Author Topic: Dev Q&A 13/06/2017  (Read 590 times)


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Dev Q&A 13/06/2017
« on: August 13, 2017, 05:22:23 pm »
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Uadjet (GM Team)

Eonwindd says: says: Welcome everyone to the Dev Q&A event
Eonwindd says: says: this is an OOC meeting, you can ask questions to the developers and to the GMs
Eonwindd says: says: to ask your question please form a queue behind the stand
Thedrish thinks about dragons
Migg says: Hello
Eonwindd says: says: please only one question and then re-queue, so everyone gets to ask a question
Mordaan says:says: Hi Migg
Eonwindd says: says: hi Migg
Migg says: You can identify items, weapons and such
Eonwindd says: says: here on stand today we have Mordaan from settings team
Eonwindd says: says: ]Zunna and me from Rules team
Eonwindd says: says: and Uadjet  from GM team
Eonwindd says: says: Migg you can ask your question
Migg says: Thank you
Migg says: Most items can be identified
Migg says: but not jewelry sets
Karmilla says: good question Migg!
Migg says: identifying them just gives a description of the gems they have
Migg says: can't that be changed?
Eonwindd says: says: mhm I need to check this
Eonwindd says: says: do you mean the description after the identification do not describe the effect?
Migg says: yes
Eonwindd says: says: ok, understood
Karmilla says: Its frustrating for anyone with multiple sets
Migg says: does not tell what it does, such as aid in using ranged weapons
Migg says: my shield says mana +8
Migg says: my sets don't
Eonwindd says: says: the problem is the effect parser (server side) seem unable to recognize some of the syntax used by the script
Uadjet says: says: All identifying crafted jewelry does is remove the message that it needs to be identified.
Migg says: for sets yes
Eonwindd says: says: so yes, this is a bug and we should fix this server side, we did the same for some other modifiers sometime ago
Migg says: great! Thanks a lot!
Eonwindd says: says: hi Thedrish
Thedrish says: Hello
Thedrish says: My question is a simple one.
Eonwindd says: says: ask away
Thedrish says: Given the fact that many of the houses are not used, I was wondering if it is possible, perhaps in time, to buy one as a regular player. Not as a guildhouse but as a private person. Perhaps for players who are here for several years? To make it something to achieve?
Thedrish says: it would make it worth while to stick around
Eonwindd says: says: Well, we don't have a policy for "player housing", I guess someone having several millions could buy one alone indeed
Thedrish says: okay, ... could ...
Thedrish says: is it possible to make that into something more solid aka official?
Eonwindd says: says: but the reasons it was for guilds only from the beginning was to encourage teaming up to buy it
Migg says: Planning to settle down Thedrish? Who's the lucky one?
Thedrish says: I understand the policy regarding guilds
Thedrish grins to Migg
Deryna says: Wouldnt that take away one of the reasons for being in a guild?
Zunna says: says: lol
Mordaan says:says: I know Talad had some ideas on individual vs. guild housing and reserved it for just guilds. But it might be worth a revisit.
Mordaan says:says: just to see if things have changed
Thedrish says: I would like to know where we stand on the private property situation
Thedrish says: thank you Mordaan
Migg says: Being able to rent one could be more viable
Uadjet says: says: It's too bad we don't have an apartment map.
Migg says: if you are not around to pay the rent it goes back to the octarchy
Thedrish says: Mordaan says:and/or Eonwind, please see if you can find out
Deryna says: Rent is a good idea, because if the player stops playing, it could go back up for rent to someone else.
Eonwindd says: says: player housing is on the initial plan, but is far from being implemented as far as I know
Mordaan says:says: Never hurts to start a conversation.
Thedrish nods
Eonwindd says: says: yep
Thedrish says: thank you so far
Migg says: or make rooms in tavern rentable?
Migg says: with a locked door?
Zunna says: says: We need to look over all of that again, yes
Mordaan says:says: yeah, no way to close those doors...they are part of the map
Eonwindd says: says: hi Gonger
Mordaan says:says: we can do it but you'd have a literal open door policy. :)
Gonger says: Greetings! Would it be possible to add some more information to the Guild screen, e.g. which Permission does exactly what?
Thedrish nods to Gonger
Thedrish says: a hover-baloon?
Eonwindd says: says: could it be done by modding a skin?
Uadjet says: says: Yes, there was an issue with a guild being renamed earlier.
Gonger says: If you look at Igesal, you see that the guild had been evilly renamed, and while discussing all this, we discovered that we did not exactly know which Privilege stands for what.
Eonwindd says: says: I guess it would be the easiest way
Uadjet says: says: Couldn't find any documentation about what permission does that.
Eonwindd says: says: I could try to fix the guild name problem by the way
Gonger says: So any information there would be useful, be it as a tool-tip, or a small popup window, whatever. Thank you.
Eonwindd says: says: I agree, a tooltip would be useful
Migg says: isnt renaming the edit priviledge?
Gonger says: Edit is for the message, I think.
Migg says: sounds to me like it should
Eonwindd says: says: I'm looking at the Help windows in-game
Eonwindd says: says: looks like the permissions are well explained there
Mordaan says:says: Keep in mind, it would probably require an updated client, which I don't think is going to happen any time soon. But we could put something in the ps wiki or something.
Mordaan says:says: Or there, in the help. :)
Migg says: edit says will allow editing guild settings
Lefanen says: hi :)
Migg says: you get help clicking on each label in permissions screen
Eonwindd says: says: until a better solution will be implemented I suggest to rely on the help windows, it's well done and if it needs to be fixed it's easy to do
Eonwindd says: says: hi Lefanen
Uadjet says: says: Ah, it is under Edit.
Gonger says: Are you using a mod skin, Migg? I get nothing when clicking there.
Migg says: stock
Lefanen says: ok i know this is most probably a very iratating question atm. but i'm gona ask it anyway. How fares the Unreal Engine ?
Mordaan says:says: It's a fine question.
Eonwindd says: says: yes
Mordaan says:says: I'm sure people are curious.
Eonwindd says: says: a new prospects joined the effort
Lefanen says: i'm asking because i would like to do some 3d modeling for PS and it is gona matter whether UE is used or crystal space
Mordaan says:says: Not much progress lately, but Talad said he had a week off....I don't remember when, this upcoming week or last week, and was going to dedicate some time to it.
Eonwindd says: says: and could be able to do quick progresses
Eonwindd says: says: Lefanen it doesn't really matter, we can import the 3D graphic in unreal
Mordaan says:says: I know ravna contributed something a few weeks ago and made some progress.
Mordaan says:says: So little by little, it's progressing.
Eonwindd says: says: Talad recently converted the PS codebase to new unreal engine 4.16
Uadjet says: says: There was quite a bit of chatter on IRC last week, which I think was Talad's time off.
Menille says: Very nice!
Lefanen says: ok thanks. i'll get my blender going again then :)
Mordaan says:says: sure, art can always be used whether it's through CS or UE.
Eonwindd says: says: and several fixes have been made, more work has been done to the character creation form (last week work on delete chararter has been done)
Eonwindd says: says: *delete character button in PSUnreal
Eonwindd says: says: if there are no more questions we can give some updates
Eonwindd says: says: sometime ago we promised the release of a new boss ... it was ready since quite some time but we're waiting for weltall to come back home to be able to mirror the data in production
Thedrish says: nice
Eonwindd says: says: so unfortunately this update will have to wait until september
Eonwindd says: says: right now we are working on the main plot quest
Mordaan says:says: but at least the work is done
Zunna says: says: Yes, we are all working in the main quest for Planeshift, at the moment
Eonwindd says: says: it's a big task so we're joining efforts
Mordaan says:says: yes, we are doing some organizing with the main plot idea. The main thing is we have this pre-Yliakum timeline but it was written over 15 years ago. So Venalan wants to look at it and rewrite it so it takes into account anything that has been written since.
Gonger says: Yes, that does sound like a huge task.
Mordaan says:says: And decide what to keep and what to discard. One of these days hopefully he'll have some time to do it.
Zunna says: says: yes and we will team up on that but I keep on working too on the Hammer academy for the arena
Mordaan says:says: In the mean time we have started a document to organize things.
Zunna says: says: Tuathanach is writing the daily repaeatable quests for the missing crafts too
Mordaan says:says: Yes, big thanks to Eonwindd and Zunna  for contributing.
Zunna says: says: :)
Eonwindd says: says: :)
>You were given 1 Hot Toddy by GM Uadjet
Migg says: Chhers!
Zunna says: says: Cheers !
Eonwindd says: says: thanks Uadjet
Menille says: Oh ...thank you Uadjet
Tinabobina says: than you Uadjet
Thedrish grins
Gonger says: I like the name...
Zunna says: says: eheh
Igesal sips her Hot Toddy
Tinabobina says: thank
Silak says: Cheers
Thedrish says: cheers!
Mordaan says:says: :)
Uadjet says: says: I know it's summer, but the fan is on me so it sounded good.
Keyan says: cheers
Zunna says: says: yes that's a good idea !
Jozor says: cheers
Eonwindd says: says: :)
Eonwindd says: says: anymore questions?
Mordaan says:says: Yes, thanks Uadjet
Harither says: ya.
Menille says: Cheers to the Dev and GM team for all their hard work..
Harither says: if you ever clear up the bugtracker? it hink there are bigs which are ancient.
Eonwindd says: says: thanks Menille :)
Zunna says: cheers to the players for their patience
Deryna claps for the Dev Team
Thedrish agrees with Menille
Thedrish claps and whistles loudly
Eonwindd says: says: Harither I recently tried to cleanup a lot
Mordaan says:says: Yes, the bug tracker has been in need of attention for years.
Harither says: because like for crafting a lot changed already
Eonwindd says: says: but some bugs are still there, I tried to delete all hte bugs that are not possible to confirm too
Mordaan says: Eonwindd said, there are occasional efforts to look into things, so it could be worse.
Harither says: i havent read a lot bit i think i saw some ancient things.
Tinabobina says: Do the bugs include freezing and crashing?
Zunna says: says: yes
Tinabobina says: I seem to do that alot
Jozor says: welcome to
Tinabobina says: lol
Mordaan says:says: Yikes!
Migg says: I get coredumps but hve no symbols
Thedrish says: lol ... snow :)
Zunna says: loves it
Eonwindd says: says: about crafting bugs I think I closed all the tickets I could, but some are still open and should stay so (unfortunately)
Gonger sneezes loudly. "I am freezing now. Thank you, Tinabobina."
Uadjet says: says: There. Now the Hot Toddy seems more appropriate.
Harither says: white!
Eonwindd says: cheers the snow
Migg says: if you hve a debug symbols file would help me parse the coredumps
Thedrish starts humming White Xiosiamas
Sessira says: Some of it can be helped by adjusting settings
Tinabobina says: sorry Gonger :(
Harither says: snow stays at the floor and ppls?`
Zunna says: curls up on herself, trembling : " Not so cool for enkidukai"
Harither says: thats a new one.
Mordaan says:says: I think an idea might be that if we ever switch over to UE fully, we would probably wipe the bug tracker and start over. Anything worth-while could just be re-reported.
Lefanen says: what sorcery is this
Migg says: well quest bugs if they exist should probably not?
Uadjet says: says: That sounds good.
Eonwindd says: says: However if any of you has noticed a bug we can mark it for closing
Uadjet says: says: Many of the bugs will vanish with the new engine, and trying to figure out what's still a problem...
Mordaan says:says: Hopefully there are no more quest bugs. :P
Zunna says: says: If quests bugg exist they atre probably already beeing pwned by Venalan xD
Zunna says: says: indeed
Zunna says: says: lol
Eonwindd says: says: from time to time I dig for such bugs and I close them
Eonwindd says: says: I love this summer snow :)
Migg says: hehe ok then
Mordaan says:says: It doesn't help that we don't have a designated testing team since a long time. They used to keep the tracker tidy.
Migg says: having an unstripped binary for Linux somewhere would help
Thedrish agrees
Eonwindd says: says: the source code is available
Migg says: still haven't managed to build it
Mordaan says:tries to brush the snow from his shoulders
Eonwindd says: says: I could do it, if you need help you can log in irc and ask for help
Migg says: ok, thanks!
Harither is glad that the armor and helmet is padded.
Migg says: too many dependencies
Eonwindd says: says: also there are some fancy instructions to do in the latest revisions
Eonwindd says: hopes to remember how to do it ...
Eonwindd says: says: if there are no more questions we can wrap up
Eonwindd says: says: The Devs Q&A ends here, thank you for coming and enjoy playing PS!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 08:00:35 am by Emaline »
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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  • Game Masters
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Re: Dev Q&A 06/13/2017
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2017, 05:28:35 pm »
Also please note in reference to one of  the questions Bug Tracker already had it.
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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Re: Dev Q&A 06/13/2017
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2017, 10:02:39 pm »
You were spying on the meeting! :lol: