Author Topic: Void of the Mind  (Read 766 times)


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Void of the Mind
« on: October 27, 2017, 01:12:50 am »
The Void of the Mind

Allena stormed from the Hospital in Amdeneir and threw the door closed behind her. Working with Sacho had always been a pain. It was like trying to convince Evirea of something she did not believe and trying to control Rigwyn all at the same time. How could he not see the dangers of what was contained within her? It had killed Celroc, one of their mutual friends. Did he just not care that it was getting stronger? Did he not care what it could do with more control?

The Nolthrir trembled at the thought. It was already torture waking up and contemplating what it may have done while she was asleep. It was getting to be too much to bare and if the blackouts continued to get longer and more frequent, well, she would just have to take matters into her own hands. There was a storm brewing and she would not be a victim. Not again.

Never again.


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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2017, 10:49:06 am »


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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2017, 03:32:36 am »
Hope and Consequence

Allena perched herself on the small retaining wall on one of the many bridges adjoining the stalagmites. She gripped the steel bars and let her feet dangle in the inky darkness that is the Death Realm and let her feet idly kicking her feet. There was a quiet elegance Allena had come to find endearing about this place; it had become familiar and safe. It had become a home to her.

The Nolthrir sighed and looked up into the swirling mists and smiled. Here she was free from judging eyes. Those eyes that bore into her soul, weighing her worth as damaged goods or an accomplice in horrible deeds. In truth, the cost of coming here very rarely outweighed the escape it offered. This time in particular.

That Malbernaut felt as though it was sent by divine providence. It was more than the pleasure the talon had granted as it tore through her flesh, but the release from Sarras’s eyes and sharp questions. Guilt was cruel mistress she had never truly been able to escape.

Despite the nights events, she couldn’t help but smile back at the swirling mists. She could feel her anxiety melting away. It was like someone had been standing on her chest and only by it lifting did she realize it was there crushing her.

“What if I just stayed here?” came the reflexive thought. “What if I just ran away from it all? I could stay here; start a new life. Maybe I could find happiness here.”

The echo rebounded back through the void and the questions hung over her. She blinked startled only now realizing her had spoke aloud.

“No,” came her internal voice. "No, not yet."

She found herself on her feet and walking down the bridge with purpose. Allena felt light as a feather. Her toes barely scraping the metal bars beneath her. She let her eyes slid close. How long had it been since she had glided like this? The Nolthrir no longer cared where her feet took her; she felt free. There was a bounce in her step and she found herself humming a song growing faster as her feet carried her quicker.

She spun through a doorway and halted in her tracks. She opened her eyes with hope in her heart to the warm glow from the Dark Crystal. Allena’s smile widened. It was time she took her fate into her own hands.

“Oh, how I have missed you old friend,” her words echoing through the chamber as she approached her destiny.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2017, 01:00:13 pm »
['convincing Evirea of things she did not believe' I love it. Glad to see you're still writing!]


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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2017, 05:16:27 am »
Rule Number One

Weeds plopped down and fell against the wall between two doors. She pulled her knees up and rested her forearms thereon. She let out a sigh and tossed her head back rhythmically against the wall. She was exhausted and let her eyes slide closed. How long had it been sense she had rescued the other shards from that place? It felt equal measures of yesterday and eons ago.

She looked up and found herself in the center between two doors of the seemingly never-ending hallway of memories and slide over to her left.  She smirked at the doors. She could remember things just fine without these stupid rooms. She closed her eyes and let the memory wash over her as was her daily ritual.

Rigwyn stood over her pulling from his sheath, a large, black, ornate dagger and holds it up above his head. Ignoring Allena, he begins to howl as he hands glow with a sickening, argent haze. The blade too begins to glow revealing a strange series of cryptic rune-like shapes along the blade. “I Command you Baazel, Enter this woman right now! Seize her! Consume her! Twist her heart, and replace her mind with your own! You will appear before me, you will serve me! Do it now!"

The blade plunged downward and tore through her. It surged with power. She could feel herself screaming but could not hear anything. Something was terribly wrong. The world buzzed and faded into a myriad of blurred colors. The energy from the ornate knife pulse and poured more and more power into her and was cutting into her as it wormed and veined its way.

A second blast of energy rippled through her and the fissures began to compound on themselves. It was shearing her apart at her core faster and faster. She couldn’t take in any more. It was too much to contain and she erupted into a discharge of or sparks and whips of lights surround my a vast, cold, darkness.

No, it wasn’t a darkness. A darkness would have been something. This was nothing, not even a sense of time. It was a devoid of anything but the remnants of what she once was. Slowly they circled one another, the smaller flecks gathering around the larger fragments. Slowly, agonizingly there were three masses: The largest was quivering sky-blue sphere, an oblong violet mumming mass, and last, a small green form that convulsed as it struggled to maintain its structure.

“We have to get out of here,” came the spontaneous thought to the green mass. Panic was beginning to set in and it could tell it had already taken the blue. The purple… the purple was not. It was sitting there humming. That didn’t matter now. It had to stay calm.

If here was a way in, there must be a way out. It had to think. The energy was the key: the ritual tore her apart and the conduit was that knife. It was worth a shot.

The green mass rushed to the other two. It was not sure what it was doing but it knew it could not stay here, not in this void. Energy. It needed energy. She pulled from deeply within herself and borrowed watch she could from the others. It was draining and felt itself flicker, threatening to wink out. It couldn’t give up. It had to be now, or all was lost. It pushed on and a spark cracked through the plane. And then another. Soon a storm sprang forth and peeled open into a portal. Without hesitation it jumped through with the other two in tow.

Weeds sighed as her let her head thump behind her against the wall. It was her first memory. Sure, she shared some memories that occurred before this, but this was the first that was truly hers and only hers. It always gave her pause. Had she done the right thing with how everything had turned out? Would it have been better just to stay there?

Or even just left them there. After all, the first rule was to always know when to run and don’t be a hero. Yet here she was playing guard for a prisoner that enjoyed their cell to protect a girl who wanted to destroy herself.

“What can I say, I’ve always like an underdog story,” she said into the echoing and vacant hallway.

Weeds smirked to herself and shook her head. She let her forearms fall from her knees and let her hands slide down her thighs. How long had it been like this? Taking turns running the show with that girl? Running around trying to clean up after her and keep her nose clean.

In truth it was getting easier – she was learning her habits and her shift were getting longer and more frequent, but it was a constant struggle. When it was her turn, the girl would fight her every waking moment until she won out and then she would find herself here resting until her next time at the helm. In the same breath, the monotony was wearing on her. Wake up, fight, lose, and retreat. Rinse and repeat. What if she could just run away and let someone else be the hero?

Before she could convince herself what she was doing was worthwhile like always, the world flickered. Weeds blinked for a moment to make sure what she saw was correct. She froze, not daring to breathe. Then it did it again, like all the light and life of this place was being sucked from it.

She sprung to her feet and ran at a dead sprint. “What did you do now you light forsaken idiot. I stop watching you for two minutes…” she mumbled to herself. Weeds zoomed through the halls, running on a dime, following the route to the foyer by memory and feel. The world flicking continued, now accompanied by the very ground trembling beneath her.

She made the last turn and the familiar double doors waited her. She dared not slow down and took the doors with her shoulder, smashing through. Weeds grasped the top railing and catapulted herself over ignoring the twin stairwells curving downward to either side and tumbled into a roll as she struck the marble floor. Predictably, there was Allena in her ridiculous flowing blue gown.

“What in the mask of Lannx did you do!” Weeds demanded, her words punctuated by the largest tremor yet.

“I messed up. I went too far. I am going to die. I am going to die!” She cried out as hysteria and tears set in quickly.

Weeds stomped over to the cowering Nolthrir and struck her with a forceful open palmed slap. It was stronger than it needed to be, but it felt good. “Shut up right now and get a hold of yourself. You are going to listen to me and do -exactly- what I say. Got it?” The girl stared blankly bad at her and this time struck her with a backhand of equal force. “Got it?”

Allena nodded. “Good. Now, this world is falling apart. We have two things we need to protect: the brain and the heart. You are going keep that heart pumping and –” Weeds’s words were cut off by a sudden fissure ripped through the marble floor and shook the earth with the pair as they struggled to maintain their balance. “–And I am going to keep this monstrosity of a mind together.”

Allena continued to stand there trembling “Hey, pull yourself together and get to work!” the light flickered and the world quaked. Weeds looked up to the sound of crumbling overhead. A section of the ceiling had given way and was plummeting downward. The Nolthrir was staring blankly up at it. Idiot. Weeds cursed under her breath and took off at a sprint again and smashed into Allena wrapping her arms around her and bringing her to the ground.

She looked back with the pile of debris less than a foot away from her feet. She turned back and pushed herself to her feet and pulled Allena up by the high collar of her gaudy monstrosity of a dress. “What are you waiting for. GO!”

She tossed Allena away from her hoping the momentum would spring some life into her. The Nolthrir stumbled backward and shuck her head coming too. She offered Weeds a small nod and vanished. Weeds turned back to face the heart of the foyer; the ceiling collapsing, dust pluming, and the left stairwell giving way.

“Sorry, Snitch,” she thought. “Looks like I got to break rule number one.” But then again, she had never been very good at following rules.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 06:02:48 am by Ascomanni »


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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2017, 05:13:54 am »
   "This hospital is usually well-staffed. Where in the Crystal’s light have all the doctors in Yliakum wandered off to?" Allena lay unconscious on an unwrinkled bed as Geoni towered over her limp form, spittle and blood rolling out of her mouth. "I suppose the night is to blame, but still…"

   Sarras kept her thoughts in the moment. That was as much as her mind was capable of given her own lack of sleep. "We’ll need to wake her up so she can drink something. Maybe eat. We should clean her up, too."

   They had recently arrived from Hydlaa by Pterosaur. The small nolthrir had collapsed a day ago, and her unbroken bout of deep sleep signaled that she needed long-term care. Bringing her to the hospital was a blessing for Sarras, who had stood vigilant outside the sanitorium for more hours than she cared to count. The city guards had already cycled through a full set of watches, and she had yet to remove her platemail.

   "Need to keep you hydrated. Wake up now!"

   Geoni shook Allena as gently as a kran could, but the girl flopped about like a ragdoll.

   The dermorian stepped forward before Geoni might have considered his attempt too restrained. "Alternative method." She levelled a water pouch above the girl’s forehead and tipped it so that a small stream trickled out. The patient’s only response was a thick cough. The water mixed with the fluids expelled from the coughing, and Sarras cursed before finding a fresh cloth and patting dry the face and neck.

   The two racked their heads for ideas. To put someone to sleep was simple enough with magic, but to wake someone…

   "I’ll use Azure!" Sarras stood by the head of Allena’s bed and clasped her hands together. "I don’t think I’ve tried this before."

   "Just make sure you have a good sight on her to see if it’s burning her like Crystal does. If it’s a Dark Way thing, I don’t think it will, but still…" Back in the sanitorium, he had cast a Crystal spell upon the girl after her collapse and not only found his effort to be of no avail but to have burned her skin. Sarras knew it was a condition unique to Allena but failed to warn the well-meaning kran.

   "It won’t," Sarras reassured Geoni. As her hand pressed against the unconscious girl’s head, an aura of azure light collected about it and pooled around her fingertips.

   She had only meant to contact Allena’s sleeping mind, to express the urgency of the girl’s waking world. But, just as an abandoned house welcomes a vagrant, an uninhabited mind welcomes a curious Azure mage. The spell fell through the lack of mental barrier, and, sensing no one home, Sarras stepped inside. A vacant foyer materialized, twin curved staircases flanking her and ascending toward large double doors. Underfoot lay marble, and sparse architectural details took form. Before she could take in the simple elegance of it, she called out to Allena’s mind.

   Geoni stood beside the physically indisposed Sarras for a long minute.

   "Are you… getting anything?"

   Her half-lidded eyes fluttered in some manner of response. A moment passed before her mouth twitched, more likely due to some invisible experience than in answer to Geoni.

   He exercised patience for some time, but it became too much. "Sarras, how is this healing her? You look like you’re using Azure to enter her mind." The elf forced out a resemblance of verbal affirmation.

   Sarras tore through a hallway lined with doors, her boots vanishing into a film of fog with each step. A ghost image trailed inches behind in her wake. She had opened a few of the doors already, which she had long since passed now, and found them to house memories. The second memory struck Sarras as relevant and perhaps a key to Allena’s plight.

   The girl appeared then as she was in reality: disheveled, at her tallest, but fuming and screaming unlike the Allena that Sarras was accustomed to. She argued with a bipedal creature in the foyer of her own mind, and her tantrum diminished her in contrast to the coolly retorting reptilian. It had blocked her entry into one of the memory doors, and Allena demanded she be permitted entry.

   This hub, meticulously organized though it was, did not give Sarras any direction toward Allena’s consciousness.

   "Allena, are you in here?!" Her own shout rebounded into her ears, returning in an uneven pattern that distorted her voice into something unrecognizable. The seemingly never-ending hallway forked into three more several paces ahead, and Sarras slowed to a halt at the junction. She combed her fringe from her face, as habit from reality, and sighed in exasperation.

   A subtle dread filled her as she reached for the nearest doorknob on the right. It belonged to a nondescript door just beyond a corner of the intersection. Another memory took her vision. A diaboli man stood over her, chanting in rhythm, gripping a blade above her chest.

   Sarras’s head angled toward Geoni with an eerie roll. Her lips were parted, as if waiting for something meaningful to utter.

   "I’d like to know what it is you’re hoping to gain with this. She didn’t give you her permission."

   Another moment passed before words finally came. "She’s trapped. I don’t know what to do." Allena remained unconscious but now with a strained expression.

   "Trapped? How?"

   The spell released its hold, and Sarras’s plated legs buckled as she fell into an adolescent stupor, seated on the rug with her limbs splayed out. "I didn’t find her in there."

   "I’ve not known Dakkru’s curse to make a soul get lost within the mind of its vessel. Weakened, sure, but not lost. Do you detect a different curse?"

   "Yes… Something. A—I don’t know—a creature, like a reptile, but it stood."

   "What do you mean it stood?"

   "It stood like we do. And spoke." She paused to consider something. "It might be the personification of a curse… I was seeing her memories. It could have been a memory."

   "What did it say?"

   "The last thing I remember it saying was, 'Some things are best left in the past.' From what I gathered, it’s what has her trapped. I think."

   "That doesn’t sound like something some personification of a curse would say. It sounds benevolent if anything. Are you sure that creature is the cause of it? Because this is present."

   "She accused it of locking her up and leaving her body broken… I think that’s what she said."

   The same discomfited feeling from last night denied Sarras a return to slumber. That and the sting in her muscles from sleeping at the hospital’s meeting table. She struggled to recall from where the feeling originated until the events of the previous days flashed through waking memory. Allena’s reappearance. The maulbernaut crashing through the tables on a fateful path of carnage. Her failure to react, to draw it away, before it found prey.

   The girl had only just arrived, as far as Sarras was aware. Her cheeks were hollow, eyes sunken, and she evidently neglected to bathe or alternate clothes before returning to Hydlaa. Courage granted to Sarras by leadership of the militia guided her to speak to the lorn girl by Kada-El’s fireplace, but trepidation from past experience cowed her courage into retreat. This was the girl who had aided Rigwyn, the death-obsessed diaboli who had stolen Sarras’s sword-hand in revenge for loss of his own. But that was cycles ago, and her hand had been returned and expertly fixed onto her wrist by the doctor Evirea and mage Gova. The residual ache and clumsiness had subsided after a cycle or so. She also knew that the girl had been betrayed by Rigwyn, and she herself was the first of the search party to discover Allena in the Howling Well after the sacrificial ritual failed.

   The high voice echoed in her head, "I see you managed to find a way to heal yourself?"

   Sarras confirmed this despite the physical evidence as answer on its own.

   "Well, that is good. I hope there is no pain?"

   "Not anymore." She recalled that she tried to placate the growing trepidation with a larger than necessary drink of wine. It was also then that memories from cycles ago made themselves clear. Evirea had not been the only one to sympathize with her during the darker days. Allena had repeatedly offered aid despite Sarras’s deteriorated reputation, and Sarras tried rejecting her out of self-pity. She assumed they were attempts at atonement, but they could have been manifestations of the desire for friendship.

   "I don’t blame you for anything."

   Allena swallowed at that, and her face grew cold. She had been a child then and revealed her true age to Sarras when questioned. The girl was at least five cycles her younger. With the few cycles gained since their last interaction, Sarras had learned of a mirror called retrospection. She could have been like Allena had figures like Geoni, the priestess Dannae, and the guildmasters not been around to push her in the right direction.

   The girl must have taken the attempt at reconciliation in the wrong way because blood filled her cheeks and she quickly obscured her face. Sarras did not make a habit of memorizing each spoken sentence, but whatever she had said, it made the girl cry. Anxiety overcame what was left of courage, and Sarras swiveled in her seat to stuff her mouth with a torn chunk of bread.

   Then a maulbernaut crashed through the railing, knocking her onto harsh tile.

   Perhaps Allena’s condition improved overnight, she thought, and Sarras could return to her fledgling militia duties in Hydlaa. Her stomach flitted with excitement, but it soon fell back into unease. Though the coughing ceased, the girl’s fever persisted, and Sarras knew it would not be long before dehydration.

   "I have to search for a healer." She paused to look back while fishing for an edge of the privacy curtain. The fragile nolthrir lay still but for the heaving of breath. Speaking was pointless, yet she promised, "I’ll return."
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2017, 08:17:47 pm »
[Ooh, another section of the story! Looking forward to other folks' contributions, and not just because I want to add my own little part!]


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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2017, 11:50:22 pm »
Amongst the Rubble

The tiny purple flame seethed with anger as it hovered in the dark void riddled with rubble and destruction. Its entire existence it had been caged, reviled, and scorned, but now it could add attacked to the growing list. The flame danced to the side to evade passing debris, a large section of wall with a crumbled doorframe imbedded therein.  These vulgar and deplorable creatures’ potential for destruction was truly awe-inspiring. Even beneath the festering hatred the flame could appreciate the chaos that came so naturally to them.
These animals were so predisposed to devastation and ruin it was enough to wonder if that was their natural condition. Where it had expected its greatest allies, it had found the source of the destruction abound. The flame had only desired to help the Thief and the Girl and had expected help from the one they called healer. Everything was unraveling for quickly.
This the flame could not accept. This could not be their natural state. This must have been learned. The only difference between the flame and them was their environment. It had seen the beauty of the void. The singularity of conformity. Their world was full of such diversity and from it they had learned cruelty beyond measure. In a world full of entropy, the only recourse was to lash out in anger.
No, not anger, but fear. They were afraid of change. Change brought more entropy into their world and that was why they resisted it so. They wanted to be saved from their environment and torture of existence. They just were so conditioned by their surroundings they could not recognize it. The flame couldn’t blame them for their unfortunate upbringing. The flame mustn’t fight them for the treachery their environment had bestowed them. They were children fumbling in blinding light. Only the flame had seen the darkness. It fell to it to show them a better way.
Again, the flame regarded the shattered marble and fragmented wood and plaster. It had no love lost for this place. Even found some solace in the obliteration of the endless series of hallways and rooms, one of which had served as its prison.
No, it was what the disintegration meant that had given her pause; saving them was going to be more difficult than the flame had originally surmised. It was a colossal task before her to realize the darkness here, but now if it were to succeed, it would have to save them from themselves as well. Allies would prove far and few between in its crusade and failure was not an option. The flame would rebuild this place to learn of those in need of salvation. If the doctors and heroes couldn’t be counted on, then maybe those whom it first saved, the Thief and Girl, would hold insights for the quest.


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Re: Void of the Mind
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2018, 10:06:29 pm »
[so i guess this is dead now?]

[pls read ur PMs]
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows