Author Topic: Dev Q&A October 24th, 2021  (Read 629 times)


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Dev Q&A October 24th, 2021
« on: November 06, 2021, 02:31:18 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Fayrene says: .... ack.... i forgot again what i wanted to ask....
Uadjet says: I've forgotten what I was going to tell you all about before, so I know how that feels.
Damola wonders why she has a Mother of Pearl Purify Glyph "What event was that?"
>Damola Etedi dropped a Gas Glyph.
Anysu says: lol I see Anysu's table!
Uadjet says: For the past few weeks Talad's been primarily working on character creation in PSU.
Uadjet grins.
Uadjet says: You noticed that quickly!
>Damola Etedi picked up a Gas Glyph
Fayrene says: oh that is nice!
Anysu says: Yeah. I was afk a bit ago. Saw it now. Great! Continue!
Fayrene says: but that one guy on the video today needs his breast raised up...
>Teleported Eroton Elesey to meetingore in instance 345
Anysu says: Thanks Dam
Uadjet says: I missed it. Was it a Ynnwn or Diaboli? They do look like they need a 'bro'.
Anysu says: Damola
Anysu says: Thank you
Uadjet says: That reference was for Seinfeld fans.
Gonger says: Please welcome Eroton to his first Meet the Dev!
Damola whispers to Anysu "You are welcome. But careful when researching this one. It tends to explode randomly."
Fayrene says: i take a look which one it was
Uadjet says: Welcome, Eroton!
Anysu nods at Damola
Fayrene says: Fholen Medraa was it, Uadjet
Uadjet says: If you have any questions, you can line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: Yeah, Ynnwn.
Fayrene says: maybe he is a she *chuckles*
Uadjet says: The textture mapping just needs an adjustment.
Fayrene says: hmmm... i think you only need to work a little bit on the mesh
Uadjet says: So as I was saying Talad's been working on (and completing) the character creation process in PSU.
Uadjet says: Some of the choices have been altered to match the lore better, as the newly created characters are coming from their homeworld in all cases except Kran and Lemurs.
Uadjet says: He also altered some that he thought were too grim, I think. For a big rock, he's a bit of a softie.
Fayrene laughs
Fayrene says: i hope he altered the background music too so that it doesnt overwhelm the speaker (talad)
Gonger says: Yeah, he was collecting background ideas on Discord.
Uadjet says: I did mean to ask him about leftover points in character creation. As the point costs of all options are determined by a specific formula, it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to allow players to use the same to spend whatever points aren't used up by their choices.
Damola says: That would be nice to be able to use the left over points
Fayrene says: are all the choices there now? i had problems with them by some of the races
>Anysu Atani nods at Damola Etedi.
Uadjet says: I'll have to test it out as soon as the new alpha is ready. I don't think that'll be long, as Talad will want people to test character creation out.
Fayrene says: ah good!
Uadjet says: There is no better way to find bugs than to let a horde of monkeys go jump on things!
Damola looks to Anysu "He called us monkeys, did you hear that?"
Fayrene says: ehehehhehehehehehe (loves to be a monkey)
Anysu says: He did Damola!!!
Uadjet says: And I'm counting myself as a monkey, so don't take offense.
Anysu says: I am shocked...
>Anysu Atani grins impishly.
Damola chuckles happily
Fayrene laughs
Uadjet says: I think there should be OOC achievements tied to the account, not the character. One category should be bug-hunting, and the icon for the top tier is a character jumping up and down on a server.
Fayrene says: then tell that cute tiger that he should lower the background music in the chara creation because i cant understand what he is saying XD
Damola wonders whether Gonger feels comfortable wearing this crazy helmet even at a court meeting.
Damola says: Not a character of PS; but a monkey jumping up and down on a server.
Damola grins
Uadjet says: I've dropped so many players on his head at events he really does need the protection of a helmet.
Fayrene chuckles
Uadjet says: Anyways, Talad took a bit of a break from character creation to work on minigames.
Gonger says: Always be prepared...
Fayrene says: oh, minigames?
Uadjet says: He purchased a dice-rolling module for Unreal, which we can then use to create games. Players will be able to dice against each other, or against the server.
Fayrene says: ah, was it the one in the video?
Uadjet says: A card game would be fun too, though we'd need to come up with PS-specific cards. At least the suits should be unique.
Uadjet says: It was, Fayrene.
Fayrene says: fine!
Fayrene says: but card game? maybe a tarot-like one?
Uadjet says: That's entirely possible.
Anysu says: Oh a dice roller then we do not have to type rolls out when do games at events
Fayrene says: with dakkru as death *chuckles*
Anysu nods at Fayrene idea
Gonger says: I may have mentioned it before. I used to play on my good old C64 a RPG, Legacy of the Ancients, where you also did minigames to gain stat points
Uadjet says: Using the Gods as cards could work. Our only government ranks are Vigesimi and Octarch, so that's a bit... stunted.
Gonger says: Like, dodging fireballs, or shooting at targets.
Fayrene says: hmmm... we could use the laanx temple as the tower-card
Damola says: Interesting, Gonger. I am not aware of this game. But we had a C64 as well.
Uadjet says: For suits... The Gods might work. Just because there are four of them. I thought of the Bronze Doors, but there are seven of them and that's a lot of suits.
Fayrene says: and the winch maybe?
Fayrene says: the eagle fortress would work well too i think
Fayrene says: oh, and that crazy plant and the giant stalg would fit as cards too
Gonger says: Suits for the Cities?
Anysu says: Or the windowless tower as tower card
Fayrene says: yes, and the stone head.... what could that one be?
Fayrene says: i think here are enough interesting things which could be used as cards
Uadjet says: I think we could build a couple decks quite easily.
Fayrene says: yes
Fayrene says: one with animals, one with buildings etc
Anysu says: All good ideas. Could start a thread under ideas on our discord server to discuss such card game ideas.
Uadjet says: That works. And maybe a thread on the forum, for those who haven't joined Discord.
Anysu says: That is good idea as well Uadjet
Fayrene says: that is what i like on these game. you can discuss with all on ideas for the game
Anysu nods at Fayrene
Uadjet says: Talad's also been working on quest fixes. Those streams were mostly done while I was prepping for the event or away from home, but I did see him working on waypoints a bit.
Uadjet says: You know how some NPCs move from place to place depending on time of day? That's what I'm talking about.
Fayrene says: oh? waypoints? these one are quite nice!
Uadjet says: Those were, I think, all done with coordinates. New engine, new map, new coordinates for everything.
>Anysu Atani cheers happily!
Uadjet says: Also, he was working on Trasok's script, which has him go from counter to his private smithing equipment and back again.
Fayrene says: ah.... i have a funny idea about these ones..... kikiri left home and you have to catch it *laughs*
Uadjet says: That can be used in a lot of places, actually. Jomed, for example, could move around his kitchen.
Fayrene says: umm.... in that small kitchen....
Fayrene chuckles
Anysu says: But wouldn't it be rude for the npc to wander around as someone is talking to them of a quest?
Fayrene says: that you can stop with commands if i think correct
Uadjet says: Well, Jomed IS rude, but that's a good point. I'm just not sure if there's a way for the engine to know if someone has a dialogue window open or not. Maybe a delay of x time after someone opens a dialog?
Fayrene says: or a "if - then - else" thingy
Fayrene says: if unreal has that sort of command that means
Gonger says: If a NPC starts to walk, just talk to them, and they will stop.
Fayrene says: yeah, something like that
Uadjet says: It would help me a lot, given how many times I've had to teleport a guard back after they wandered off.
Fayrene says: yeah ...
Anysu says: How rude,,,,
Fayrene says: eheheheh
>Anysu Atani grins impishly.
Uadjet says: The number of times I threatened to staple Jefecra's fuzzy backside to the ground...
Fayrene says: not that he didnt need it sometimes *chuckles*
Uadjet says: But Talad's been getting that all sorted out, so we can create little activities to make the NPCs a bit more lively.
Fayrene says: that would be nice! i hope that there will be children too which are running around and play hide and seek
Uadjet says: That would be fun, but we'd need new/adapted meshes and textures for kids. Just shrinking the current models down gives very odd proportions.
Fayrene says: that is true
Anysu nods at Uadjet
Fayrene says: sadly im not good at that.....
Damola smiles "That would be nice, children playing hide and seek :)"
Fayrene says: hmmm.... arent there children-meshes for free in the unreal shop?
Fayrene says: in one of the videos i saw talad shopping in the unreal shop XD
Uadjet says: Mmmmm... I'm not sure. But they would then have to be adapted to match the races we have in game. Ylian would be the easiest, but some of the others would be much harder.
Fayrene says: hmmm... maybe not... because they are young. they shouldnt have horns etc then
Fayrene says: only the eyes and the color could be changed
Uadjet says: Those would be pretty easy, I think.
Fayrene says: and maybe a little bit thingies there where horns and wings will grow later
Fayrene says: hmmm... the dwarf could be a problem XD
Fayrene says: sorry.... stonehammer
Gonger says: Dwarves is perfectly ok
Fayrene smiles at Gonger
Uadjet says: Not likely a high priority at the moment, though. We'll need the game working for adult characters before we can work on creating child NPCs.
Fayrene says: true
Fayrene says: it was an idea for later
Gonger says: "Ideas for later - a novel in 15 volumes"
Uadjet says: Right now I'm working on trying to balance out the races/genders a bit. There aren't many of some, and it would be nice to at least decrease the disparity.
Fayrene laughs
Anysu nods at Gonger
Gonger says: Are there plans to give different stats at some point to different races?
Gonger says: Because obviously klyros are of a different built than kran
Fayrene says: hmmmm.... could be interesting
Uadjet says: Other than the starting attribute bonuses? There are plans, sure, but I think we're all going to keep the same maximum stats.
Uadjet says: Differences other than that would take a bit more work. Like low-light vision or infravision, or gliding, or water-breathing.
Fayrene says: that with the races.... some of them have no female pendant. will that be changed sometimes?
Fayrene says: i think on the white haired and white hided guy.. dermorian i think
>Overriding race for Uadjet to dermorian
Uadjet says: This guy?
Fayrene says: no
Fayrene says: hmmm.... ah... not dermorian but derghyr
Fayrene says: or what the new race is called
Uadjet says: Lemur?
>Resetting race for Uadjet
Uadjet says: I'm a derghir. :D
Fayrene says: ack....
Fayrene says: okay... tell me the lemur, please
Uadjet says: Ideally each model will (eventually) have an amulet that shows on the model is a character is wearing one, but I don't think that's something that will be worked on too soon.
Fayrene says: eh... i didnt mean such a thing XD
Fayrene says: wait .... i take a look if i see that one in the video
Uadjet says: Okay. As for balancing the races/genders, the biggest gaps tend to be where we've been using substitute models. Klyros female, all Lemurs, Ylian female, etc.
Uadjet says: So there will be some new NPCs added to Hydlaa, I think, and maybe some who get 'altered'. I'll try not to make any drastic changes, as I know people are used to NPCs as they are. a
Fayrene says: lemur was it
Uadjet says: Hydlaa does need more Ylian women, though. They're the most common race in the city, and it's about 90% male.
Damola says: Yeah, does not explain all to well how they procreate, I'd say.
Uadjet says: I'm also working on a list of new NPCs for Amdeneir (the new areas), Ojaveda (ditto), and the Bronze Doors. Talad never mentioned that, but the place needs more people. It's rather sparsely guarded as is, and there's that new section in PSU that has nobody in it.
Gonger says: We should add a special quest: Design a NPC
Fayrene says: oh.... hehehehehe
Gonger says: Or a meta-quest - design a quest
Uadjet says: We'll see how many NPCs Talad will let me add, 'cause I've got a list of medieval professions and a touch of OCD.
Gonger looks quite pleased with his ideas.
Fayrene says: ocd?
Uadjet says: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. For me, it mainly means I like things organized and I'm a completionist for every game I play.
Fayrene says: oh
Fayrene says: hmmm.... i have another idea for later.... an arena like the one in rome for festivities
Uadjet says: For the Eagle I'm trying to add a few more guards and support staff. Maybe a pterosaur handler on the top level, some archers, etc. I want there to be a commander for each of the six divisions of the Squadrons, and I think we only have one of them.
Gonger says: We have this in Ojaveda and Amdeneir, Fayrene.
Fayrene says: ohhh
Fayrene says: in ojaveda??
Fayrene says: i havent seen that
Anysu says: Yes there is arena in Oja
Uadjet says: There are (or were, at least) plans for a pterosaur Arena outside Hydlaa. No idea what that was about, but it's on some old maps I found.
Gonger says: Uadjet, I was only half-joking about Design a NPC / Quest. We really should encourage players more to contribute with these things.
Uadjet says: I agree.
Fayrene says: ehehehe
Fayrene says: can it be a plant too?
Uadjet says: Actually, designing an NPC would make a good achievement, if they add achievements that are attached to the account and not a characters. It's OOC, but worthy of note.
Fayrene says: hmmm... can you give an example, gonger?
Fayrene says: what it could be like?
Gonger says: What do you mean?
Gonger says: Create a NPC, or create a new quest
Uadjet says: It could be something as simple as a fetch quest. NPC needs a few of something, and tells a new player where they might be found. Bring them back, and get thanks and a small reward.
Gonger says: I think you have seen plenty of examples for both NPCs and quests.
Fayrene says: ah okay
Fayrene says: but.... *headscratch* .... how to do that? as a text-document?
Uadjet nods. "There are some examples in the forum, actually. I wrote some quests a while back based off the info Venalan had posted."
Gonger says: Not everybody has the time to contribute on a large scale, and that is perfectly ok. But then we have way too many players who are only consuming, and I believe there is plenty of space between these two extremes.
Fayrene says: mmmhhh.... i will take a look on the examples in the forum later. where can i find them, uadjet?
Uadjet says: I tend to overcomplicate things, but once you get used to the format of each block where a player says something and the npc responds it'd not too hard.
Uadjet says: And someone suggested x-mind as a good way to map out the conversations. Downloaded it, but haven't tested it out yet.
Uadjet says: Okay, the thread I'm thinking of is in the Development blod.
Uadjet says: Blog.
Fayrene says: ah fine!
Uadjet says: Err, the development blog section of the forum, I mean.
Fayrene says: :)
Uadjet says: Honestly, Tarzan has a better grasp on syntax than I do righ tnow, it would seem.
Uadjet says: The title of the thread is 'Quest making information and real world examples', and the last post was in 2017.
Uadjet says: Ven posted examples of how to do just about everything, so it's very useful.
Uadjet says: But if there are no questions, we're well past the hour.
Fayrene says: i have a short question
Fayrene says: when is the next event in psu?
Thosor says: no further questions, your honor.
Anysu says: Tempus fugit
Fayrene says: ??
Uadjet says: Hmm. I don't know. It'll be after the next alpha release, which should be soon. It would be good to test out the fixes Talad made.
Fayrene says: ah okay
Fayrene says: then we are finished here? ^^
Thosor says: must have bored Eroton
Fayrene says: ??
Thosor says: A newcomer to our land.
Eroton says: Sorry I'm just listening
Fayrene says: its a good thing to do so as a new player
Uadjet says: I think so. Thank you all for coming! We'll see you at the next meeting in.... three weeks!