. Like in this area.

There were a few islands, different of size floating in the air. Something that only could be possible in the Death Realm, as the physics of the normal world couldn't be applied there. Partly they were connected by ways, maybe naturally build or maybe made by Dakkru. Those scholars who try to find out how they came to be, were not successful. So they were just one more mystery of the world.
Those islands which weren't directly connected through a natural way, had hanging bridges built between them. Being made a long time ago, they looked their age. The constantly returning storm and rain, had left its signs on the wood and ropes. Because of that, the people wouldn't trust those hanging bridges anymore and made detours, just to be on the safe side. Who could resent them for that? Slippery wood swinging violently in a storm wasn't safe. So no person with their right mind would go over them anymore.
Standing on a small island in the center of that area was a statue of Dakkru. Big, easily the double size of a grown Ynnwn, she stood there, demanding respect. And there was no one who passed by and didn't at least pray shortly to her. Even though the statue was old, the stone it was build off didn't show any sign of weathering. No one knew if the village was build around the statue or if one of the early villagers build it.
There were something else off in that settlement and that were the houses. Usually a house would have edges and a roof, flat or triangular with an edge pointing upwards. Those houses showed nothing like that. They were round, either having only a ground floor or having a first floor as well. The shape reminded of two balls being balanced on each other with a wide neck where the balls connect to stabilize them. The neck was thinner than the balls, letting the house have a curved shape.
Those balls weren't exactly round, but flattened a bit, as if someone pressed on top of them to make them less high and wider. The roof had a pointy end, though the top was made of the same materials as the walls which doesn't make it really roof like looking.
The windows were a rounded triangular, as well as the doors, which were partly decorated with teeth, bones or skulls.

In this unwelcoming area lived a Ylian child in the ruins which were left on top of one island. That girl wasn't the only one living there, but she was the most uncommon. Things like the shape of the houses couldn't catch her attention, since she was blind.
She was taught which island was connected with which, so if she ever had to run an errand on another island, she still would know where to go to. She only had to follow what she learned.
Of course she didn't use the hanging bridges. Her friend, purposely didn't tell her about them. She knew that there existed something since she could hear the creaking sounds of them, especially at nights when the wind threw them around. But she never tried and went on one.
Even though she couldn't see, she still stopped every time she passed the statue. She laid her head into her neck and raised her small hands towards the statue, just to quickly pull them back once they touched the cold stone. Those who saw her, thought that she was praying like everyone else.
Lacking education she didn't knew anything about gods, thus wasn't praying to Dakkru. Her friend had thought that other things were more important to teach her, knowing that she would find out about them sooner or later anyway. She stopped, because she could feel a hint of the almighty power of the god being emitted from it, because she was more sensitive in other areas to replace the eyesight she didn't have.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 02:14:41 pm by Jilata »


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Re: Oele
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 10:46:58 am »
Nice to see Oele again. I hope she comes back IG soon. Sellia has no one to share cookies with.


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Re: Oele
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 12:51:56 pm »

The shout woke her. Even though she finally had gotten some sleep and wanted some more, she got up. She couldn't choose. Work came irregularly like always.
She used her hands to find the opening of the dark hole she slept in. If possible she always slept in that hole, since it was warm there compared to sleeping outside. Like with the work, she wasn't picky about her sleeping place. It had been a while since she had been picky about anything. She was still living and that was the most important thing for her right now. If she slept in a hole or anywhere else didn't matter. It was a place like each other as well. Maybe a bit better than other possible choices.


She flinched and hurried to the voice. It wasn't easy. That place was an abandoned house or rather a ruin of a house and not even the dim light of the dark crystal could help her navigate. But she didn't need any light, as she knew that place well. She counted the steps she had to do in the specific directions to get out. Her hands were outstretched and brushed over the surface of all the half standing walls, woods and everything that was left there.

"Can't you hurry up?"

The annoyed voice, a tone she was too familiar with, indicated her that she was close to the exit. He already saw her. She lowered her head, not saying anything. If she did, she could anger the man even more. She stopped a few steps away from the man. He was constantly tabbing the floor with a foot.

"Bring that letter to Uaria."

She extended her hands after hearing the words "bring" and "letter" and received the letter accompanied by a small piece of old bread. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of something to eat. She nodded and repeated the name. It was one of the few things she said. The name of the person or thing her work was related to.

"Uaria healer."

"Exactly her." The man grumbled something about that woman, then added. "Listen. Return today and you get a larger reward. So don't get lost again."

She nodded, exactly going to try to do that. Though it was helpless with her. She always got lost. It might be because she couldn't see anything, but also a rather bad sense of direction made her hopeless.
She hid the letter under her clothes, together with the bread piece. She would eat it later.

"You'll find me at the usual place." He turned and stomped off, leaving the small child alone.

She sighed lowly, glad that nothing happened to her. It could have been worse if he had been in a bad mood. Lucky for her, he hadn't. She yawned, still being tired, but not having the time to sleep more. Beside she needed some food.

She stepped out of the shadows of the ruins into the dim light of the dark crystal, feeling the little bit warmth it emitted. It seemed that she had slept during broad daylight again. No wonder he had been angry that she hadn't been around waiting for orders. The wind was light, barely picking up and blowing the cold air under her clothes.

Considering the light wind it should be around early midday or midday. So she had half a day left to deliver that letter. Uaria the healer. She was a weird woman. Old, from the sound of the voice and her constant complaining about hurting bones. She didn't really understood why that woman was complaining. That the body hurt, was a usual occurrence for Oele since she kept stumbling and hitting things, or someone was beating her. Whatever the reason was, she usually carried bruises and scratches on her body. But she didn't have any serious wounds.

She wasn't lost right now. So there was a possibility for her to be back on time. Beside Uaria was a special case. She lived on an island connecting to this one. It was dangerous going there, like it was for every road connecting the islands. At least around noon when the wind picked up and could easily blow a child into the endless darkness. One more reason to get over with this delivery.

She turned right, directed by the stones and wall rests. Lucky for her all of the other residents of the ruins would be on the islands in the area by now, begging, stealing or earning their bread any other way. They all shared the same situation: Homeless without family or someone to look after them. They usually lived in groups, fighting for the good sleeping places and the best working spots in the city.
She wasn't part of any group. Partly because she hadn't been always alone. Though she didn't know how long it had been since Hazzanah didn't wake up after going to sleep. He had been cold and stiff and she needed a few days to gather enough courage to visit an adult. After that they came and threw the corpse off one cliff, saying that he would never return.
Since then life had become harder for her. Unlike before, she only had the food she earned to eat now. Even though she did give her best, she knew that she lacked a lot what other of her age had. But at the same time she didn't know that her lack of talking was welcomed by those she worked for.
Sometimes she thought about joining one of the groups, but that didn't mean that her situation would get better. Those with more power abused it to gain on the weak. Someone like her had no chance at all. She could feel it. From the tone of their voices when they spoke with the other.