Author Topic: Dev Q&A Septermber 12th, 2021  (Read 775 times)


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Dev Q&A Septermber 12th, 2021
« on: September 26, 2021, 12:24:40 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Talad says: There is a conversion guide on the Wiki
Talad says: for books
>Migg Ellorean claps for Talad Dev.
Fliks says: :O Holesod thats my spot
Damola says: So are we starting?
Holesod says: ohh sorry Fliks
Migg says: can I ask?
>Anysu Atani nods at Talad Dev.
Fliks says: heh its fine
Talad says: sure Migg, helllo
Migg says: Are there public and normal books in PSU, like here?
Zarre says: Nice turnout for todays meeting
Damola says: Ah, interesting question.
Talad says: yes, the books should work similarly.
Damola says: Nice.
Anysu cheer
Talad says: what we miss in Unreal at the moment are maps (drawings)
Migg says: One issue here is that, once renamed, you can't tell if a book is public or not
Damola says: Will all our old books still work?
Talad says: all the books which contain only "text" will be migrated with no problems
Migg says: can there be something in the description that says which kind they are in PSU?
Talad says: the books which contain special characters, will require you to copy from text file, and paste into PSU
Talad says: consider that copy/paste works in PSU in all fields by default
Damola nods "I see. So better save all important self written books as text files before the switch."
Migg says: The syntax that exists for inserting images works the same?
Anysu says: ah the books by Migg and Anysu have pictures.
Talad says: the books with images will require some editing on your side to put them in, and there is a small guide on that in pswiki
Damola says: Cut & paste in all fields is really great to have.
Talad says: you can test that right now btw, by cuying ablank book as usual in PSUnreal
Migg says: Ah, I need to try that and see how it works
Fliks says: how do you pictures to the books
Migg says: I haven't got a link to try PSU
Talad says: the books with drawings at the moment are not supported, but hopefully will be in the future
Damola says: You should be entitled to, Migg, you are certainly playing PS for longer than 200 hours.
Talad says: maybe take a screenshot of those books just in case
Migg says: what about the distinction between public and normal books?
Gonger says: Copy / Paste will be a GREAT addition!!!
Migg says: giving away a public book allows everyone to make copies
Damola nods to Gonger
Migg says: but the description does not say which is which
Talad says: the logic of public/private is unchanged in PSU
Talad says: need to be tested though
Migg says: can we change the description of public books to say they are public?
Damola grins "If copy and paste works across all fields in PSU then you can basically copy private books as well"
Talad says: copy paste works when its an Edit box
Damola says: Ah.
Talad says: if you are only viewing a book, I think you cant
Migg says: What I am saying is that I have two books that are titled "My First Number Book"
Migg says: One is public, the other is not
Damola says: Yeah, and you want to tell them apart.
Migg says: the only way to tell is to give it to someone else
Holesod says: hmm
Talad says: we will have to add that then.
Migg says: Thanks!
Uadjet says: I think we're all really looking forward to copy/paste. It'll mean I don't have to manually edit shortcut files and reload them to get in long bits of text.
Damola says: Yeah.
Thosor says: On a similar note, when you put a crafted item into storage here, you lose the crafter's name when retreiving.
Damola says: Yes.
Talad says: consider PSU is in a pretty good state at the moment
Uadjet says: I don't recall: Do private books have an edit button for someone else?
Damola says: Would be nice to have crafter preserved in PS
Migg says: Yes they do
Talad says: what I need is more people testing it, and pointing out what is missing compared to Legacy
Talad says: and then we can take a decision to move
Damola says: I do have crash issues under Linux.
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Talad Dev.
Anysu smiles about the number books mentioned by Migg
Gonger says: I will ceratainly do more testing in the next days. I am finally on Holiday (TM)!
Damola says: Others have has well. Mostly in Hydlaa.
Talad says: yes Linux crashes are known by Epic, and they are trying to fix. its not something we can do
Thosor says: I get .16FPS there on linux
Damola says: I see.
Migg says: Not on Discord, so haven't gotten a chance to ask for a download link
Talad says: time to upgrade the PC boys
Talad says: there are some second hand good deals
Holesod says: my desktop is about 2 years old, but I built it myself
Thosor says: same box on winders 10 runs OK
Talad says: or ask a friend
Holesod says: on win10 my video card driver times out so I have been living in linux
Holesod says: amd has mucked up their drivers
Thosor says: w10 uses both graphics cards, can't tell on linux.
Anysu says: My machine is way older than 2 years.
Migg says: Have a GTX 660M, need to see how it fares
Holesod says: I can tell which gfx card I use on linux with both Mint and Ubuntu
Damola says: ThinkPad T14 Gen 1 with AMD Ryzen 4750 Pro with integrated graphics is doing between 15 and 60 fps.
Migg says: not sure it is supported
Thosor says: built mine 4 yrs agp.
Damola says: On Linux. AMD developers are still optimizing gfx drivers for Linux.
Holesod says: uh oh
Thosor says: new gcards are hundreds now, stupid bitcoin mining craze.
Holesod says: hope that the AMD devs don't muck it up like they did on windows
Migg says: pandemic has also messed up supply for all chips
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Migg Ellorean.
Holesod says: yeah I have been reading up on that
Damola says: At least here there is still more than enough supply with used PCs and laptops.
Damola says: Even this T14 I bought has been used.
Holesod says: it impacts everything serviced by semiconductors
Thosor says: I should look for a recent tpad on craigtslist, though I prefer desktop. I have enough laptops kicking around.
Damola says: I made a bargain on it. I would have paid almost double the price if buying new.
Talad says: buying new is still an issue I think
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Talad Dev.
Talad says: due to shortage of compoonents
Damola says: Ryzen based AMD ThinkPads are really nice.
Damola says: I made very good experienced buying used, but of course mileage may vary.
Damola says: delivery of a new ThinkPad might have taken me three months or more.
Damola says: Any other questions?
Damola says: Any news on PSUnreal?
Thosor says: I think a lot won't easily be able to go to PSU.
Damola says: Hmmm, on Linux you need Vulkan drivers, but I am not sure whether PSUnreal would be much slower when probably lowering gfx settings a bit.
Talad says: Im continuing to make good progress on PSUnreal
Talad says: I did one pass on all the characters to improve a bit the geometry
Holesod smiles
Talad says: so all of you have some more polygons in PSU
Talad says: mostly in the shoulders, to make those more round
Damola says: Crystalspace based PS and PSUnreal have similar speed here. CS PS seems to be CPU bound, PSUnreal seems to be gfx chip bound. Unreal does unfortunately not utilize more than maybe one and a half CPU core.
Thosor says: Yes, I ran across a Ylian woman, very nice.
Talad says: but also elbows and in the back
Damola says: Nice.
Talad says: its not a remake, but I think its a nice upgrade
Damola says: Are there more postures like lieing down instead of just setting?
Damola says: *sitting I mean
Talad says: yes, you can lie down, and sit on chairs
Damola says: Nice.
Thosor says: That way you can tell if someone is napping.
Holesod says: hehe
Talad says: you can basically sit on any flat surface which is about the height of a chair
Fliks says: Enkis could curl up when they sleep
Fliks says: for when you do /sleep
Thosor says: Biting their tail...
Damola says: By the way female Nolthrir have a very interesting way to walk. It looks kinda bossy like in "what do you want, you little …?" kind of attitude.
Holesod says: oh wow...
Damola says: In PSUnreal. Running is fine, but walking is kind of amusing.
Talad says: In PSU at the moment all the animations are the same for all characters
Thosor says: Sounds like someone I know :)
Damola says: Ah, I see.
Talad says: so female may look a bit too male
Talad says: but we can change that in the future
Damola says: Yeah.
Damola says: Good.
Talad says: we gained on emotes
Fliks says: ooh
Uadjet says: Quite a few emotes!
Talad says: there are about 10 animations for emotes
Damola says: I tried emotes, most were same animations. I bet it is lots of work to add animations.
Talad says: also also there are some "stances"
Damola says: Stances?
Talad says: like for example holding a torch, or walking injured
Fliks says: oh thats cool
Talad says: or having your hands handcuffed at the back
Thosor says: Injured walking? interesting.
Talad says: those "stances" you can use for roleplay if you want
Damola says: Ah… I wonder about character at rest animations? In CS PS its always the same animation. Is there some variation in PSUnreal?
Damola says: How you do use those stances?
Anysu says: Interesting about stances.
Talad says: I dont recall the command, but I think its like /stance injured
Damola says: Thanks, will try.
Thosor says: stance passed out
Holesod says: hmm
Damola says: One could add automatic switch to injured stance when health is below a certain level.
Migg says: would be nice if you automatically did the injured stance when , yes that
Talad says: yes possible
Anysu says: lol stance passed out Thosor
Thosor says: Damola, great, then wouldn't have to keep looking at chart.
Anysu says: That could be fun
Damola chuckles "Stance drunken after Gonger emptied a whole barrel of ale."
Anysu says: stance drunk
Anysu nods at Dam
Talad says: in general im trying to have more functions in the UI, and less by commands
Anysu says: Damola
Talad says: to make it more intuitive
Gonger says: Two barrels, mayhap...
Thosor passes out.
Damola says: Yeah, that is nice. I expect hotkeys will be all new and configuration of hotkeys won't be migrated.
Damola says: Heh, Thosor. Too much pork?
Thosor burps, and more...
Damola grins to Gonger "So no automatic drunk stance, cause real hammerwielders do not get drunk easily."
Talad says: shortcuts will be to be redone
Talad says: but you can copy paste the content
Talad says: of each
Damola says: Yeah, it is what I expected.
Damola says: Fair enough.
Holesod says: sounds simple enough
Thosor zzz zzz
Thosor mmmmmm
Gova says: I'm overdue for a shortcut overhaul anyways.
Damola says: Yeah, my shortcuts are somewhat of a mess as well.
Gonger says: It is possible for us to get drunk, but not easily.
Holesod says: hmm...
Talad says: the PS Unreal event of yesterday was nice to have also for testing
Talad says: there are some bugs which happen only when multiple people are on
Holesod says: definitely
Talad says: for example we had one bug on groups
Talad says: and you can test only with multiple people
Holesod says: I was reminded about that one with the lights causing a crash
Thosor back no longer sore
Talad says: I think at the moment the two biggest things missing are musical scores and drawings
Talad says: for the rest PSUnreal should be equal or better than Legacy
Talad says: but testing is very important to speed up things
>Holesod Sacerey nods in agreement with Talad Dev.
Holesod says: there's only so much that can be tested by one person
Gonger says: Well, we can make our own music on youtube... Things like Bo Hansson, Music Inspired by The Lord of the Rings.
Talad says: yes, also I tend to avoid doing it by purpose, as I think can be distributed to others easily
Talad says: for music I was looking at playing midi files directly
Talad says: but I didnt decide yet
Holesod says: doesn't that require midi fonts?
Gonger says: I mean: It is nice to have the in-game music, of course. But until then there are nice things we can play ourselves on youtube.
Holesod says: or are you synthesizing the music from the midi
Talad says: there are free programs to edit midi, with full score and editing capabilities, redoing all that in PSU is not easy
Talad says: there are a lot of people fond of playing instruments in PS
Migg says: muusescore is a program that can create scores
Migg says: think it saves xml
Talad says: yes that one is good Migg
Talad says: we could read the output and play it with your instrument
Gonger says: Ah, you did not only mean background music, but making music ourselves. That is a good point, then.
Talad says: yes, in game instruments
>Thosor Riereri staggers over and tries to grab hold of Lurielle Volanxis but misses. Someone's had too much to drink!
Migg says: I basically convert that to PS XML
Talad says: yes, and in Legacy then you have all the UI to see it and modify it
Talad says: but in PSU that's missing
Talad says: I was thinking to take a shortcut and from the XML just play it without display or anything
Migg says: I believe just reading files created with say musescore is way better
Migg says: and it can save XML
Migg says: then we don't need an editor in PSU
Talad says: yes, this is where I will be heading I think
Talad says: as redoing the editor is complex
Migg says: It would be nice if we could still read the old songs though
Migg says: some are from people who are no longer around to port them
Holesod says: or convert?
Damola says: Would be nice if the old in game songs would still work.
Damola has a nice collection of these.
Damola says: Yeah, maybe a one-time converter
Talad says: if you can export that to XML, that's doable
Migg says: I don't have the XML for any song I did not write
Damola says: Would really be nice to be able to play all those fine songs by Zakena for example.
Talad says: I think they are in the database, and with MusicXML format
Talad says: so can be extracted
Anysu says: Zakena has so many songs.
Damola says: Ah okay, so shall we export them somehow while still in CS PS?
Migg says: Ah, but then should be server-side conversion
Holesod says: hmm
Damola says: CS PS really has a ton of functionality. I wasn't aware there was a music editor inside the game. I always just used ready made scores.
Talad says: yes :)
Talad says: its also pretty good, considering its hand made
Talad says: are there any other questions?
Talad says: or we can wrap up
Talad says: I will release a new Alpha in the next few days
Damola says: I am fine with wrapping up.
Damola says: Nice.
Damola says: What is new in that one?
Thosor says: oh good, will make sure I have stuff in hand
Thosor says: or is everything in storage?
Talad says: need to make a list, not sure of all pieces :)
Damola wonders whether he can make sure of anything as long as he lays to the feet of his lady.
Thosor says: I couldn't open my sacks
Damola grins
Damola says: Do you remember some of the pieces, Talad?
Damola says: Anyway, if not, I will see in the alpha announcement.
Talad says: for example the characters improvements
Talad says: tribes should work better now as well
Talad says: added FPS limiter, so you can decide the max FPS
Damola says: nice.
Holesod says: oooh that sounds good
Talad says: More tweaks to terrain and outdoors
Damola says: Haha, with current state of AMD gfx drivers on Linux with current laptop not too much of room to limit FPS, but its for sure nice to have on faster boxes.
Talad says: Added sounds and music to many areas
Damola says: Looking forward to all of that.
Damola says: New music?
Damola says: I noticed that PSUnreal has new background music in certain places and I quite liked it.
Talad says: its the fact PSUnreal was not using the old music yet
Talad says: but now its in
Migg says: great!
Damola says: ah, you put the old music in, well that is some feeling at home in new PS then :)
Migg says: but PSU has more places than Legacy
Talad says: I thnk those are the most important changes
Zarre says: Yes it is :)
Damola says: Thanks, Talad.
Talad says: plus all the "fixed pending release" you see on bugtracker
Damola says: I hope Unreal gets those Linux bugs sorted.
Migg says: Cool, great work!
Uadjet says: Does anyone else think the music on PSU's login screen sounds a bit Harry Potter?
Thosor says: if you get lost, can you die and reappear any place special
Damola says: I did not have crashes in PSUnreal up to 0.7.11. The crashes in Hydlaa appeared with 0.7.12
Thosor says: I'd prefer the legacy city tunes, myself,
Damola says: Yes, Uadjet. It sounds at least quite dramatic.
Holesod says: I haven't paid attention to the log in screen music on PSU
Holesod says: but I like the sound of it being dramatic
Damola says: Okay, so wrap up?
Zarre says: Thanks to all who have had a part of PS over all these years. Cheers!
>Thosor Riereri waves at Damola Etedi
Damola says: Thank you, Talad. Thank you Uadjet.
Migg says: Thanks for all your efforts!
Anysu says: Thanks for all you do and have done Talad
Damola says: Thanks to all players.
Anysu says: Thank you Uadjet as well!
Uadjet says: Thank you all for coming! We'll see you again at the next meeting in two weeks!
Talad says: see you
Talad says: test PSU!


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Dev Q&A Septermber 12th, 2021
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2021, 03:41:30 pm »
Uadjet says: I don't recall: Do private books have an edit button for someone else?
Migg says: Yes they do

I just realized Uadjet's question was about private books, and hence my reply was wrong. To set the record straight, private books don't offer an edit button to anyone but the character who wrote the book. Public books on the other hand do, and that is why they are public: they offer anyone the option to write in them.

That is also the issue: for the author both public and private books offer an edit button, and no hint about which is which (public and private is only mentioned in the book's title when purchased from Jayose, and this information is lost as soon as the book is renamed). So only another character who is not the author, when given the books, can tell which one is public and which is private.