Author Topic: Quest: Dagger for Jirris  (Read 366 times)

Can-ned Food

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Quest: Dagger for Jirris
« on: June 08, 2015, 01:24:31 pm »
I don't know if there is some reason for this, so I'll just lay it out.

When you take the dagger back to Harnquist and relay the request to modify the blade, Harnquist directs you to Edrich if you want to collect some delivery and bring it back.
Going to Edrich, you are told that the parcel will come in at a later time.
So, if a PC were to simply wait until that time has lapsed, then return to Edrich, there probably should be some node there, but there isn't.
It's not too difficult to return to Harnquist, and in fact as you need to return to Harnquist anyway -- being that his delivery from Edrich isn't of any interest to you toward the end of the quest -- I can see how this could've been overlooked.
Mostly, I suppose this is at least this is merely a little confusing, and probably at worst nothing more than frustrating.

The biggest concern I have is if this sort of thing occurs in other quest chains.  When the player could reasonably think that a node should exist somewhere, and it doesn't, it leads to a few possible reactions (which are not entirely exclusive, either):
  • Is there a bug?
  • Did I do something wrong?
  • What now should I expect?  Should I try to play the designers, or the PlaneShift world?
  • If I'm stuck, what do I miss if I simply scrap the endeavor?
Usually, the more information a player character can gather, the better.  It needn't be a straightforward way to gather that information, but that requires interaction mechanics that most people would expect from a puzzle game, and so then you have a typical case of genre-blindness.  Et c.
Especially when one of ol' Harns' responses is to ignore the PC (upon telling him that the delivery hasn't yet arrived), I hope this doesn't seem overly petulant.

EDIT:  I also don't want to come-off as ignorant:  I'm not saying that those points haven't been considered already, as much as laying-out my own reasoning so that this looks like less of a complaint and more of a useful critique. :innocent:
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 02:06:22 pm by Can-ned Food »
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Re: Quest: Dagger for Jirris
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2015, 02:41:18 pm »
Hi there,

Looking over the quest, looks like things are as expected.  It is a little awkward, but you're helping out the fanatics.  It's -supposed- to be a little odd.  They're nutters, afterall.   ;)

The delivery part is more of a distraction and not really part of the task.  Harnquist asks you to go as a favor.  When the quest was written, we didn't have the quest timer it was a way to ICly buy time for Harnquist to finish his task.  Even though we have that feature now, it kinda works well enough as is.  The fact that the shipment is supposed to arrive the next day doesn't really matter in the spirit of the quest.  You have the dagger and can move on.  You don't really need to worry about that part of it.

I hope that explains things sufficiently.

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