Author Topic: [RP] Shining Darkness  (Read 319 times)


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[RP] Shining Darkness
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:57:38 am »
[I am going back to record what happened from before. If you want to participate, just talk your way in.]

Opening Ties

An unimposing Ynnwn strolled into the plaza of this new city he had discovered. It had been a long time since he had been anywhere with half as much thinking life. Possibilities ran through his mind as he began the process of settling in over the next few days. People came and went around him, some even stopped to greet the newcomer, some more than that. Things were going better than he had predicted.

Then he met Kull.

The menki...felt...interesting. The faint aura unmistakably linked the akkaio to the Realm, but something else masked it. The Ynnwn pushed the odd detail to the back of his mind and exchanged introductions with Kull. A short discussion later, he was led to an odd gathering. As the Ynnwn looked around, he picked out details here and there, also listening in on the conversation happening. A young Dermorian had recently been wounded. What drew the Ynnwn's attention was the failing attempts of the crowd: frenzied, disjointed, and noisy efforts to heal the youth. It wasn't from lack of skill, that much was clear. The figure watched silently, taking mental note of an odd property: the youth's resistance to Crystal power.

Wheels and gears spun at full speed in the Ynnwn's mind, formulating fast trails of thought into a singular idea. He spoke, sparking sudden interest from those gathered. His idea was immediately shunned, but he had begun his thought, and it would drive itself through to completion. A black and questionable summit presented itself to him: healing through Dark Way magic. He filed the query for future review.

This new city was rich with foolish and uninventive, yet skilled and powerful magicians. Here rested wide opportunity. Here slept knowledge to be dug from its own depths. And, as suddenly as a candle snuffed, the means presented itself. Kull offered riches and power in exchange for loyalty. The Ynnwn couldn't resist, but not for the sake of either offer. These were doorways to knowledge. A bright future shone out from under the dark deal his hand shook on. He doubted many others would tolerate the black light shining ahead of him.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 05:00:55 am by Tredoneye »


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Re: [RP] Shining Darkness
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2013, 03:11:52 am »
The figure stood in full leather, hot and uncomfortable in the warm evening. He was never comfortable in Ojaveda, except at night. Blast that menki for sending him here. At least night was fast approaching. He hadn't even said what was expected...only that he should be here.


Walking in to Brado's tavern, he tried not to notice the large group. Curse him double. What had he stepped into? The Ynnwn was positive he could feel all eyes watching him walk up the stairs. The second floor was empty except for an Enkidukai in the corner. The Ynnwn didn't even try to identify him, walking to the bookshelf and pulling down a book. He read briefly, gleaning what the book knew before putting it back on the shelf and stepping out on the balcony.

Night had crept in more silently than an Enki on a carpet, and he welcomed the cool breeze, stretching. He breathed out slowly, allowing the cool dark of night to clear his mind. The doorway spat the sounds of the tavern, but the Ynnwn focused, relaxing himself. The night calmed him, clearing his thoughts. He smelled the cooling sand, mixed with the nearby tree and food being prepared somewhere far off.

His reverie was abruptly shattered by a row inside the tavern. The enki just inside was being confronted by the large group. The Ynnwn walked away from the doorway. Posses meant trouble. He had no intention of getting lynched today. Curses...suspicious bunch. Two fenkis and a Dermorian youth. Without physically reacting, the Ynnwn recognized the youth as the same from before. His arm had either never healed, or he'd been wounded again.

The Ynnwn only approached the conversation half-heartedly, not seeking to learn anything in particular, not ABOUT to disclose anything about himself. Ojaveda did that to him; the one thing he might have learned about, he practically waved off. Before long, the larger group inside had convinced the Enki he'd seen to admit to the attempted murder of Roled. Fool.

What a beautiful night.


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Re: [RP] Shining Darkness
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2013, 03:15:24 am »
Curse that menki and his schemes to the realm. First that nightmare with the poison, and now he wanted to sell _Moon Silver_!?!? He had all the stealth and agility of his race, to be sure, but his lack of concern over the clandestine was beginning to grate a nerve. It was actually comforting that those were his only concerns. The Ynnwn's only regret was not having more of a chance to experiment with the poison. _Oh, well,_ he thought to himself, _There will be more opportunities._

On a separate note...

True Death...What a fascinating topic of inquiry. Who actually knew what caused it and the extent of its effects? It wasn't erasing them from existence, or there would be no memory of the person left, he hypothesized, concluding that he'd need to do more research before reaching a decisive answer. Still, it was puzzling. Dakkru, for one, must exist. There was evidence for that. Talad could be argued to exist, as well. Laanx had a mighty temple, but...little visible influence, if any, in Yliakum.

The Ynnwn absentmindedly dismounted the Ptero that had flown him to Gugrontid. Why was he here, again? Kull, that's right. What kind of trouble was he getting pulled into now? He looked around as he climbed the ramp to the tavern. A great expanse of Yliakum's top layer was visible, the hills and valleys lit intermittently from the Crystal as it grew dark. Night held a particular beauty that most seemed to take for granted. Of course, few saw in the night as well as he, even among other races. But it wasn't just the dark Dome that made evening what it was.

Even in the town, the small creatures of twilight called to each other. The scents of them mingled with the rocky smells of the city's Kran, as the cooling earth and what grew in it delivered their pleasing offerings to the Ynnwn's nose. He reached the top of the ramp and strolled inside the tavern.

What in the names of Laanx and Talad.

There, in the corner, a Dermorian screaming about his legs. Two people crowding around him...fools, they should give him space. And...Kull. That Dermorian...No, it couldn't be.  But there he was, Roled. The same elf that had been all but Truly Dead not a month prior. Now he was screaming about...Moon Silver!? So THAT was the menki's game. He had no idea what he was messing with, still. He'd just walked in and already he'd had enough. More yelling. Now what!? Another Dermorian. What was it with Dermorians? This one was accusing Kull of trying to feed Roled the accursed substance.

Kull began to seethe visibly. He whispered for his companion to follow the loud-mouthed Dermorian outside. Why must it all be so difficult? The evening had worn on farther than the Ynnwn would have liked, but it was what it was. He walked out onto one of the ledges over the drawbridge. On the other stood two elves. One was recognized immediately, but the other would be in the way. The Ynnwn began to gather his knowledge and strength, allowing them to take the form of a black shroud around him, like a glow, but backwards. He gathered energy, watching Kull to the other side of the couple.

Kull gave the signal.

The un-glowing aura was immediately focussed into a tight spark, growing forward like a spear as the Dermorian pushed his companion away. The shaped rend between Realms opened a hole in the Dermorian's shoulder, flying through him at tremendous speed. Kull rushed in, sinking his blade repeatedly into his victim, his face contorted in rage. The Ynnwn redirected his energy and induced a black shockwave that threw the Dermorian woman away from the blood soaked paw of Kull Rhundin.

Kull didn't wait for his victim's body to disappear before he wheeled around and charged at the woman.

"Enough!" the Ynnwn roared, pushing the woman back again and trapping Kull inside a sphere of black energy.

His weakness became apparent almost immediately. He strained for all he was worth, holding the enraged menki for as long as he could. Within moments, the sphere collapsed. The Ynnwn's pale eyes took on a completely different color, light of conscience leaving, as well. Darkness reached around the edges of his vision, swallowing him.

He fell.

Darkness surrounded him, and it was tangible. He could touch it, stand on it, run his hand through it, breathe it, smell it. The only thing he couldn't do...was see. The Darkness moved around him and gathered itself. The Ynnwn braced himself for an unseen blow, but none came. Instead, two pale sparks, like eyes met his own, at once right in front of him and at an immeasurable distance. The sparks illuminated the empty sockets of a skull, casting dancing shadows across the scarred surfaces of the skeleton. The dancing shadows starkly illuminated the prominent horns on the phantom's head. The colossal ghostly figure sat on the Darkness that surrounded them both, shrouded in a tattered and torn, but majestic red robe.

The jaw fell slowly, a harsh sound like stone grating on stone grated out from the skeleton's jaw.
"Do you fear the Darkness?"
The Ynnwn stood to his full height, glaring defiantly at the apparition.
"Why should I fear that into which I was born?"
"Then master it," answered the crashing stones.

The apparition faded, leaving the Ynnwn alone in darkness once again.

"Yes, grandfather."