Author Topic: Kidnapping Of Jessamine  (Read 953 times)


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Kidnapping Of Jessamine
« on: July 09, 2016, 09:27:06 am »
[This is just a little fun to show those of you that helped to rescue Jess what happened to her and to show off the screenshots that I took. The names and identities of The Outlaws involved have been changed for their protection.  IC Jess can't remember the name of the young girl who invited her show here were to find lake mushrooms, she'd only met her once before so she will be known as "Girl" I was really excited how many people got involved and helped to make this happen and how overall it went pretty smooth. Ideally I was going to keep the girl locked away in our cage for a day or so and make the RP last a bit while everyone squirmed and panicked and tired to gather the ransom-however I grossly underestimated how quickly some  of you can mine diamonds!! And then it just seemed cruel to make everyone wait, especially those of you who stayed up so late to continue so we decided to go ahead and wrap it up, it just took us a few minuets to set that up because I thought I had more time to prepare-so that phase was kinda rushed and messed up but overall it was very fun for all of us involved and I hope you guys all had a bit of fun as well!]

*Two girls,out looking for lake mushrooms climb a hill and encounter a surprise*

Thug Leader says: Well well well boys what do we have here?
 Thug 1 grins beneath his mask
 Girl reaches for her swords...
 Girl says: No trouble, we have no money
 Jessamine says: Um I don't want any trouble !
 Thug 3 points at Girl and shouts behind his mask "Don't touch them."
 Thug 4 smirks
 Thug Leader says: Everyone has something of value...
 Thug Leader says: It's just a matter of what and to whom.
 Girl whispers to Jessamine "There's too many of them for me to take on"
 Jessamine turns very pale
 Thug 1 sniffs the Dermorian
 Girl gulps
 Thug Leader says: What do you think boys, do you think someone will miss two fine looking ladies and come looking for them?
 Girl places her swords on the ground and raises her hands in the air "Please, have mercy"
 Thug Leader steps up and kicks Girl's swords away
 Thug 1 says: Might fetch a pretty price.
 Thug 4 nods
 Thug Leader nods to Thug 1
 Girl backs up, and realizes they are surrounded
 Thug Leader says: I'm sure someone would be willing to pay for a safe return
 Jessamine looks as if she might start crying.
 Girl says: Oh my
 Jessamine stutters 'I'm not sure anyone would notice if I was gone..."
 Girl's eyes dart around, looking for an escape.
 Thug Leader snaps at Jessamine "Lies! we know you are a part of the Chaaran Order!
 Thug 1 says: Paid fifty million for a run down house recently, there must be more where that came from.
 Jessamine's eyes widen as she realizes what the rogues are considering to do
 Girl tries to inch away, hoping they don't notice her.
 Thug Leader nods to Thug 4 and Thug 3 "grab them!"
Thug 3 tries to catch Girl from behind with both his arms
 Girl shouts: "Help us, someone!!"
Thug 1 says: Who's got the sacks?
Thug Leader growls at Thug 1 "You were supposed to bring those!"
Thug Leader says: You can't get anything right can you?
Thug 4 hands Thug 1 a sack and grabs hold of Jessamine
Thug 1 smiles and holds up two sacks.
Thug 4 says: Put her in quick
Jessamine says: wait! please! no!
Jessamine struggles ineffectively in Thug 4's grasp
Thug Leader grins nodding to Thug 4 "can always count on you it seems to be prepared"
Thug 3 takes a step back from Jessamine's shout, letting go of Girl for an instant.
Jessamine says: [Jess did not shout, Girl did]
Girl reaches to push the nearest rogue away from Jessamine.
Girl says: Im not going anywhere without a fight.
Jessamine tires to wiggle out of Thug 4's grasp
Jessamine says: we just wanted to find some lake mushrooms, please let us go!
Thug 3 comes back and tries to catch Girl again.
Girl starts kicking and screaming.
Thug 1 drops a lake mushroom into the sack.
Thug Leader chuckles "well I'm afraid you are not going to see any lake mushrooms for a while, Put her in the sack already fools"
Thug 4 doesn't loosen his grip "Get her in this thing already"
Thug Leader nudges Thug 1 to help Thug 4
Thug 1 puts a hand on the Dermorians head and pushes her towards the sack.
Thug Leader walks over and helps Thug 3 stuff Girl into a sack as she kicks and screams
Thug 3 pushes Girl inside the sack "You're not going to help this lady now."
Thug 1 says: Get in there.
Jessamine's eyes well up with tears and she stops fighting knowing she has been defeated.
Girl's muffled cries for help come from the sack.
Thug 3 gives a slight hit on the sack, and taps his foot violently on the ground. "Shut up !"
Thug Leader says: Come lets get them out of sight quickly, make sure they don't get out.
Girl reaches frantically for her leather cutting knife. Finding it she starts cutting at the burlap sack..
Jessamine just sits in her sack, too scared to even move.
Thug 1 ties the sack tight
Girl plops out of the sack with a thud, gets up quickly and runs away.
Jessamine listens to the commotion outside unable to see anything and she fears for Girl
Thug 4 picks up the sack with Jessamine
Thug 3 shouts: Stop running, you won't escape !
Thug Leader says: come quick before she gets away too.
Thug Leader shouts: get her back here! or make her pay!
Thug 1 pokes the sack, " Time to go".
Thug Leader growls with annoyance "can't you guys do anything right!?'
Thug Leader says: get her to the cage. NOW.
Thug 1 says: Sounds nasty
Jessamine beings to cry
Jessamine begs from inside the sack,"Please don't hurt me!! I'll do whatever you want"
Thug 3 nods to Thug Leader "She did pay."
Thug Leader grins "Good"
Thug Leader says: at least you did something right.
Thug Leader fiddles with the lock
Thug Leader says: quick get her inside.

*they enter the secret location*

Thug Leader says: quick put her in there.
Thug 1 opens the cage, its rusty hinges squealing in protest of being disturbed.
Thug 4 tosses the sack inside
Jessamine lands with a thud.
Thug 2 says in a low voice "What we got here?"
Jessamine struggles to get out of the sack and looks around in the cage horrified.
Thug 2 says: a prisoner?
Thug 4 nods
Thug Leader nods "yes, I'm sure we can get a nice price for just the one"
Jessamine stutters "w..wwhat did you do to my friend!?"
Thug 2 reaches to high five his companions "Way to go, bandits"
Thug 4 highfives
Thug 3 highfives Thug 2.
Thug Leader highfives as well "this calls for a drink!"
Thug 1 turns to the prisoner.
Thug 1 says: Want a drink?
Thug 2 says: Serve em up!!
Jessamine says: You can't just leave me in here!
Thug 1 laughs
Thug 2 looks over and in a dusky voice "Shaddup or we'll knock ya out"
Jessamine gulps and cowers in the corner and tries not to burst into tears again.
Thug 1 says: We can put her in the cell if she misbehaves.
Jessamine swallows hard and barely manages to say "the cell?"
Thug 1 says: Behind you deary.
Jessamine opens the door and shudders "oh please no! It's full of cobwebs!"
Thug 2 reaches for a mug and raises it high before drinking "Cheers"
Thug 3 turns to Jessamine and chuckles, then takes a mug and takes a sip out of it.
Thug 1 says: Not much room in there for cobwebs
Thug 2 now all we need is some food.
Thug 1 walks away.
Thug Leader says: I suppose I should go meet with someone and get this letter on it's way.., you guys make sure she does not escape. understood?
Thug 2 says: Got it
Thug Leader eyes them all one at a time "If she gets free, I'll have each of your heads on a seperate platter, are we clear?"
Thug Leader says: No one and I mean NO ONE opens that cage door.
Thug 2 says "She looks like a little wimp, no worries"
Thug 4 says: Or you'll have us like them? *he points to some skulls on the wall*
Thug Leader nods to Thug 4 "yes, glad we are on the same page"
Jessamine begins to shake in fear.
Thug 1 says: Well I'm a gonna celebrate.
Thug Leader says: Help yourself to the keg.
Thug Leader says: I will return.
Thug 2 takes another swig of liquor.
Thug Leader looks at Thug 4 "you are in charge, do no lot let her out no matter how m uch she begs or how pretty she looks!"
Thug 4 grins
Thug 4 says: Got it
Thug Leader says: As long as she stays in the cage I don't care what you do to her.
Thug Leader slips away quietly
Thug 2 syas "Something smells good, hey prisoner got any food on you?"
Thug 1 says: Yeh, I'm hungry
Jessamine realizes they are all looking at her again
Jessamine says: uhh...ummm nnnot much.
Jessamine says: I ppput most of into storage before we c came out.
Thug 1 says: Most, but not all, hand it over.
Thug 2 "hand it over, no food allowed in the cell except what we give ya"
Thug 2 grins
Jessamine nod and does what she is told handing the closest rogue all she has (uncooked fish, flour and eggs)
Thug 1 says: What we got?
Jessamine says: Please... I'll do whatever you guys ask! Don't hurt me!
Thug 2 says: hmm not cooked
Thug 1 says: Is it meat?
Jessamine says: No I'm sorry, I was in the middle of making it into beer battered when I came to look for mushrooms.
Thug 1 says: You mean you got beer in there?
Jessamine says: I gave it to the other rogue already!
Thug 1 says: Hmm!
Thug 1 says: What else you got in there?
Jessamine says: n..nnot much!
Jessamine says: A few more egs, scoops of milk and flour.
Thug 1 says: Must be something in those pockets.
Jessamine says: pinch of salt?
Thug 1 says: So, trying to hide it were you, c'mon, hand it over.
Jessamine nods and does as told "I did not think it would be of use"
Thug 1 puts his head on one side.
Thug 1 says: Did I hear coins then?
Jessamine looks very scared
Thug 3 grins at Jessamine "Coins ?"
Jessamine tosses all she has out quickly "here take it all, please please don't hurt me!" (She drops 24 circles and 7 tria)
Thug 1 says: Yes, small shiny things to buy stuff with, you know.
Thug 1 gathers up the coins.
Jessamine says: I swear that's all the tria I have!
Thug 1 says: Quite a good haul
Thug 1 turns to the others.
Thug 1 says: Look, 7 tria and er... 10 circles.
Thug 3 shrugs "Still 10 circles."
Thug 3 says: I could buy some beer with that.
Jessamine keeps her mouth shut that the threw out 24 circles.
Thug 4 says: Sounded like it was more coins than that she dropped
Thug 4 shrugs
Thug 1 says: No, must have been the 7 tria, sounds a lot but then its not.
Thug 1 says: Here five each, I'm good.
Jessamine looks at Thug 4 and begs "please let me go!"
Jessamine says: I gave you all I had. I swear
Thug 3 takes the five circles and puts them quickly in his pocket. "Nice..."
Thug 1 says: Don't tell the others.
Thug 1 raises his mug, "Here's to the... oh...erm... US, Here's to us.
Jessamine says: Please I won't tell anyone what happened if you just let me go now.
Thug 1 drains his mug.
Thug 1 says: You'll get to go when the price is paid.
Thug 1 says: If the price is paid.
Jessamine looks to the door with fear hoping the other rogue does not come back.
Thug 1 says: Now, more beer.
Thug 1 says: Well I have business somewhere with someone at sometimes so have to get off soon.
Jessamine says: That's very vague.
Thug 1 says: Mind your business, and I'll mind mine.
Jessamine cowers in the corner
Thug 1 says: Wouldn't want to lose your tongue now.
Jessamine whimpers and shakes her head
Thug 1 takes a cloth and wipes the torture table with a grin.
Thug 3 approaches the table "That's a nice board."
Thug 1 says: Yes, well worn in.
Jessamine turns pale
Thug 3 says playfully "Would be such a shame if this board gets to be dented because of a random lady..."
Thug 1 says: Well she ain't going anywhere fast, I'm off to see an Enki about a Rivnak.
Jessamine says: dented?
Jessamine gulps

*The Rogues all wander off slowly leaving her in the cage*

Jessamine says: Hello? anyone there?
Thug 3 doesn't make any noise and doesn't answer.
Jessamine sniffles softly feeling alone and scared.
Jessamine grabs the cage bars and rattles them with no luck.
Jessamine jumps startled seeing a rogue appear and stops trying to get out.
Thug 2 says in a deep voice "No trying to get out now. The entrance is guarded and youll wind up in that tiny cell behind you.
Jessamine nods and swallows hard and blinks back tears
Jessamine eyes Thug 2 from the corner of the cage
Thug 2 takes a seat and watches the prisoner
Jessamine trembles
Dwarf says: Look at this mess.
Jessamine jumps stratled
Dwarf says: Oh! They can clean it up themselves.
Dwarf says: Well may as well drink one of these if they are going to waste.
Dwarf says: Now, a piece of pie I think
Jessamine hesitates for a moment "Hello?'
Jessamine says: can you let me out of here? please! I promise I don't want any trouble!
Dwarf looks up.
Dwarf says: What's that?
Thug 3 sighs
Thug 3 says: Come upstairs.
Thug 3 nods "This lady. We figured it would be worth a lot since people would miss her.
Dwarf says: What is it.
Jessamine sighs and realizes she lost her chance.
Dwarf says: The lady what lady?
Thug 3 says: The cage.
Dwarf says: Was that who said hello?
Thug 3 says: Yes.
Dwarf goes off to check the cage.
Thug 3 shakes his head.
Thug 3 says: Nah.
Dwarf says: Oh!
Thug 3 says: Don't do. Too late.
Jessamine says: Hi.
Dwarf says: What have you got yourself into?
Jessamine says: you better get out of here before those rogue come back!
Dwarf says: Rogues?
Dwarf says: ......
Dwarf says: Oh! Yes, of course rogues.
Jessamine nods "many of them...and they are quite mean they already beat up my friend"
Dwarf says: They are in and out of here all the time.
Dwarf says: Really?
Jessamine nods "they stuffed me in a sack and dragged me here!
Jessamine's eyes well up with tears
Jessamine says: please, let me out before they come back!
Dwarf says: Oh! I can't do that, I keep out of what goes on here, I have a business to run you see
Dwarf says: Well I have a pie over here, I'll see you again... I guess.
Dwarf takes a slice of pie.
Jessamine eyes the pie and licks her lips
Dwarf slurps his beer and wipes his beard with his sleeve.
Jessamine glances at the stale bread and sighs
Jessamine mumbles 'I wish I'd eaten before going to look for stupid lake mushrooms"
Dwarf says: What's that, been eating lake mushrooms?
Jessamine says: No, we never even made it to the mushrooms.
Jessamine says: I need some for a stew.
Dwarf says: Oh! I like stew.
Dwarf looks up to the balcony at the others.
Jessamine says: I can make a great stew.
Jessamine follows his gaze "They are up there aren't they?'
Jessamine shudders
Thug 3 shakes his head
Dwarf says: Just the usual faces, in , out, in ,out all the time, never any peace.
Jessamine says: Well I just want out, and I never want to come back!
Dwarf takes a second slice of pie and bites into it.
Jessamine says: You think they might keep me in here forever!?
Jessamine looks horrified
Dwarf says: How should I know?
Dwarf says: Did they not tell you why you were here?
Jessamine sniffs" They seem to think I am of some sort of value"
Dwarf says: Quite the compliment.
Jessamine says: I don't think anyone will notice or care if I am gone...Migg might, but he does not have the money they will be wanting.
Jessamine says: and I'm new to the Order, I doubt they will care if I go missing or want to pay to get me back...
Jessamine looks very scared
Dwarf says: Ah! A ransom, how imaginative.
Thug 3 taps his foots on the balcony, simulating footsteps.
Dwarf looks up to the balcony.
Jessamine freezes
Dwarf says: I wonder who that could be.
Thug 3 stays hidden but addresses Jessamine. "If nobody comes for you, we won't keep you forever. But you won't leave this place alive."
Jessamine bursts into tears and buries her face in her hands
Thug 3 says: Who are your friends ?
Jessamine says: mine?
Thug 3 taps his foot violently on the balcony "Of course you !"
Jessamine sobs for a moment more before trying to compose herself
Jessamine thinks very hard for a moment
Jessamine says: I know!
Jessamine says: Djugu, he will protect me and be very upset you have taken me, you should not have messed with me!
Jessamine says: if you let me go now I will speak to no one about any of this.
Thug 3 chuckles "You see the board in front of you ? Next time you say something in this kind, you'll be lying there." then leaves the balcony.
Thug 2 scoffs "Where is this precious Djugu now?"
Jessamine begins to sob again
Jessamine says: Migg will be very worried about me as well! And the Hammers as well i was supposed to be cooking a feast for them!
Thug 2 whispers to Dwarf "Yep, we'll get a good ransom on this one"
Dwarf says: Ah, hoping for a good return huh!
Dwarf says: I think she is hungry.
Jessamine sniffles
Thug 2 says: She has stale bread. thats enuff
Dwarf says: I guess so.
Dwarf says: She won't starve at least.
Jessamine looks at the bread and makes a face

*The thugs all wander off out of sight and some time passes*

Jessamine wonders if the rogues are still around and tires to peer around the corner but can't' see anything
Thug 2 coughs
Jessamine sighs and sinks back against the side of the cage

[Meanwhile the part you guys were all a part of was going on around Harn's where you can see in these photos  everyone gathered around trying to figure out what to do and receiving the ransom demands and running off to mine (we grouped at this point for an IC mining party because 1/2 went to the other mine)]

[In conclusion the demands were met, once the thugs had what they wanted they gave the location of where to find the girl safely and they split up in several directions and it seems everyone was too concerned or confused and went to check on the girl instead of following the thugs]


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Kidnapping Of Jessamine
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2016, 07:46:00 pm »
While I do not condone such blatant acts of violence and misconduct, I must nonetheless applaud the colourfull and detailed account of the events surrounding the kidnapping, and subsequent ransoming, of Jessamine Adecidge. I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to all who expressed their concern and sympathy, and especially to every one who morally or physically supported the effort of meeting the kidnappers' demands to ensure Jessamine's safe release.


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Re: Kidnapping Of Jessamine
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2016, 09:50:27 pm »
Yes!! A big thanks to everyone who helped mine diamonds for my safe return! And for all your concern for me in the aftermath!

Eleirit Kcelmien

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Re: Kidnapping Of Jessamine
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2016, 08:00:36 pm »
nice story guys. wish there was more end info though