Author Topic: Legacy  (Read 419 times)

Donari Tyndale

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« on: March 19, 2014, 10:08:30 am »
Donari awoke. She lay in a luxurious bed in a richly decorated room, its walls covered by carved wooden panels. She knew this place. But she did not know how she got here.

Confused, she lifted herself out of the bed and took the windowed door to the balcony. She leaned on the iron ballustrade as she gazed around, in the distance she saw the two majestic waterfalls descending from the upper levels into the Lakeshore. Land's End. Home.

The balcony she stood on was part of a larger, still unfinished, structure built adjacent to Yliakum's wall. Below and around her, quite many workers stood on scaffolds, busy expanding the building. Her hands tightly grasped the railing, she felt a surge of pleasure as she recalled giving the order of construction. Money. Trade. Power. Her legacy.

She went inside, searching the closets for something that was more pleasing to her eye than her nightgown. Once she was dressed, she walked through the second door of the room and down a spiral staircase. She entered a room surrounded by enourmous bookshelves that brimmed over with books and scrolls. Order. Always keep a receipt, she reminded herself. This room was the heart of her trading empire, containing all transactions, requests and deliveries. In the middle of the room was a large, long table. On one end sat a young lemur, still in his teens, busily studying a pile of documents and taking notes. Donari approached him, offering the lemur a smile. "Good day to you, Tolian." she said.

"Mylady" the young lemur said with surprise in his voice. "Aunt" Tolian continued. "You are awake"

Donari took a seat on a chair next to Tolian. She took a quick glance at the documents in front of Tolian, then breathed deeply and looked to him. "What happened? How did I get here? The last I remember was Hydlaa." She was a little confused, the lack of memories shook her usually calm attitude.

"We have heard reports that you had gone..." Tolian could not help himself but grin at Donari. "..showed unusual behaviour." he corrected himself, recalling who he was addressing. "I had sent for someone to investigate, but they were not able to find you. Not on the Dome, anyway. We found your trail again in Nalvys when you exited the Winch a few weeks later." He twisted his hair with his fingers as he felt uncomfortable to go into further detail. "We tried to reason with you, but you were... unresponsive. I immediately asked for you to be... escorted... here". He looked into Donari's eyes, smiling apologetically. "Our mages found poison in your system, a psychological one. After we administered an antidote, you fell into a deep sleep. I am glad you recovered."

Donari rested her head on her arms. She felt tired and exhausted. Poison. That thought rested heavily on her mind. "Then it is better I stay away from my enemies for the moment. It is capital to find out who did this. And why. And make them pay dearly." She smiled a little as thoughts of revenge ran through her head.

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Legacy
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 10:09:13 am »
A few years had passed since Donari left the Dome, taking up residence in her new home. No. Fortress. She stood in front of the now finished structure, expanding several metres upwards and dozens of metres in width, nestled against the wall of the stalactite. Her flying animals had recently arrived, a few megaras for transport and her personal favourite, a young and strong pterosaur to carry her whereever she desired. Tolian was with her, talking to the animal handler.

After he had finished talking, he approached Donari, his face beaming with pride. "I am ready to go, aunt." he told her.

Donari put her hand on Tolian's should, smiling at him with joy. She had taught him everything she knew about the economy, the flows of money and currency. Now, it was his time to prove himself. She had assigned him her company's office in Hydlaa to run. Remembering the days she had spent there earning her vast fortune made her smile. She touched the two insignia on her clothing fondly, one, the silver fleur-de-lis of the Tyndale's, the other, the golden crest of the Dark Empire. She looked to Tolian "Once you are there, report to the Imperial Headquarters. They will help you once they know who you are." she said in a comforting voice.

Tolian nodded, signalling he would do as she asked. The two of them embraced briefly, never having been accustomed to too much physical contact, albeit the two of them shared a close mental bond ever since Tolian's parents died of disease.

Donari stood on the higest tower of the building, watching as the megara carrying Tolian to the upper levels became smaller and smaller. She entered the tower again into her personal study, a narrow but comfortable room to be in. She examined the book on the table in front of her, a tome decorated with dark wood and gold, symbolizing the neverending dance of light and shadow. She opened it, letting her fingers run over the pages. She could feel the magic emanating from it, almost grasp it. Twilight. The word ran through her head.

She descended the tower and headed to the entrance hall. "Bring me my cloak." she bellowed at one of her servants. The heavy book weidghed down on her bag as she headed for the pterosaur outside. She had an appointment in Arden she could not miss. The Vault of Ages, finally, she thought with excitement.

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Legacy
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2014, 10:09:48 am »
With a blank expression on her face, she read the letter on her desk. Tolian had been arrested. Her nephew. For counterfeiting. She shook her head in disbelief. He, of all should have known better. The company's assets in Hydlaa. Seized. She could hardly tell what the dominant emotion was, compassion for Tolian or anger at the loss of money and reputation. It was clear to her that she could not show up or she might be taken as an accomplice to his crimes.

After a night with little sleep, she knew what to do. She took up a quill and wrote a letter to the Octarch Iragdun, offering the company's full support in the investigation in return for sparing Tolian the capital punishment. She hoped it would appease the Octarchy.

A few weeks had passed since she had written the letter, numerous exchanges had followed, a personal hearing in front of the Octarchs had been held as well. Counterfeiting. The allegations had proved true and the evidence was damning. Her negotiatory skill had at least secured what she hoped for. Tolian's life. Her assets in Hydlaa were irrevocably forfeited, though. Everything the corrupt coins had touched had withered, she thought to herself.

On the table before her was a chest in which several necklaces were located. She had others matters to focus on now, she recalled to herself. Taking one of the amulets out of the chest, she held it against the light of the azure sun, making it shimmer in an orange hue. She felt pleased with their appearance. Despite their power, appearance mattered to her as well. No one liked to wear something powerful that looked like it had been regurgitated by a drunk dwarf. She took the amulets out of the chest and headed to the entrace hall where several people had gathered. To them, she handed all but one of the amulets. "You are now a part of us, my friends. To serve. And to guard." she said with a smile on her face.

After her companions had left, Donari stood in her room, admiring the twilight of the azure sun. As the fading light fell on her, she stood in front of her mirror. Aging. That, she was. With a heavy sigh, she put on the necklace, aware of the responsibilities that are and would be hers alone to bear.

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Legacy
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2014, 10:10:20 am »
Twenty six years had passed since she last entered Hydlaa. And sixteen of those had been spent in prison by Tolian. Donari missed him, her only family. Well. Not quite. Recently, she had learned that Tolian had a daughter that numbered almost as many years as he had spent in prison. Born out of wedlock. Men. Couldn't keep it to themselves, could they. And her mother even had the audacity to demand she saw to her education now that she came of age. Family. The only thing you can always rely on. She wondered if that was true. But very well. The girl deserved a chance to prove herself. After having dispatched a few messengers, an open position for the girl was quickly found.

The girl quickly proved she had no talent whatsoever for trading and handling. Her talents were of a more... administrative nature. People tended to follow her orders. If they did not, she had a side that Donari preferred to keep secret. But a large company such as Donari's had always use for these kind of people.

Donari missed Tolian. And to what she heard, a dark cell in a prison was not becoming to his health, either. Thusly, she had called for one of her own, the one they called "The Shadow". Donari always felt amused when people gave themselves nicknames that were to instill fear into those that hear them. She always thought it a ridiculous habit. The Shadow had heeded her call, together they were standing on the upper balcony of house. It was midnight, but the towering presence of the two huge waterfalls in the distance could be heard and felt.

"Mylady, he is not well." the Shadow said in a calm voice. "He is isolated, considered dangerous. The only one he ever sees is the guard bringing him food."

Donari pondered. She knew what she wanted. But she also knew it might undo her life's work. With a heavy heart, she gave the order "Make it so he comes home. And no one besides you may know of this."

A few days later, she heard the reports while she was conducting business in The Forge. The Octarchy had let it be known that Tolian had been sent into the azure sun. He had been accused of worhsipping the Black Flame, far fewer voices whispered. Tolian was gone. And no trace of him would ever be found.

As Donari returned to her home, it was Tolian that greeted her in her study. The Shadow had done as promised.

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Legacy
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2014, 10:11:05 am »
The Empire. Dismaying reports had reached her that Roberet and the Greenmoons ran it into the ground, taking every penny the Empire had left with them. She had been consulting with the remains of the Inner Council. An agreement had been reached. They would send a proxy to rule the Empire in their place, to keep order and stability until the Emperor or his heirs would show up once more. If they ever would. Donari doubted that. As it happened, Donari knew just the person suited for the job.

One morning, she woke to loud banging on the door of her room. How dared they wake her. She rose and walked to the door, ready to stare whomever she would face into the ground. It was one of her messengers. He seemed exhausted and nervous, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground. Dreadful discomfort turned his face bright red.

"Mylady. I am so sorry. But the Empire is trying to seize the guildhouse of the Royal House of Purrty on Lady Seria's orders. I thought you would want to know as soon as possible." the messenger uttered.

Donari's anger quickly faded. It was replaced by rage, but not at the messenger. How could the Empire dare. It was her property. And hers alone. And even worse, the Royal House of Purrty were quite dear to her. She stormed back into the room, slamming the door shut in front of the messenger's face. She had quickly decided what to do, grabbing her travel clothes she hastily dressed and had her pterosaur saddled. To Hydlaa. After thirty years.

Donari arrived just in time. A huge crowd was gathered in East Hydlaa, a heated debate between Gag and Seria was ensuing. She decided to watch. Attention was always something she liked to avoid if not absolutely necessary.

Quite surprised, she watched Suno dismantle Seria. She watched Seria's rule fall apart, her being taken away by the Octarchy. She followed the ensuing mob into the courthouse, observed those present. As the guards announced a trial, she could not help but smile. Like father, like daughter she thought as she caught Seria's eyes fixed on her.

She headed towards the Imperial Headquarters, her mind afire with thoughts. No, she was not going to help Seria. According to the reports, she deserved the punishment for the crimes. Cutting out Kaerli's tongue. Going after the Purrty's house. It seemed almost like Seria was set on going after Donari's old friends. She hoped the Octarchy would hand down a hard sentence.

The headquarters were empty as Donari arrived, but it did not take long for the remnants of the Empire to show up. Suno. She was fond of him. And Kaerli. The rest, she did not know. It was not long before they settled on the reforms required. Donari would once again lead the Imperial Trades, the thought pleased her. Order, Unity, Power. She was an Imperial after all.

As she was alone once more, she strode through the empty streets of Hydlaa. She knew where she was headed well. A place few people had ever seen. She climbed the stairs of the Iron Tower, quite feeling the wear of age on her bones. On top, she could feel the old magic distorting the fabric of space. Her amulet glowed brigthly as she made the secret door reveal itself. Then, she entered.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Legacy
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2014, 12:19:59 pm »
[I like this. Seems like a cool story  :thumbup:]


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Re: Legacy
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2014, 05:10:27 pm »
(Bit bland so far. Try harder.)
"A new day will come when those who rudely interrupt are swept away!" -Lereal

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Legacy
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2014, 05:52:12 pm »


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Re: Legacy
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2014, 11:12:24 am »
Why did you stop? More! More!  :flowers: