Author Topic: Offering free CDN for your files to be stored  (Read 248 times)


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Offering free CDN for your files to be stored
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:43:32 am »

I hope my subject didn't throw anybody off, but I'm offering (to the developers of this fantastic game) free CDN hosting for their installer/updates/patching/etc.  It would be across the Akamai CDN, via a container that I have CNAME'd to "" (we can have you CNAME it to whatever you like).  I would give you a method to upload your files so they are distributed to the CDN automatically for you.

I'm not wanting anything in return.  I figured that this one CDN download system, and you can save a ton of money in bandwidth per month.  It costs me something like $0.15 per GB, if I had to pay.  A perk of where I work, you could say.

If interested, you can find a way to contact me.



P.S., On the website, it says "Do you want to be a mirror? Contact us!", but it gives no way to do that, so I decided to try here.

P.P.S. If you use the CDN, you *should* be able to do away with all other mirrors, saving everybody else bandwidth fees.