Author Topic: Rynoa  (Read 478 times)

Zai Awakidey

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« on: August 23, 2013, 03:14:37 pm »
Kada-El's was empty and dark when she arrived with rain still dripping from her long locks of mahogany brown hair. Her silver-grey eyes, lined by her sodden bangs, scanned the room as she entered wearily and sat in her usual spot of most taverns - in the corner, in the shadows, out of sight. As soon as she sat in the chair, she slumped down into it, and sighed quietly, but not closing her eyes - never closing her eyes - as this was business hour for most people like herself, and she was already sure they had followed her since the moment she'd left.

She kept her eyes pinned on the door, eyebrows furrowed, whilst she drifted into her subconsciousness, thinking over and over again her next move. It didn't take long for her thoughts to take over, and soon they had consumed her so thoroughly that she didn't notice the questioning look Allelia had flashed her, or the thick piece of cloth she had thrown to her so she could dry herself down a little. Once she had returned to reality she spotted the cloth, looked to Allelia with the same look on her face she would have given a pile of Rivnak dung, and flung the towel to the floor.

Then, she kicked herself for looking away from the door.


Rynoa's eyes met the newcomer's, who had appeared at her table without even a sound. The Diaboli was not one she recognised, so, naturally, her guard was up, and her hand flew to clutch one of her daggers from her belt under the table. Maybe this was a another customer? Or a spy from The Sect? She watched his mouth, which was obscured by a scar running from below the lateral canthus of his eye to just underneath his chin in a diagonal line, coil into a smirk, baring a few yellowed teeth.

"Come, I thought you were far braver than that, Miss Mirrikh?" came his growling voice, joined by a burst of foul breath as he spoke his words to her. It reminded her of the rotting flesh she'd had to deal with in the past, covered in buzzing insects, feasting on her victim's carcass.

Rynoa grinded her teeth as she examined every inch of him: the tight chain-mail covering his wide, muscular body; the tattered locks of grimy black hair, covering half of his face and falling over his broad shoulders; his fists, closed on the table, covered in gloves with steel spikes on the knuckles. Everything about this man screamed 'killer' and Rynoa was not comfortable with how he was playing with her.

"You wouldn't know, sir, as I have never met you in all of my cursed life," Rynoa replied through her teeth.

"Correct, we have never met," the diaboli responded, with a twinge of mocking in his voice as he examined the spikes on the back of his fists. "Yet I know almost everything about your … occupation, shall we call it?" He let out a breathy laugh, releasing another rotten gust of breath into Rynoa's face. "I am not of your Sect, so remove your fingers from your weapon. I bring you no harm - for the moment."

Slightly taken aback by his request, Rynoa flinched, but refused to move her hand from the hilt of her dagger, which caused the diaboli to sigh, and shrug his enormous shoulders. The movement caused his whole being to jingle as the chain-mail knocked together all at once.

"Your trust issues are exactly what brought you here, Rynoa, and my patience could already be wearing thin."

"What is it you want?" Rynoa snarled, glaring into her opponent's almost non-blinking eyes.

"You have potential, Rynoa," came the diaboli's response. "Potential which cannot be ignored. I know of your training, of why it is you had to come here - to Hydlaa - and of what you could become."

Rynoa raised her eyebrow.

"Who are you?"

"The phrase may have been spoken by a thousand tongues, but for myself, it is appropriate: my name to you, Miss Mirrikh, is not important," the diaboli answered, in a hushed tone, though his deep, booming voice was still audible throughout the tavern, "But to those who pursue me, it is worth a fortune. So - I shall keep it quiet from those filled with greed, such as yourself - just in case you get the wrong ideas."

With that, the diaboli pushed himself up from the table, still watching Rynoa intently.

"Continue your training and your work here in this area, and I'll keep those from the Sect as far away from you as possible," he instructed, his voice suddenly becoming louder. "The good folk in this town need someone like you around - to keep them from becoming too arrogant and attached to their tria."

He turned to leave, letting out a throaty laugh as he did so, but before exiting the tavern, he turned his head back to Rynoa, and snarled, "Welcome to Hydlaa."