Author Topic: Something that works ..  (Read 764 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Something that works ..
« on: January 04, 2014, 02:12:27 pm »
I think it would be nice for the supporting people to hear about something that works:
While the download page gives specs only up to windows 7, I believe it works on windows 8, on a non geforce/radeon graphics card, i.e. intel HD graphics 4600, as well. Mind you, i tested only five minutes and only a corner of Hydlaa plaza.
I can max the textures, activate anitialiasing and anisotopic filtering, sound works if i choose openAL. Shadows turn themselves off automatically if i enable them.
On first login, the client got stuck for some reason; I then turned off anitialiasing and anisotopic filtering and slowly reenabled all of it; maybe the client was busy downloading or creating caches at first start.
The only thing that made me think something was wrong then was an in-game reason: that I returned after ages and was overloaded and unable to move.  ;)
Ah yes and when I hit F3 the server went unreachable once - but that may be coincidence, since I can click the icons (whci hare probbaly tied to the F#-keys).